Too Many Pinkie Pies - Episode Discussion
by XyroTR1
How do I hold all these Pinkies? I don't know, but the odds of one jumping through the fourth wall and out of my computer screen are increasing with every new Pinkie Pie. I think I'm okay with this, though...
iTunes HD
iTunes SD
Xyro's note: looks like iTunes dropped the ball today and released the episode early! We have HD uploads less than an hour from airtime. Thanks to those on top of it!Friday, November 16, 2012 op 11:00 PM
Labels: Episode Announcement, Not-Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Season 3Share This!963 Comments
Nightly Roundup #500
by Calpain
Happy 500th Roundup my dear friends! That's right, we've hit the big five-zero-zero, half way to one thousand nights of pony news! This tired science pony couldn't be happier and neither can Pinkie Pie who just can't run out of things to celebrate this coming weekend. Here's to many more nights of cake, craziness, and fun!
What are you waiting for? Check out all the stuff after the break!
Pinkie and Twilight Say Goodnight!
by CalpainClick me!
Has a week really gone by already? Time sure does fly in the pony world! And as another week has passed we have another brief message from Pinkie, this time assisted by Twi, as we quickly approach another new episode of pony!
Have a good night everyone and I hope to see you all fresh and ready for the episode tomorrow! -
We have a ton of conventions on the way here around the world! Headlines are below, and full press releases after the break!
- Sweet Apple Acres Con Information
- Bronyfest 2013 Kickstarter
- Ponycon AU Accepting Exhibitors
- PHPonyCon 2013 Updates + Pledging Rounds
- Official Polish Pony Convention. "My Little Konwent"
- Wintermoon Atlanta Cancelled
Time for some of that instrumentaly goodness. We have a wide variety of speeds this time around, starting fast and rolling slow. Find them all below with genres in their titles.
1.) "Clear the Skies! (Theme of Rainbow Dash)" - MLP-Inspired Original Work (Speedpunk)
2.) Neighsayer - Those Purple Scales
3.) [Orchestral] The Sights of Equestria (Orchestral)
It looks like Rainbow Dash wasn't the only Hug-Me Backpack We Love Fine had plans for. Vinyl Scratch has also popped up with a similar design and of course, the trademark shades. It looks like she clocks in at 49 bucks as well! They dropped this blurb off on the page:
So all of you in the My Little Pony fan community made our Rainbow Dash Hug Me Backpack such a HUGE hit, we decided that just one awesome and totally PONY backpack wasn't enough! We are excited to announce the latest addition to our My Little Pony category, and you're going to want to crank up the BASS for this! Announcing: The DJ PON-3 Hug Me Backpack!
And there you have it! I wonder how many people are going to be running around with these at the swarm of upcoming conventions?
Once again, this soft, cuddly, and stylish backpack is exclusive to WeLoveFine.comand features a zippered 5x5" pocket (enough for your phone, keys and wallet), adjustable straps that extend to 35" and will fit comfortably on a ladies' small through a mens' 3XL! There are also some NEW features that are exclusive to DJ PON-3!: She features vinyl sunglasses and the shoulder straps are REFLECTIVE! She also features a removable musical note pin that blinks with tiny LED lights! AND… that zippered pocket? It features a tiny hole above for your MP3 player's headphone wire, letting you listen to your tunes and OONTZ OONTZ everywhere you and Vinyl Scratch go! So cooooooool.
I'm running out of generic vector Pinkie Pie images for all these Pinkie Pie posts.
The Hub has tossed a Too Many Pinkie's image up on their Facebook Page. Find it below the break!
Comics Alliance has tossed a couple new images up for the Pinkie Pie episode! I can only imagine how crazy this is going to be. Find them after the break, or on their website here!
If you were around last year, we tossed up a charity project going by the name of Desert Bus, which ended up getting flooded with pony. As is the norm for being flooded with pony, donations were soon to follow. This year they have a few pony auctions going up throughout the event, including a really neat Rainbow Dash plushie mixed in with the already massive amount of gaming/geek culture swag.
The actual event begins at 9:00 PM (not counting the pre-shows), so if pony marathons aren't your thing, you might want to hit this one up instead while waiting for the new episode tomorrow!
Find the schedule over here, and of course, the website itself here.
Can't Stop Watching
1.) DancesWithBaglez ft. Feather - Different View (MLP FIM Fan Music)
2.) Heart of Fire [dragon mix]
3.) Lyra Everywhere - Hergest Ridge feat. Vivace Capriccioso
Soarin loves pie. Luckily Discord seems to be raining them down upon ponyville along with various other objects and ponies. All you need to do is collect said pie to keep your energy up, which in turn allows you to collect more pie. That's a lot of pie. Go play it here! -
Underwater edition! Or surreal zodiac edition depending on who you ask.
Have some art
Source 1
Tamer Trixie - Pisces
Author: ugugg93
Description: After hours at the Sugarcube Corner, a heavy storm thundering outside, Pinkie finds a pony knocking on the door.
Lost Princess
Additional Tags: Shipping, Pinkie, Rarity, Rain, Drinkingop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: ugugg93, Complete, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
Entertainment Weekly has released a clip for tomorrow's episode! Can you handle the Pinkie? I don't think you can handle the Pinkie.
Head on over here to check it out!
Thanks to everyone that sent it in!
(Now with 100% less "word that is only bad in the pony fandom" typos!) -
It looks like the huge success of the comic has spawned a completely new secondary series. This one will be releasing simultaneously with the current set, and feature six books in total, each dedicated to one of the mane cast each. Have a synopsis from Bleeding Cool:
Introducing the first of six spotlights focusing on everyone’s favorite Ponies! Twilight Sparkle becomes enthralled in a literary masterpiece. Dismayed to hear the series never continued, Twilight goes on a quest to hunt down the reclusive author, Jade Singer. It will take all of the studious Pony’s detective skill to find the author, and twists and turns abound! Don’t miss this adventure in imagination!
We also have a new synopsis for issue #4 after the break to avoid spoilers.
So, good work guys! Looks like our tsunami of pre-orders worked out just as planned! As long as we keep swarming them, we will see more!
This one has been in and out of the inbox all day, via an assortment of Youtube links. Many of you were curious on what exactly that song from the Friendship is Magic commercials was actually from. Turns out it's not actually a pony song, but a generic network broadcast tune that they grabbed due to the "Giddy Up" relation.
It can actually be found on Myspace here.
Some have uploaded it to Youtube, as mentioned above. Head on down past the break for it!
We seem to be running into a bit of an issue here! See, I can't bring myself to not include Doctor Who in my top five. I know I'm not alone. Based on the polls we have run here on EQD, The Doctor is definitely one of the most popular characters around! The voting system they have set up on the site simply tallies votes with one point going toward each of your top 5.
So, we need more people that aren't fans of Doctor Who to go vote! Get over there! -
Or at least that appears to be what is going on here. The My Little Pony facebook page tossed this image up with the following caption:
Fans, we have an image just for you from the Gameloft developers! Do you "like" this version of Nightmare Moon?
I'm assuming they want some feedback then! Personally it looks pretty solid, and about what I'd expect out of the graphics style the My Little Pony game rolls with.
Check out their page here!
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