Ack! Accursed hooves, what are you good for? Music and milkshake alike slip through your clumsy grasp! A finger! A finger! My kingdom for a finger! Or at least one of those little grippy thingies they put at the end of rods. Those are the best.
Maybe you missed this item yesterday. I assure you, there were very good reasons involving a huge overdose of rigorous training and something about a time machine, and nothing at all to do with slacking off and playing video games. Or perhaps the music review process can simply be a bit slow at times. Blah, the truth is so boring. Give me the Ly...ra.
Music of the Day, your number one source for sleep deprived puns. Accept no substitutes!
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Instrumental Music: Celestia's Dusk / A Bond Unbroken (Melodic Djent) / Lost In Everfree
by Sethisto
We have a couple of instrumental tracks this time around, and quite the mix at that! Electronic, Rock, and Harp can be found below.
1.) Lost In Everfree (Electronic)
2.) A Bond Unbroken (Melodic Djent) (Rock)
3.) [Harp] Celestia's Dusk (Harp)
Someone bugged Funko about the figures a while back on their official Facebook Page, and it sounds like we might be seeing a few more pop up here soon. No idea which two they will be, but it's good news for us molded fans!
Which pony do you want to see? Drop it in the comments below! -
Welovefine has expanded their stock with more than just shirts this time around. A new Rainbow Dash robe similar is now available in their pony section, complete with eyes and wing decals.
And for all you messenger bag fans out there that dislike the shape of your current one, they have added vertical style bags.
Head on over here to find it all!
The Impact Miniature kickstarter, who's goal is to create a whole bunch of chibi style miniatures for both collectors and traditional games players, has released a bunch of new images and videos showing off their ideas for pony models. We even got a Cthulu pony, complete with tentacles and bat wings!
Have some videos:
Nightmare Unicorn
Hat Pony
Cthulu Pony
It looks like most of them can be modified as you see fit, via replaceable parts. They released a spreadsheet with all of the possible combinations. If you want to support the project, hit up their kickstarter here! -
I don't know if Hasbro is silently hinting something based on our conventions, but we even more stuff to boost your hygiene with. This 5 pc bubble bath set was found on Walmart's website by various people, as well as in store.
And if the normal wallet styles aren't your thing, Hot Topic has added hinge wallets to their ever-growing stock of everything pony. Find that here!
Now we just need a vinyl Trixie go with my Derpy and Dash. Get on it hop topic!
Picture Unrelated, but Classic
DarkEra Studios is a small but talented group of bronies who design and create pony video games. Pony platformers, to be specific, which is a thing I think we can agree there need to be more of.
These guys agree with me. They are working hard to bring us exactly that in the form of a new game called Rise of the Clockwork Stallions. The game features cute, clean sprite graphics, "more than 30 playable characters, 8 locations, 48 levels, 16 bosses, and tons of secrets", strung along with clean and fast paced mechanics into what I can only describe as a pony flavored Megaman/Super Mario World/Touhou smoothie. If any of these things are your bag, you'll probably find a lot to love about Rise of the Clockwork Stallions.
Production has been announced as being 1/3 complete, with a playable demo nearing completion. We're jumping the gun just a little bit to bring you the trailer they've just released. You can follow their progress on their website, or simply check below the break to see the video.
Ib4 I spend Nightmare Night on WoW as always. Confound these video games!
Have some art.
Source 1
+ Happy Nightmare Night +
Discopears on Deviant Art has released this huge set of objects to play with for Garys Mod. Everything from a full Sugarcube Corner to the party kart from the Donkey episode.
I'm assuming Garys Mod means they would work for SFM Too, So maybe we can finally excape those TF2 maps? Yeah?
Check it out here! -
[Comedy] [Shipping]
Author: Soundslikeponies
Description: When Rarity finds out how little Twilight gets out of the Library, things get a little out of hand as she decides to take it upon herself to teach Twilight the ropes of dating. As Rarity drags her around, Twilight begins to have a good idea of who she wants to ask out.
Let's Find You a Date! (New Part 6!)
Additional Tags: Rarity teaches Twilight to Flirtop 12:58 PM
Labels: Author: Soundslikeponies, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Rarity, Shipping, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
It looks like we may have overwhelmed the poor Hot list polls with pony, so much so that they have split it off into it's own BEST PONY poll and guaranteed a mention! Success? Hell yeah!
The article they wrote is hilarious, check it out here! -
We don't have a synopsis yet for this one, but the 5th episode of Friendship is Magic season 3 has been uploaded to Zap2it. Oddly enough, they skipped the 4th, though Zap2it has been known to do that in the past.
There are a ton of things wrong with this entry though, primarily the December 3rd release date. That would put it at a Monday, and FiM is usually on Saturday.
It could be another Strawberry Elves derp on their part. They still haven't fixed that one!
Right now I'd take it with a grain of salt.
Anyway, title is after the break!
[Shipping] [Dark]
Author: Benman
Description: Shining Armor will do anything to save his marriage. Anything.
Happily Ever After
Additional Tags: Cadence's Special Talent Is Terrifyingop 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: Benman, Cadance, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Shining Armor, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
Spotlight Instrumental Music: Winter Unwrapped / Firewall's Got Swag! / Solar Empire plains of war
by Sethisto
Instrumental time! Genres can be found below, enjoy!
1.) Radiarc - Winter Unwrapped (Orchestral)
2.) Firewall's Got Swag! (funk/jam)
3.) Equestrian Space - Solar Empire plains of war (Battle/March)
Nightly Roundup #477
by Calpain
Can't think of a different theme for the Roundup? Default to Luna of course! She's up late anyway so she doesn't mind.
News time folks! You must have realized there was too little news yesterday because things are back to normal levels tonight. Check it all out after the break.
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