Fighting Game Bronies is teaming up with Extra Life for a 24 hour charity marathon starting tonight at midnight. They released a youtube video (below the break) to explain the specifics, but if you just want to charge in blind and support the charity, hit up this link to watch and this link to donate!
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Time for some random merch! We start this one off with a couple of new buttons available at Hot Topic. They even tossed some muffins in there! Thanks to Nathan for the heads up on these. Find them here.
Head on down below the break for a while bunch of stuff!
It looks like we missed a few people from the list of MLP Staff who will be working on the Littlest Pet Shop.
Steffan Andrews is also on the team working underscore for the songs, with M.A. Larson hopping in as a writer. I haven't heard any of the FiM artists speak up yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them were absorbed in too.
Now we just need Meghan to sneak in there and plant some insanity into the characters, with Jayson and Wootie's crazyness to back it up! -
A couple of you sent this one in. Apparently this will be the Larrys Comics variant of the cover, which will be part of a collab with Jetpack comics (The rough of which can be found below).
Snowboard Dash or this Superhero Dash, I honestly can't decide at this point. They are both awesome.
I've added it to the compilation post!
The Friendship is Magic comic comic is turning heads all over the place in the comic industry. Tons of retailers have hopped on the bandwagon with their own exclusives, and the comic itself already has quite a few variants. Needless to say, there are a ton of them.
Overall we are looking at 19 covers for the first releasing in November. Someone going by the name of Kerzyte over on the official MLP comic forum has compiled up a neat list for the Friendship is Magic comic.
Below the break, you will find his list, along with images of each of the ones I was able to dig up out of the EQD archives and various forum posts throughout the internet. A good amount aren't listing pre-order links right now, and may be just in-store pickups.
Anyway, go check it out!
I'm sure a bunch of you who subscribe to The Hub on Youtube ran into the Littlest Pet Shop teasers a few days ago.
One of the big standout things about this series is the insane amount of Friendship is Magic talent that they have brought on to the project. Hell, Ashleigh Ball herself sings the intro theme.
In fact, have a list:
- Ashleigh Ball – Blythe / Applejack & Rainbow Dash
- Tabitha St. Germain – Pepper Clark (skunk) / Rarity
- Nicole Oliver – Zoe Trent (dog) / Princess Celestia & Ms. Cherilee
- Peter New – Sunil Nevla (mongoose) / Big Macintosh
- Kathleen Barr – Mrs. Twombly (Littlest Pet Shop owner) / Trixie & Queen Chrysalis
(Update) M.A. Larson is also included for writing!
It looks like the scheduled the first episode right after our Friendship is Magic premiere. With talent like that, it might be worth checking out!
Head on down past the break for the first of the promos.
Happy Birthday Calpain!
by XyroTR1
On behalf of everyone at Equestria Daily and, well, the internet, I'd like to wish a happy birthday to our resident science pony, Calpain! In honor of this momentous day, I will fill the space after the break with his favorite pony. I urge you all to contribute in the comments!
600 Drawfriends?! I didn't even realize it until I labeled this thing! You guys are nuts! If we average them out to about 25 each, that's 15000 images posted to EQD so far, and that is going easy on the estimation! No wonder my drawfriend folder is breaking 9 gb.
Anyway, I'll quit blabberin'. Have a bunch of art!
Source 1
Nightmare Chrysalis
The first one we have in this little compilation here is dedicated to all things Nightmare Moon! It's rolling with a 3D style too, which we don't see often. Find it after the break!
And in the second slot, some 3D spinny Assassins Creed Octavia. We haven't had any 3D spinny ponies in a while have we? Check that out here!
It looks like we will be getting a bit of extra information on the Brony Documentary before it's premiere in the next few weeks! Have some information on how you can tune in and check it out:
You've all heard of the Brony Documentary which is set to launch at EQLA in November but we at the Brony Show have an exciting interview with Laurent, the Head of the Documentary on the way. Join us for an exclusive early look into one of the biggest and most noble projects ever to hit the fandom! Catch it this Friday at 8:30 PM EST (5:30PM PST) at www.livestream.com/
thebronyshow or at www.thebronyshow.net. You won't want to miss it! We hope to see you all there! -
Author: PK
Description: Set in the far future after Celestia and Luna mysteriously vanished and the sun and moon froze in the sky, Antipodes the the story of two ponies thrust out into the harsh new world on an adventure to uncover what happened to the world so long ago.
Lodestone (Sequel Part 4 - Does not require reading Antipodes)
Antipodes Audio Book Channel (Chapter 1+2+3 So far!)
Futzi01 on Deviant Art released a really neat season 3 counter, and I have embedded it at the bottom for all of you to rage at when the NUMBERS JUST WON'T GO DOWN.
For now it should be tiny in size and not cause any slowdown, but if we have any issues with it we might have to axe it.
Anyway, you can find that at the bottom! -
Cathy Weseluck has been interviewed once again! This time over on the Market Mailer. Head on over to this page to check it out!
And in other news, we apparently lost this massive pile of interviews from Canterlot Gardens. Pretty much everyone got a bit of love at this one. Have a list of pony show related people:
Michelle Creber
Andrew Francis
Andrea Libman
Peter New
Amy Keating Rogers
Meredith Sims
Tara Strong
Lee Tockar
Cathy Weseluck -
[Slice of Life]
Author: InsufferableUnicorn
Description: You will be Fluttershy, and you will have difficulty facing what will happen to Twilight.
The Late Twilight Sparkle
Additional Tags: Change will always be painful.op 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: InsufferableUnicorn, Complete, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story -
Spotlight Music: The Magnificent FunkBlaster-6000 / Searching for a Friend / Pinkie Pie Goes Metal - Smile Smile
by Sethisto
We start this one off with a completely crazy electronic Flim Flam song, followed by one we actually forgot about yesterday, specifically that Smile Smile metal remix. And in the last slot, some instrumental orchestral style stuff! Find them all below.
1.) The Magnificent FunkBlaster-6000
2.) Pinkie Pie Goes Metal - Smile Smile Smile
3.) Radiarc - Searching for a Friend
Nightly Roundup #472
by Calpain
Well, it's the start of another trip around the great celestial sphere for me as I mark another year down on the calendar. A big thanks to you all that have already wished me a Happy Birthday, it has really helped me get out of a horribly depressing slump (which you know is bad when you actually consider quitting pony) that has plagued me all week.
News coming at you! I was sort of hoping for some cake tonight, but there is none in our inbox. Oh well, check out what we do have after the break.
Another week, and more inquirer! Head on down past the break for it, and hit newspaper style copy here!
"In this week's Equestria Inquirer, Twilight visits , Lyra visits Ivan, Fluttershy visits an amusement park, fire visits a blimp and Twilight also visits Hogwarts. Oh the ponymanity!"
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