Another day, another batch of music in bed. I know, already? It's almost like an entire day has passed! And while you're busy having your mind blown by that little revelation, here's another one that will positively make your head spin right round, baby right round. Like an owl, baby. Right round round.
Yes, that's right! We have more music for your listening pleasure! I hope you were sitting down for that one, because... woah. So this is Day 2 of Le Grand Experiment, wherein we deliver to you all of the music sent to us by a bevy of hardworking musicians for you to listen to, maybe get your groove on, and formulate your own opinions about. It's the greatest thing since sliced bread!
Confused? Don't worry, everything is explained in this post. Please do read that one carefully, as it explains our new system and what you as an aspiring musician need to do to clear our sorting process. Remember - tell us your genres! It's the only way we can effectively advertise your tunes. Now then, let's begin!
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[Sad] [Adventure] [Dark]
Author: NATOstrike
Description: Twilight Sparkle has been a student, personal protege, and friend of Princess Celestia for many years. However, when the Princess appoints her to be the new Grand Magus of the Equestrian Royal Court everything changes. Celestia becomes reluctant and unwilling to teach Twilight anything more advanced than what is absolutely necessary to perform her new duties.
What is Celestia hiding? What is the Princess protecting?
Celestia's attempt to withhold knowledge from Twilight tragically backfires, pushing the student to learn everything she can about magic and the workings of the world. No matter the cost, no matter how forbidden these areas of study are, Twilight is determined to learn the truth.
Twilight is taking the first steps of a journey that once started cannot be taken back.
Researcher Twilight (New Part 15!)
Additional Tags: Twilight Sparkle researches for scienceop 10:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: NATOstrike, Celestia, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Sad, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
PMV: Vända med Vinden (Turn with the Wind) // Dishonored // Everypony Talks / LyraBon //
by Cereal Velocity
Dash, your wings are freakin' huge. They're kind of intimidating. Can you get them out of my face? Or fold them up? I dunno man, but it's a little unsettling.
Three PMVs for you to munch on, if one were to munch on PMVs. How many PMVs could one munch were one to munch PMVs? I got an F in philosophy.
1) [PMV] - Vända med Vinden (Turn with the Wind)
2) [PMV] Dishonored
3) Everypony Talks PMV / LyraBon
Episode two of the new radio show Last Exit to Ponyville is on the air as we speak! Well, the internet air, anyway. Internet tubes. Intertubes. Innertubes. Now I want a water park. The info follows!
Mares and gentlecolts! Welcome back to the last exit to Ponyville!
In this episode we take a look back at the first season of Friendship is magic indepth and things that just clicked and made the show as popular as it is now. The Bronies also take a moment to talk about of the happenings within the community at large such as a MLP fighting game, a documentary and more. Cereal velocity from EQD drops in and fills us in on what we may have missed the last two weeks and more! Finally we have your call in’s and announce our topic for later on this month and the question which will get personal about identity.
Enough with the yap! Let’s talk about ponies!
Minor emphasis added. Maybe. Episode here!
The Daily Dot has tossed an article up all about Fallout Equestria and it's impact on the fandom, including a bit of information from the author, Kkat. Even to this day months after it's competition, we still get more fan art of ponies in the wasteland than any other fic. It's pretty impressive how big it got!
Head on over here to check it out! -
Welovefine has added a couple of new Halloween shirts to their ever-growing stock, as well as a few Alicorn designs. It looks like poor Trixie is finally getting some more shirt love! Find all of those here, along with some Polyester blend Season two tees (apparently this makes them more silky/shiny and brightens the colors).
And in other news, Project Pony continues out there in good old New York. The art exhibition begins on the 13th, with a whole bunch of events going on throughout the weekend. Head on over to their main page to check out a full listing! Expect a Livestream this coming Saturday!
Pack your ponies, I think this artist just destroyed Equestria with this one. Either that or gave everyone free manecuts and caviar.
Have some art!
Source 1
equestria is doomed
We have yet another variant cover popping up, this time from Lone Star Comics. I honestly can't decide at this point. I'm kind of torn between this, Derpy, and the vanilla one. That magazine is pretty badass.
Thanks to Magrok for the heads up! -
This probably won't last long, the Derpy toy posted earlier is now in stock! Better grab it fast!
(Update: Sold Out!) -
Apparently you guys really love the idea of a MLP comic. So much so, that Bleedingcool reports 90,000 of them have already been pre-ordered. I don't think anyone in the comic industry was ready for this. No wonder it was delayed!
We still have another month before release. I wonder how high this number will climb? I remember someone working at a comic shop sent me an email freaking out that his boss said it wasn't worth stocking it. Hopefully he reads up on it!
Thanks to Steve for the heads up! -
Hot Topic has listed both Derpy and Rainbow Dash up on their website. This is the first time we have seen their Derpy (actually listed as Derpy for once in the description, along with bubbles, ditzy, ect) and I have to say, my Comic Con Derpy might be taking a trip to the storage after I get my hands on this one.
Sadly she is sold out, but Rainbow Dash looks to be available still for a cool $14.50. I'd give that about an hour.
[Adventure] "This story sets out to tell a tale of bravery interlaced with a new-found hope and ardor for life, and it succeeds on every single level. I cannot recommend this story enough; this author has some serious talent, and it's a joy to see such well-crafted prose at work. Read this." -Pre-reader who likes sky pirates
Author: Sharaloth
Description: The Shaper is a smith of unparalleled skill, her creations the most sought after in the fallen world. When a pony named Lyra comes to her with a unique commission she has to put all her skill to the test to craft a weapon of great power. For Lyra's goal is not an easy one, and it is not just any weapon that can kill a Dragon.
The Archer and the Smith
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe Dragon-Slaying Adventureop 12:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Sharaloth, Complete, Fanfiction, Lyra, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
And I wonder,
when I sing along with you,
If everything could ever feel this real forever...
If anything could ever be this good again.
Sad scootabass because it's music, and also because words sometimes just aren't enough. Three instrumental tracks: chiptunes, classical dubstep, and some Octavia.
1) Yourenigma - Tavi and Scratch - Synthesia
2) Octavia
3) Rainbow Dash!
by Calpain -
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