Friendship is Magic hosts a wide variety of mystical beasts and fantasy races. They aren't always what you would expect though! Who would have guessed we would have a minotaur salesman?
This fandom has a pretty massive gamer/fantasy/sci-fi geek following, and because of this, our knowledge of mystical fantasy beasties, paranormal creatures, and super advanced alien races is unmatched!
What do you want to see our little ponies encounter next?Share This!613 Comments
Author: Aldrigold
Description: Before Twilight and her friends saved the Crystal Empire, its ruler had to watch it die. Long before she meets Shining Armor and Twilight, Cadence walks through her home for the last time.
The Quiescence of the Crystal Empire
Additional Tags: Speculative, Alicorn, Harmony, Memory, Responsibility
op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: Aldrigold, Cadance, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Sad, Star-Needed, Story -
Music: Dysfunctional // Twilight Sparkle's Mind Palace - 2/4 // Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading //
by Cereal Velocity
Shame pulses through my heart,
from the things I've done to you.
It's hard to face, but the fact remains,
that this is nothing new.
I don't believe any of these songs contain Fluttershy, but that's alright, she can be a header if she wants to. Two instrumentals and a vocal track: orchestral/steampunk, something something Twilight books, and a vocal cover of one of the best instrumental songs in the show!
1) DasDeer - Dysfunctional
2) Twilight Sparkle's Mind Palace - 2/4
3) deadmare5 - Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading With Vocals (Cover ft. Flutarity, 100 sub special!)
Plushie Compilation #87
by Calpain
Flitter hasn't had a lot of love lately so let's fix that shall we?
Sorry for the delayed plush compilation guys! Between school and Con Crud last week I'm still playing catchup on a lot of my features. Time to hunker down and get to work again!
Check out our plushie ponies after the break!
Source 1
Flitter Pony Plushie
Many of you probably jumped on Borderlands 2 when it came out, and noticed a certain lack of pony references in it's internet humor filled dialogue. There were a few that "could" have been (the diamond pony for example), but nothing specific.
It looks like they were waiting for the DLC before really going nuts with it! Introducing the Mechromancer's skill tree, filled with pony talents.
Head on over to the skill calculator to check it out, or down past the break for screenshots of all of them courtesy of the first submitters, Skai and Dan Strauss
[Normal][Sad][Slice of Life]
Author: Perpetual Lurker
Description: One night, an amazing display lit up the sky over Ponyville. A comet, brighter than any in living memory, was making its way through the sea of stars. The residents of the town gathered en masse to witness the spectacle. As was the tradition for such an occasion, many ponies made a wish on the celestial body, hoping that maybe, just maybe, some of them might come true...
Make a Wish (New Part 10!)
Additional Tags: Wishes, Consequences, Happiness, Trust, Homeop 3:17 PM
Labels: Author: Perpetual Lurker, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Scootaloo, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story -
Nothing too new here. The pony game has been in progress for quite a while now. Hopefully this means soon as in, this month!
This was found over at their twitter.
Thanks to the swarms of people that sent it in! -
[Random][Slice of Life] A story that provides a clinic on how to handle multiple genres while leaving a character's personality intact. - Pre-Reader 13
Author: ScribbleStick
Description: When Pinkie's friends can't pick a book to read, she decides to write her own with the help of an editor only she can hear. But why is Pinkie suddenly having memory lapses? Just what is the editor editing? And more importantly, will Pinkie's grammar and formatting ever improve?
The Editor in My Head
Additional Tags: One-shot, meta, Pinkie Pie logic
op 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: ScribbleStick, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Other, Pinkie Pie, Random, Star-Needed, Story -
It looks like not even your bathrooms are safe anymore. Twilight Sparkle has popped up with a new toothbrush holder. Outside of her eyes appearing to be a bit derped, she isn't bad looking in that molded form. Maybe you can loosen it off and set it up as a figure? This one was found by... "Twilight Sparkle" (No relation) at Shoppers in Laurel, MD for 6 bucks.
And in other news, the packaging for that Pinkie Pie we posted the other day has popped up on Taobao. That is below! Looks like it's official name is Walkin Talkin Pinkie Pie.
Instrumental Music: Tangled / Aftermath - Worlds Apart / Parasitical Hunger / My Friends Don't Like Me Anymore
by Sethisto
Lots of orchestral, some trance, and a bit of sample mixing. It's instrumental time! Find them below.
1.) Tangled (Orchestral)
2.) Aftermath - Worlds Apart (Trance)
3.) Parasitical Hunger [Original composition by NomNom] (Orchestral)
4.) My Friends Don't Like Me Anymore (Samples)
Comic: Forbidden Friendship / Time Travel Makes Fools of Us All / Catch Me if You Can / Destructive Nature
by Sethisto
Cadance, Doctor Who, Spitfire, Dash, Rarity and Trixie! Lots of variety this time around. And for once, no Pinkie Pie breaking any kind of walls. That's a rare one for comic posts.
[Slice of Life] A fic that handles emotionally charged relationships and situations with a soft touch and engaging reflections. - Pre-Reader 13
Author: applecinnamonspice
Description: The friends we take for granted are often the ones that leave the largest impact on our lives. When Spike falls seriously ill with a mysterious disease and the ponies strive to nurse him back to health, Twilight Sparkle comes to grips with this very realization about her number one assistant--and friend.
Fire Spores
Additional Tags: slice of life friendship sad
op 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: applecinnamonspice, Complete, Everypony, Fanfiction, Normal, Star-Needed, Story
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