Maybe then I'll fade away
and not have to face the facts!
It's not easy facin' up
when your whole world is black.
Cutie Mark Crusader vocalists! And one instrumentalist. Because this post contains two vocal tracks and an instrumental. You know the drill, clicky click.
1) Wings of the Pegasi (Feat. Aviators)
2) Nightmare in the Light (BluNoseReindeer original)
3) Fallout Equestria Inspired Music - Inner Struggle
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Not-FanfictionShare This!24 Comments
Trailer/Intros: A Game of Shadows / Beautiful Ponies / My Little Sunshine / No More Vodka
by Sethisto
We have some Sherlock Holmes, Beautiful Creatures, and Sunshine this time around. No movie is safe from ponification!
Check them out below.
1.) A Game of Shadows | MLP: Friendship Is Magic
2.) Beautiful Ponies
3.) My Little Sunshine
4.) NO MORE VODKA - MLP: Friendship or Vodka Is Magic
I for one am perfectly cool with heading everything with Daring Do for a week. Sadly you guys don't produce enough of her.
Have some plushies!
Source 1
Blast from the Past #14
by Calpain
Hello again my history students! Calpain here once again to delve into the past with another edition of Blast from the Past. Hope you're all ready for some nostalgia and maybe a peek or two at some material you might have missed out on! Sit back, relax, and enjoy some moments out of pony history!
Before we begin, a big thank you to those of you who sent stuff in to me since the last Blast post. I could not do this feature without your wonderful help! Send any old pics, videos, music, games, ect to my email calpain@equestriadaily.com or send me a tweet on Twitter at @CalpaindEqD.
Time to check out today's history lesson after the break!
This is an older one we never posted, but I think most of you, especially the animators, will get a kick out of it. I really feel for you guys sometimes! Just playing with photoshop has me ready to throw my computer out the window sometimes, I can't imagine dealing with crashes in an environment like that!
Warning: There is a bit of language.
Anyway, check it out after the break!
Fire nation for life. Bring it on guys. It looks like Fluttershy agrees.
Have some art while I go master lightning stuff.
Source 1
Love and Tolerance
The movable ponies mentioned earlier have a new image up on a website called Prisma. It looks like each will come with a clear pet (and a turtle for dash at that!). I'm not too sure what they have done with Rainbow's wings, but sparkly stuff seems to be the trend with Crystal Empire, so it's not too surprising!
Thanks to Whathisgame for the heads up again! -
Instrumental Music: Don't Forget The Magic / Fire in the Library / The halls of Nightmare
by Sethisto
I'm still going with Canterlock Luna for best Luna.
Have some instrumental tracks!
1.) Sim Gretina - Don't Forget The Magic (Electronic)
2.) Fire in the Library (Orchestral)
3.) NightmareMoon - The halls of Nightmare (Ambient)
[Crossover] Woah, solid 5 at 28 votes? That's like, mathematically ridiculous.
Author: Miyajima
Description: A chance meeting with the new manager of the Canterlot Opera House propels Fluttershy to stardom as the lead singer in a new opera. Rumours abound of a ghost haunting the performance, but will Fluttershy be able to discover the truth behind the masks?
All Links after the break!
Google Documents
The Pony of the Opera Prologue
The Pony of the Opera Act I: Scene I
The Pony of the Opera Act I: Scene II
The Pony of the Opera Act I: Scene III
The Pony of the Opera Act I: Scene IV
The Pony of the Opera Act I: Scene V
The Pony of the Opera: Intermezzo
The Pony of the Opera Act II Scene I
The Pony of the Opera Act II Scene II
The Pony of the Opera Act II Scene III
The Pony of the Opera Act II Scene IV (New!)
All Links
The Pony of the Opera (All Links)
All Links 2
The Pony of the Opera (All Links)
Additional Tags: Pony, Phantom, of, the, Operaop 1:19 PM
Labels: Author: Miyajima, Crossover, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Other, Rarity, Star-6, Story -
Brian Ward from Shout Factory announced that the commentary for the upcoming Season 1 DVD has been completed and awaits approval. It's not a huge amount of new information, but a progress update is always worth it! I'm still really curious about how extensive it will be, but I guess only time will tell!
You can still find the DVD here if you haven't already.
Thanks to Ben for the image! -
Simple PMV: The Fray: Absolute / Show Me How To Lie: A Great and Powerful Trixie Tribute / Glitter And Be Gay / Between Fairytales and Happy Endings
by Sethisto
Have some simple PMV's! We have Fluttershy, Trixie, Rarity and Derpy each with their own.
1.) PMV - The Fray: Absolute
2.) [PMV] Show Me How To Lie: A Great and Powerful Trixie Tribute [Explicit]
3.) MLP Rarity - Glitter And Be Gay
4.) Between Fairytales and Happy Endings (No embed)
More new toy sets have popped up over on Taobao. There isn't anything too groundbreaking, but we do see a confirmation that the movable parts ponies are actually legit. Have some information courtesy of Whatshisgame:
- Pinkie Pie & Friends Mini Collection: Walmart-exclusive. As people were suspecting, those 8 mini-figures floating around online that didn’t seem to fit into either the announced sixth wave of blind bags (the ones with dark blue/purple packaging) or the likely seventh wave of blind bags (the partly-translucent ponies) are indeed part of another collection separate from the blind bags. These 8 new ponies are all G4 versions of G3 ponies, so if their names carry over, then the 12 ponies in this collection are Applejack, Dainty Daisy, Kiwi Tart, Peri Winkle, Pick-a-Lilly, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Swirl, Rarity, Seascape, Star Dasher, and Waterfire
- Crystal Motion Applejack: Part of the Crystal Empire line. The finished versions of those three motion ponies we’ve seen prototypes of have been floating around online, and now we finally get to see one finished and packaged, this one with a translucent purple Winona recolor. This is most likely the deluxe crystal Applejack that ToyWiz has for pre-order; ToyWiz and BigBadToyStore have deluxe crystal Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle for pre-order as well, and BigBadToyStore also has all three for pre-order together
Nightly Roundup #449
by Calpain
Spending a day with ponies would be fun enough as it is, but can you imagine spending a whole day with them at an amusement park? I can only say that it certainly be the thrill of a lifetime!
News time guys! How off the presses! Also, I'll be taking requests for the header again this week so throw them down in the comments and I'll tally up the winner for tomorrow night.
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