Plushie Compilation #83
by Calpain
I can't believe how close the winter months are. Soon enough I'm going to have to get bundled up like Twilight so I don't freeze to death. At least Autumn comes first and I'll get to see all the beautiful colors on the trees around here.
Huggable plush ponies coming your way! Check them all out after the break.
Source 1
Author: Present Perfect
Description: A mysterious machine appears in Ponyville. At first, it's a curiosity. After its purpose is discovered, however, it quickly becomes a menace and Twilight must figure out a way to destroy it before peaceful Ponyville is torn apart at the seams.
A crossover with Machine of Death intended for readers unfamiliar with the novel.
Additional Tags: Death, Life, Paranoia, Social decayop 20:00
Sildid: Author: Present Perfect, Complete, Crossover, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Hasbro has once again dropped a blank check in your lap and asked you to hire someone for a celebrity cameo. It seems their pre-teen audience needs a bit of a boost, and the best way to do it is via Hollywood! Luckily outside of their slight nudge toward pop idols, they are giving you full control over the decision. Being the intelligent pony lover that you are, you quickly shred the Justin Beiber contact card they taped to the back of the check, and start brainstorming.
So which celebrity cameo would you like to see? It can be as major as dropping a couple hundred thousand on Morgon Freeman, or grabbing one of the voice actors out there from your favorite video game. The choice is yours!
Hit up the comments with it. -
A few days ago I ran a post asking for your feedback on what to improve and add to EQD. I replied to a bunch of people on the first few pages if you wanted to dig around in there, but this will hopefully cover some of the major points. Buried in the usual EQD comment silliness were quite a few awesome ideas and recommendations that I'm glad you all brought up!
Head on down past the break for a semi-FAQ / synopsis of what we want to work on based on your feedback!
Silly Pinkie Pie, that isn't a trumpet.
Ska? This fandom needs more Ska! Find that in the first slot!
We also have a bit of soft electronic in the second spot, and some ambience in the third. Check them all out below!
1.) Faithful and Strong
2.) TheMalenEst Ft. TecPon3 - Autumn is here
3.) DongleKumquat - Into the Forest
Another convention has popped up at the Riviera Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. With a date of February 22-24th, it looks like West coasters might have something to do in the early months of 2013.
And in typical Vegas style, they have opened up with confirmations on Tara Strong, Daniel Ingram, and Amy Keating Rogers as guests, with Meghan McCarthy still waiting for agent level confirmation.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in attending, head on down past the break for the full press release!
Looks like you guys need to get going to some conventions! There are only a million of them coming up. The more you support them, the bigger they can grow. It's really up to you guys to make it happen!
Onward to the next one: Best royal pony. Find it on the side bar.
Feel free to drop recommendations for future polls in the comments! -
Build-A-Bear is running a survey on both kids below the age of 12, and parents with kids below the age of 12. For those that aren't aware of what exactly this company does, it's essentially a "build your own" plushie shop that can be found in various malls and standalone retail locations around the world.
You have to be a bit sneaky to get the MLP section. First off choose any age range above the 13-17 section, and click the box that says you have children under 12. This will give a few more questions. choose pony as the favorite, and eventually this will pop up:
I don't know if their market research really wants anything to do with us, but it's a neat prospect for those of you out there with kids. Now go pick your kid's favorites!
Thanks to the army of people that sent it. -
Vocal Music: Ballad of the Faithful Student / Stellar Collision / The Daring Thing To Do
by Sethisto
We have some rap, a bit of electronic rock, and finish with some Daring Do! Check them all out below!
1.) Steven, A.D. - Ballad of the Faithful Student
2.) Midwives Of Discord - Stellar Collision feat. Zeeraw
3.) The Daring Thing To Do (Original Song) {Daring Do}
I actually saw some people playing this one at Everfree Northwest. It looks like you can finally have a computer tell you how badly you are singing pony music. This is pretty much the same thing as Singstar for those that have tried that game out before. Check out their release trailer below the break!
Nightly Roundup #439
by Calpain
Well, Sweetie Belle is what you wanted so Sweetie Belle is what you get! She even brought toast! Isn't she nice!
News time guys! Check after the break.
Update: Thanks to Rarity mentioning cake, it reminded me of an event been wondering about for awhile. Would you guys be interested in a baking event of some sort? Tell me what you think in the comments!
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