New Pony Games Released!
by Calpain
Hubworld has released a new set of games for you guys to enjoy! The first is a parasprite and Fluttershy game where you match up the parasprites from the launcher with the parasprite ball above. Secondly we have another pony quiz that has been released, the third in the Royal Wedding set. Check them all out below.
Fluttershy Game
My Little Pony QuizShare This!254 Comments
Comic: Pinkie Joins the Dark Side / Applejack vs Slenderman / It's About a Book / The Problem with Hooves / Boundaries
by Sethisto
Tons of comics for you all tonight! We have everything from time travel to Slenderman. Click the images for full as always!
If there is one thing bronies like to do, it's conventions. We have a ton of news for you all this time around. Pick your favorite and head on down past the break for all the information relating to it!
Canterlot Gardens Announces: HotDiggedyDemon, Musicians, Cosplay Panel, and More!
EQLA Looking for Staff!
Silly Filly Con Quick Update
Broycon OC Contest Voting
Ponycon AU Announces Music is War
Equestriacon Announced
Grand Galloping Brony Gala Con Announced
It looks like we have another major player on the gaming scene. Are you a fan of Diablo, Torchlight, Dungeon Siege, or the plethora of other top down isometric dungeon crawling games out there in the mainstream? You might want to keep an eye on Questria then! Hell, these guys even know how to make a pretty impressive trailer to top it off!
Right now it is in the most basic of pre-alpha , with just a demonstration of a few abilities each of the three character types will have. They also include a bit of physics via boxes being pummeled with earth pony quakes.
It's not often we see fully 3d games here in ponyland.
Head on down past the break for both their trailer and demonstration!
Instrumental Music: Nightmare Lyre / pinkieglee / Fluttershy's Garden / Aftermath of Apocalypse
by Sethisto
Quite the mix of instrumental tracks this time around. I think we have something for everyone. Check them out below!
1.) Nightmare Lyre - Apple Bucking Anthem [Reupload, With Sound!](Banjo/Rock)
2.) pinkieglee.avi (Piano/Accordion)
3.) Fluttershy's Garden (By TheDashDub) (Soft Electronic)
4.) Aftermath of Apocalypse (MLP RPG Soundtrack)
Enterplay didn't realize you guys would be so interested in the poll! Unfortunately due to demand, the Fluttershy cards are now only available while supplies last. We don't have an exact number on how many remain, but if you want one you might want to hit the poll up. -
[Sad] [Slice of Life] "This story has so much to say about personal growth that it is worth a look for even those who dislike talk of Rarity and Spike. There is more heart and emotion in this one story than in some authors' entire body of work." -Pre-reader who likes sky pirates
Author: TheDescendant
Description: Poor Spike, all he wanted to do is spend time near the pony he adores. Now, because of one little lie, he's in real trouble. A geography bee, a macabre doppelgänger, and an icebox all play their part as Spike and Rarity once again find themselves on pins and needles...
On Pins and Needles
Additional Tags: Who does Spike really see?op 6:00 PM
Labels: Author: The Descendant, Complete, Fanfiction, Rarity, Sad, Slice of Life, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Sweetie Belle, Twilight Sparkle -
Custom Compilation #85
by Calpain
Even an over the top DJ like Vinyl needs to take a break every so often. You can't always be releasing the wubs or you'll just burn yourself out!
Custom ponies you guys! Check them all out after the break.
Source 1
Lounging Vinyl Scratch
Enterplay Wants Your Opinions!
by Calpain
Remember this awesome card that was given out as an Everfree Northwest promo a few weeks back? I, like many others, missed out on the chance to grab one for their own, but now thanks to Enterplay you will have another shot at getting your very own Fluttershy promo card!
After the great success of the pony cards, Enterplay is now asking for your opinions in order to provide even better content in the future. For your help they will be happy to offer a Fluttershy promo card as a thank you!
In order to participate, please complete the survey linked below! At the end of the survey you can choose to have them send you a card or not. At this point they will ask for your email so they can forward further instructions to you. A piece of cake! You only have through the end of September 16th to complete the survey though so it's best to get it done as soon as you can!
Enterplay Survey -
"An intriguing concept, one that is handled both with a light touch and gentle smirk at the same time."-- Pre-reader 13
Author: John Perry
Description: One is a cellist playing at Canterlot's most elite parties. The other is a DJ-for-hire looking to make the big time. Both are secret agents. And together they'll team up to take down a powerful baked goods cartel.
Mission: Implausible
You Only Live Twice
The West is Not Enough
When the Curtain Falls (New Part 9!)
Additional Tags: Octavia and Scratch: They're Spiesop 1:57 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: John Perry, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Octavia, Story, Vinyl Scratch -
The Welovefine favorite pony competition has come to an end! It looks like Twilight Sparkle ended up pulling ahead in the final run. Designer Dora Lerf will be taking home a massive prize pool of $3000 for her Vincent Van Gogh style shirt. And they said old style art was dead, hah! Us internet kiddies love our classics!
And for those non artistic types who painstakingly voted on everything, three lucky winners, Steffani Badua, Zachary Lerman, and Raul Loza, will be receiving a tee of their choice from the 15 finalists! Who doesn't like free stuff?
Today's daily deal will be the mens version of the shirt, with the womens version following tomorrow. That's 15% off, so if you want it, grab it now!
You can also find their preview/press release after the break!
[Adventure] [Dark]
Author: Littlecolt
Description: Inspired by the fan video of an alternative ending of season 2. Twilight Sparkle finds herself inside a cocoon in the throne room of Canterlot Palace along with her friends and many other ponies. She is thrust into a dream world by Chrysalis who is feeding on the feelings of love and friendship she and the others will experience in their alternate realities. Twilight's happy dream doesn't last long, though, when a strange yellow gem brings her back to reality...
The Conquering of Love (New Part 55!)
Additional Tags: Season two alternate ending continuationop 11:00 AM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Littlecolt, Celestia, Chrysalis, Everypony, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Incomplete, Star-Needed, Story -
Toywiz has added a bunch of new plushies from Funrise for pre-order. Included in the mix are various 20 inch ponies, as well as Fluttershy and a new group of clip on types. Head on over to their MLP Section for a full listing of everything! -
Nightly Roundup #438
by Calpain
I had no idea what to use as a header tonight so have something ridiculous. If you guys would like to suggest a header for tomorrow I'd be happy listen!
Short one tonight folks, check it out after the break.
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