Pretend Luna is watching a bunch of PMVs instead of playing video games.
Speaking of PMVs, I have three for you today! It's like Christmas except in no way, shape, or form. One is an attempt to visualize the themes of the show, one has Pendulum in it (yes!), and the last one is good old-fashioned fun. Check em out.
1) Join the Herd - New PMV
2) Pendulum Ponies II
3) Happiness (PMV)
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So many Luna pictures I want to use out of that drawfriend earlier. I think you guys have converted me again.
We have some soft acoustic stuff, followed by a bit of rock, and finish with some rap/dubstep. Check them out below!
1.) Hey Big Mac (Lyrics by Feather)
2.) Meelz & StormWolf - Crossing Paths... The Consequences Paid
3.) Thomas H.- Luna's Respite (feat. MysteriousSpoon and ArchersOfAgincourt)
There isn't a whole lot of random merch popping up lately. I guess the whole back to school thing is kind of over at this point.
Blas sends these images from Kmart, where they are stocking this gift set complete with the case, watch, and necklace all seen above. The entire thing will run you about 25 bucks. Have any of you actually bought all these wearable pony items yet? I'd be curious to see someone wearing the set.
Anyway, head on past the break for more random merch!
Source filmmaker it pretty badass when the animation is done right. That spike in the second one is straight up impressive. We also have a parody of Cybersix, Trixie style. It's pretty old, but you guys never send this stuff so It's not our fault! Check them both out below the break.
Music Remix: Hush Now, Glitch Now / BBBFF / Idemand Version / Reach For the Elements of Harmony
by SethistoApparently Luna is made of steam / Source
We start this remix post off with a bit of Hush Now glitch, followed by a soft rock version of BBBFF, and finish with a crossover Sonic Colors and MLP music track from King Sparata. Check them out below!
1.) Hush Now, Glitch Now - the Phony Brony
2.) BBBFF / Idemand Version (No embed)
3.) Reach For the Elements of Harmony ~Sonic Colors x MLP Final Boss Remix~
Zecora and Vinyl Scratch selling like crazy? Expand! Toys R' Us has added these new sling style backpacks to their inventory for eight bucks a pop. Looks like we will be seeing more pony stuff from them soon!
The cool thing? They specifically labeled them "Brony". We now have our own merch line. I bet you guys didn't expect that a year ago! Now we just need some more show accurate molded singles and all will be good in the world of pony.
We also have a new Vinyl Scratch tin box. I am not 100% sure what a tin box is specifically used for, but I'm sure you could store your lunch in there for work or something! Skip the fast food, bring a sandwich!
Find their story pages here:
Vinyl Scratch Backpack
Rainbow Dash Backpack
Vinyl Scratch Tin Box
It looks like Toywiz has also picked these up, with a release of October. Find that here!
Thanks to Wisam for the links!
The ultimate battle! Or something. I'm kinda glad Chrysalis has cheeselegs instead of those insecty claw thingies. I can't make fun of this.
Have some art!
Source 1
Chrysalis Nightmare
Author: Sereg
Description: As a descendant of the greatest conjurer of the pre-classical era, Star Swirl wishes to live up to her namesake’s reputation and their shared cutie mark. But how can she emulate a powerful unicorn when she is an earth pony? Taking the advice of her psychologist, she heads off to Ponyville to try and find out.
An Earth Pony's Guide to Magic
More than Forty Blinks
Star Swirl and Stripes Forever
A Debt to the Stars (New Part 9!)
Additional Tags: SCIENCE!, Mild angst, Self-discovery, fanfillying -
We have a mixture of music this time around. First off is a new vocal track from SoGreatandPowerful dedicated to the Zap Apple episode, followed by some crazy samples from Foozogs, and finishing with Alllevelsatonce and his rendition of Autumn. Check them all out below!
1.) SoGreatandPowerful : E38
2.) Foozogz Fixes Up A Compound For SGAP - Laughter And Kindness
3.) Griffin Village - Autumn (Derpy Hooves) Cover
[Normal-Slice of Life]
Author: Croswynd
Description: Sometimes it feels like these lazy summer days will last forever. It's calm. Peaceful. Perfect. Life will come to me eventually, but right now, I just want to stay where I am, listening to the melody of the world around me. Still, I can't shake that feeling that something's... missing.
A Missing Note (New Part 2!)
I just don't know if I should care.
Additional Tags: I prefer lazy summer days -
I'll take a life, that others may live!
Oh, that's just the way it goes.
I'll shut my eyes, it hammers in my head!
Where it'll end nobody knows!
Dash is looking stylish today. Just like the music in this post! Segue. Two instrumentals and one remix. Today we've got a General Mumble remix, some Luna classical, and some Sweetie Bot, whom I bet gets more music than Applejack.
1) Neu KatalYst fixes General Mumble - Gator In The Tub
2) =(When Luna Sleeps)=
3) [Cherax Destructor] Sweetie Belle (Sweetie Bot's Dilemma Remix)
It looks like the flash sale website, Teefury, has a competition going on between a Star Wars shirt and a Brony shirt today. They tend to sell these things for ridiculously cheap. Sadly the only way to vote is to buy one. It's up to you guys on that!
Nightly Roundup #435
by CalpainSpike is one cool dude! You can always count on him to get the job done and with only a minimal amount of complaining. No wonder he's sometimes called the 7th pony of the group.
Got some pony news hot off the presses for you guys after the break! No cake or tattoos tonight oddly enough, guess we can't have them every night, eh?
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