PMV: Barbara Ann / Party with Pinkie - By MusicalPony / MLP: Fighting is Magic Fan-made Intro
by Sethisto
We have a whole bunch of pinkie pie GOING CRAZY and an unnofficial intro for Fighting is Magic this time around. You might just go blind before ever reaching it though what with all the CHAOS Pinkie brings. Check them out below!
1.) Barbara Ann
2.) [PMV] My Little Pony: Pinkie's reality ----- Song - Party with Pinkie - By MusicalPony
3.) MLP: Fighting is Magic Fan-made Intro
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JetBlue Asking Community for a Pony Name!
by Calpain
Awhile back we reported about jetBlue's twitter folk being very pony friendly! An event leading to the creation of jetBlue's OC by hezaa as you see above. You'd think that would have been the end of it, but as things are with pony that turned out not to be the case. Now jetBlue's twitter employees are asking for help with naming their little mascot!
Suggestions will be collected and sent to the jetBlue twitter team and they'll choose their favorites. Once they have picked those we might hold a voting session on the best name! After all, it is a community effort.
Check out the unfolding saga of the jetBlue Twitter ponies and leave a suggestion on what to name this little filly after the break!
It looks like the McDonalds pony toys have started popping up all over the middle east! Some are planned for a September drop, while others are already letting them and their Transformers counterparts loose. So far the following countries have been confirmed by the UAE Brony Facebook page:
Saudi Arabia (Jeddah sector)
Saudi Arabia (Riyadh sector)
United Arab Emirates
Sadly, Cheerilee has been dropped from the equasion. The poor girl... She was so excited too. I don't know who this Lillyblossom upstart is, but that's not the best teacher on the planet that I've come to know and love.
Actually, maybe I shouldn't insult her based on our 2011 predictions of characters...
Thanks to Assad for the heads up and lists! -
Plushie Compilation #79
by Calpain
I don't think we've ever had a plushies of Mayor Mare before. One day I swear we'll have plushies of the entire cast at one point!
Plush time guys! Time to die from some cuteness.
Source 1
See that up there? That's the special foil Rainbow Dash card that Enterplay gave out at ComicCon. They didn't hand out more than a couple hundred, and last we looked a few of these had been floating around eBay for around $300. They're kind of sought after, is what I'm getting at.
Well, cue a peculiar e-mail from somebody claiming to work at a London department store called Selfridges, claiming that on September 8, the store will host a My Little Pony event. Supposedly, Enterplay is going to have a presence at this event.
Now, if we look at their site and click the 'MLP Promo Cards Are a Rarity' tab, you'll notice they've promised to release more of the limited edition Dash card at "future fan events". Hmmmmmm.
We're checking into this, but so far have been unable to verify anything. Still, if you live in that area you should probably go check that out. If it's true, you'll get to snag a very rare piece of pony merch for yourself. Seems worth a shot to me. -
What happens when you bottle the very essence of RAINBOW DASH in a can? What happens when you CONSUME the contents of said can!? There aren't enough electrolytes in the UNIVERSE to handle the amount of raw power that will suddenly spring to your everywhere.
Fizzy Cherry Splash, AKA edible enriched URANIUM has the misleading taste of what you would find in a white cherry icee while visiting a movie theater. Don't let it fool you though. Drinking this at any movie would literally tear the fabric of space and time. Ever wanted to be James Bond or Harry Potter? Do you want to single handedly take out the Death Star with nothing but a Vibroblade and 70's mix tape? Yeah, this will do that, and more. In fact, Captain Jack Sparrow himself will pop up at your wedding after your dream girl/guy (or mare/colt if you want to be a pony, cause you WILL have the power to do that) immediately falls in love with you.
So would I recommend a life-changing experience? Hell yeah I would. Go get some.
Note: Rainbow Dash Fizzy Cheery Splash will only give you SUPERPOWERS if you TRULY BELIEVE.
Note 2: Rainbow Dash Fizzy Cherry Splash is not actually an energy drink.
Note 3: Trixie is still better. -
PIRATES edition. How many of you would like to do an actual pirate pony drawing event?! I'd run it!
Have some art!
Source 1
Final Slash _ Speedpaint
Speedpaint here!
Completely ponify the scout "meet" video? Check.
Use Rainbow Dash? Check.
Needs to release one for all the classes? Hell yeah.
Inb4 4 years until pyro update.
Anyway, check it out here!
We have an awesome rock song dedicated to adult Sweetie Belle in this solo music post! I kinda get a Micheal Jackson feel out of it (and not because it's a Sweetie Belle song, don't even).
Apparently it's dBPony's debut song too. Looks like we got some awesome new talent on the block! And his OC isn't even obnoxious looking. I'm in.
Anyway, check this one out after the break!
Instrumental Music: Eosin Waste / The battle of canterlot / The Journey / One Cold, Cloudy Night in New Manehattan
by Sethisto
We have a bit of something for everyone this time around. Unless you like country, we don't have any of that.
1.) Flutter Rex - Eosin Waste (Creeepy)
2.) The battle of canterlot (Orchestral Battle)
3.) Legion - The Journey (Ft. Kyoga) (Dance)
4.) Pony Jazz - One Cold, Cloudy Night in New Manehattan... (Jazz)
Author: Mindblower
Description: Inspired by the Derpy controversy of 2012.
The Story of My Life (New Part 7!)
My name is Ditsica Esmeralda Doo, always has been, always will be. Had I any friends to speak of, they would have called me ‘Ditzy,’ but I admit that I am not the friendliest of ponies. To be fair, though, I’ve always had the tendency to judge a book by its cover before promptly putting it on my ‘Read Later’ list. After I discovered I had only 24 hours left to exist before I disappeared forever, though, I had no choice but to journey to Equestria’s maximum security dungeon with a mare who was nothing less and nothing more than irritatingly idiotic.
Did I mention I’m susceptible to migraines?
Additional Tags: The Derp has been Doubled -
It's Wednesday! So that means another brand new episode of Bronyville Podcast with Apple Cider and Chef Sandy. This week our two hosts:
- Race against time and Cider's dwindling laptop battery
- Interview Andy Price - Lead Artist for the IDW My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic coming this November to a comic shop near you.
- Interview Andrea Libman - From our recorded live show during EFNW.
- Contest! Donate $5+ to Bronyvillepodcast.com and enter for a chance to win a Zecora toy.
And as always you can listen live Saturdays, Noon PDT / 3 PM EDT / 7 PM GMT at justin.tv/bronyvillepodcast. Can't make it to the live show? Then listen at Bronyvillepodcast.com or subscribe on iTunes.Image by Tetrapony. -
I know you can't recall anything at all
or why we're standing here.
The day you figure out your words
had crumbled just below your feet.
Lyrics are now banned from Equestria. What do you do? Listen to the music contained within this post to find the answer to this and many more questions of life! This hour we have some Luna, some Discord, and some Summer Sun Celebration.
1) Radiarc - Dusk
2) Disharmony
3) Dark Symphony as Musicans of Equestria - The Longest Day
Seems like the media can't get enough of us lately!
First off, Xplay shows off the Pinkie Pie/Twilight Sparkle weapon and head set in Skyrim, followed by Andrew W.K. Apparently he pops in with talks about Canterlot Gardens and Pinkie Pie after the video below, but all I got was this! I'll toss it up if it pops up when I wake up. That's a lot of ups.
Nightly Roundup #422
by Calpain
Checking the results for tonight's header I was quite surprised to see votes for Cal pony were not only high, but actually won for tonight's header! It even spawned the picture above! I really appreciate it guys, I really do! I try to read your comments when I can and I always appreciate the nice things you say. Love you guys!
Anyhow, for this, you all get cake along with your news! Check it all after the break and make sure to suggest your header for tomorrow night.
Animated Cal pony is courtesy of the awesome VexPon! Thanks Vex! For a full bodied shot of Cal, which you may not have seen before, I'll include a pic after the break as well.
Also, thank you to Blaze Feather, an incredibly talented 11 year old for our new banner! You've got a lot of skill young lady.
It looks like Shards of Equestria has been hit by those crazy lawyers over at Hasbro's legal department. As is the norm, they are required to protect their property by US law, but the specifics of the cease and desist have not yet been released. Keep an eye on the dev blog for information on what exactly is going to go down.
I guess we need to build our own card game from scratch? MTG is a great template, but I'm sure we can think of something new! Get on it smart people!
Rainbow Dash is best gentleman. I'm sorry for the super vertical image, but it had to be done. T'would be a crime against fabulosity not to use it, I'm sure you'll agree. I also kind of like the metaphor of this image for any of you longstaying ATGers when you look at your art and see how far you've come. I think the only appropriate word for it is swag. Dashie joins a collection of 349 of the fanciest, schmanciest ponies you've ever laid eyes on. And those ponies join a total gallery of 15271 images. Now that is what I call excellent.
To submit for Day28 (already? Sheez), follow the link and fill out the form like you've been doing all month. It's not too hard, right? But if you need to reach me, you can do it at phoe@equestriadaily.com.
It's hard to believe we're so close to the end. Just a few more days, and I won't be up past 2 in the morning sorting ponies and thinking of themes or answering e-mails. Just a few more days, and you'll be doing whatever you want, moving onto your own projects instead of dancing to my themes. I very much hope you'll continue to draw. For today, Draw a pony moving on/Draw a pony charging.
But tonight! Tonight we're at the Gala! And I've been dreaming, I've been waiting, to watch you draw these ponies. The ATG, it's teaching tricks, building your skills just for kicks. And Phoe can't help but notice - you've gotten so much better! Just love to see my pupils tonight at the gaalaaaaa~
...I don't care what anybody says, it's still one of the best songs of the series.
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