It looks like the first two discs and collector boxes of the Madman pony set have begun to pop up in people's mailboxes. Just in case you guys wanted to see exactly what was included, or just want to sit here with us non-aussies and be jealous as hell, someone has done an unboxing of everything. The quality here is really neat! I'm glad they are putting so much into these.
Anyway, check the video out after the break!
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[Shipping][Slice of Life]
Author: The Descendant
Description: As the Cakes make a very special gingerbread house the act reminds them of their lives together; hinting at those they loved, challenges they faced, and the struggles that continue even after lovers say "I do"...
A Sweet Taste of Cake
Inspired by the image "Artist Training Ground Day 22" by Egophiliac. Used with permission.
Additional Tags: Love is a long journey...op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: The Descendant, Complete, Fanfiction, Mayor Mare, OC Ponies, Other, Pinkie Pie, Shipping, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story -
Instrumental Music: Starswirl's Quest / FlutterDash / Undivided Horizons / The Upcoming Attraction
by Sethisto
We have some classical style music dominating this one. That's not too common in this fandom! Have some instrumental stuff.
1.) Starswirl's Quest (Piano)
2.) ZwamTek - FlutterDash (Dance/Techno)
3.) Undivided Horizons (Orchestral/Techno)
4.) The Upcoming Attraction (The Great And Powerful Show) (Musical Trixie Tribute) (Orchestral)
Music Vocal/Remix: WoodenToaster Enterprises / Best Pony Song (Pinkie) / Love is in Bloom (daks Remix)
by Sethisto
We have 10 minutes of Woodentoaster music Steampunk/Orchestral style, followed by a short but fun song dedicated to Pinkie Pie (who I'm perfectly fine with being best pony) and we finish with another remix of Love is in Bloom! Check them all out below!
1.) WoodenToaster Enterprises
2.) Best Pony Song (Pinkie)
3.) Love is in Bloom (daks Remix)
We haven;'t had a Chrysalis edition in a while, so have one with an alternate version of her!
And more art below as always.
Source 1
It looks like Lyra and Trixie are slowly trickling out into the smaller stores. Goldenclopper on MLP Arena found these at their local Kiddy Palace store, which isn't actually not too well known for carrying anything but baby stuff. These specific toys were mixed in with some of the mane 6, and in extremely limited quantity. Apparently only two Trixies, 1 Lyra, and one Cherry Berry were available.
Now on to the background text! Each of them pretty much just extends the Blindbag versions, but I figured you guys might get a kick out of it anyway!
Trixie“Trixie Lulamoon is great at magic tricks, but sometimes she likes to show off a little too much!”
Lyra“Lyra Heartstrings loves to play! She finds a way to have fun no matter where she goes.”
Cherry Berry“Cherry Berry thinks that breakfast, lunch and dinner should always be served with a cherry on top!”
Thanks to Whatshisgame for digging it up! Check out more images after the break.
Ponies seem to be popping up in the most unlikely of places lately. Over on NYMag, they have a slideshow up dedicated to showing off celebrities with completely off the wall hair colors, and their similarities to our favorite candy-colored equines. While they seem to think this is a negative thing, I for one welcome our crazy hair colors. Blonde, Black, and Brunette can only stay entertaining for so long! I have been told I have 0 design sense though, so take that with a grain of salt.
Check the post out here!
Thanks to Masem for the heads up. -
The Greatest and Most Powerful pony in all of Equestria (in other words, Trixie trixied Twilight Sparkle into casting a spell) has summoned you and transformed you into a unicorn.
Unfortunately, something went wrong during the conversion process, and your horn is only capable of casting a single spell. Twilight Sparkle will teach you any one you want, be it teleportation, Summon: gossamer & morning dew wings, telekenisis, or even "get me the hell out of this pastel colored crazy town" (complete reversal). It's up to you.
What do you choose? -
We have an awesome cover/remix of One Last Letter with a Rise Against twist this time around, followed by... Pizza Pony and Cola Pony shipping. There is something for everyone here I guess?
Check both out below!
1.) [P1K as Rise Against] One Last Letter (Aviators Cover) [600 SUBS!!]
2.) Riff Track - Cyril the Wolf (Feat. Riff Track) - Pizza Pony
It looks like Hasbro has a whole pile of new random merch for you all to ponify yourselves out with in the coming months. The Angry Otaku once again sent over a bunch of new images of the area. It looks like shoes, clip wallets, and more backpacks are on the way. I wouldn't mind if they sold those banner things either. That Scratch one from yesterday was pretty awesome!
(More images after the break!)
Andrew W.K. Struck again at his Stickcam channel last night, and 50 people sent videos of it! He goes on about why he likes pony and why you should continue liking pony regardless of what society tells you. It's pretty inspirational!
There is a bit of cussing at the end, but I think most of you are old enough to deal with that at this point. Check it out after the break!
Author: HiddenBrony
Description: After breaking free of his stone prison, Discord had some time to go about his business before anypony could get organized. A little chocolate rain isn't the only chaos he managed to produce.
Discord's Reign (Update Part 3+4!)
Additional Tags: Discord is a bastardop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: HiddenBrony, Big Mac, Discord, Fanfiction, Gilda, Grimdark, Incomplete, Other, Star-5, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
[Slice of Life]
Author: Zytharros
Description: Silver Spoon questions why she participates in the psychological destruction of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
Lament of a Spoon (New Part 3+Finale!)
Additional Tags: Silver Spoon ponders her friendshipsop 7:11 AM
Labels: Author: Zytharros, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Silver Spoon, Slice of Life, Star-4, Story -
Inquiries, onions, and Pinkie Pie. Have the PDF here, and the video version after the break!
Copy Paste:
"The answer to life, the universe and everything is Equestria Inquirer #42. Man, this answer's pretty lame. Anyway, Joe uncovers the secret that anything Pinkie Pie does is funny, no matter how tragic. TechRat uncovers the secrets of the Derpy fan club. Truthy uncovers the secret of puns. And Lttmoose uncovers the secret of clowns. The secret of clowns is almost as frightening as the secret of puns, by the way. Thanks for reading!" - Joe Stevens
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