Music: Through it All // Heart of a Dragon // IP - OF STEAM GEARS AND WINGS OUVERTURE //
by Cereal Velocity
Instrumentals this hour! No vocals here. Nope.
Got some Fluttershy, some fanfic music, and some more fanfic music! Geez guys, I don't get music for my fanfics. Ridiculous.
1) Liquid Cobalt~ Through it All Ft. Fluttershy (THRE3STEP)
2) Heart of a Dragon Theme
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Author: D. G. D. Davidson
Description: For thousands of years, mules have used their mystical martial arts to protect the very ponies who despise them, but when the scandalous "Cakegate" photos reveal Princess Celestia for the confection-snarfing tyrant she truly is, the mules decide it's time for a regime change. It's time to assassinate Princess Celestia!
Assassinate Princess Celestia! (New Part 3!)
Additional Tags: action, intrigue, silliness, cake, mulesop 10:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: D. G. D. Davidson, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Other, Rainbow Dash, Star-5, Story -
Simple PMV: FIM (Boooring - Assertive Fluttershy) / The Wild Hearts of Equestria / My Little Pony: Friendship Is Mashup / That Shameless Pony Video
by Sethisto
Twilight is on FIRE! Have some simple PMV's to put out the flames! Assuming Simple PMV's are like water, I don't really know.
1.) MLP: FIM (Boooring - Assertive Fluttershy) PMV
2.) PMV: The Wild Hearts of Equestria
3.) PMV - My Little Pony: Friendship Is Mashup
4.) That Shameless Pony Video (A Mini PMV Compilation)
The admins over in our crazy little IRC chat channel over there on the side bar have decided to run a monthly art contest of it's own! The #EquestriaDailyArt group will be gathering your submitted drawings monthly and voting on the winners for a chance at some really neat prizes that I'm sure a bunch of you would enjoy!
And the topic this time around is: The Wonderbolts! Click after the break for information on how you can enter!
Instrumental Music: Bad Trip / Above Cloudsdale - SoaringFlight (CommandSpry remix) / Wish Upon a Strum of Heartstrings
by SethistoI hear Lyra doesn't even know how to play the Lyre. She has it recorded to play in the background at concerts.
Have some instrumental music!
1.) Bad Trip - Budding Friendships Music (Video Game)
2.) Above Cloudsdale - SoaringFlight (CommandSpry remix) (Electronic)
3.) [Seeds of Kindness] Wish Upon a Strum of Heartstrings (Rock)
The Brony Show #55
by Calpain
A new Brony Show for you all! Check out the details below:
The Brony Show 55 - Rina-Chan, Second try
It's time for another great episode of The Brony Show and this time we are taking out all the stops! We start an hour early with a ponytabulous preshow. Listen to some awesome music and videos while Circuit acts silly for you again. Will it be another adventure of Detective Circuit, or will a different ponysona come out to keep you entertained.
After that we'll be the show, and this time we're making sure Rina-chan shows up. We've ensured that Circuit will not scare her away by distracting him with Twilight dolls and soundboards.We start with the awesome news that's all around Equestria, and then interview Rina-chan, the incredible fanvoice of Twilight. She'll be talking about the incredible Los Angeles convention she's working on building up! Hopefully we can keep Circuit distracted enough so he doesn't try to get a personalized Twilight ringtone. Then after that we'll be going over all the awesome PMV's that stood out to us and enjoying random brony fun that you should be keeping up with for the summer.
And if that's not enough, Crimson the Wolf comes in for our Oatmeal Galore After Party. Who knows what insanity the afterparty will bring!Just remember all of this awesome starts at our normal showtime at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. Just jump on to http://thebronyshow.net or www.livestream.com/
thebronyshow and get ready to party with Circuit, D-Pad, and our crazy panel of random bronies! Also if you want to be part of the brony panel we always welcome newcomers. Just email us at bronyshow@gmail.com and ask for a spot! All you need is skype and a love of ponies! -
Poor Cheerilee... It must be a pain living as an earth pony. There are some things I would never want to taste.
Have some art!
Source 1
H8_Seed and General Mumble team up for one final song before H8 heads out for a few months, and I doubt it's any kind of surprise that it's awesome.
He also has an album out to commemorate the occasion with proceeds going toward his mother while he is gone. If you have ever listened to one of his songs in the past, go buy it! It's name your price, so you can literally pay what you think it's worth!
Anyway, check this one out after the break.
Plushie Compilation #65
by Calpain
Been awhile since we had a Rainbow Dash edition. Better give her some time in the spotlight before the poor girl goes crazy.
Plushie time once again. Check out the haul after the break.
Source 1
Author: Cupcakes Nom
Description: When Pinkie Pie disappears overnight with a mysterious gem, Twilight Sparkle will do anything in her power to find Pinkie and bring her back safe. But can Twilight find her in time, or will Pinkie's disappearance put everypony in Equestria in terrible danger?
Somepony to Lean On
Additional Tags: We all need some ponyop 1:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Cupcakes Nom, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Shipping, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
I loved Golden Sun back in the Gameboy Advanced days. Never could get into the DS one for some reason though, and I completely forget why. I do miss the old "overworld" style RPG's. Something about flying around in an airship and exploring random islands only to find monsters 300 levels higher than me and getting clobbered is just fun.
But I digress, have some Golden Sun with ponies after the break!
[Shipping][Normal-Slice of Life]
Author: Lynked
Description: Rainbow Dash has finally been accepted into the Wonderbolts. But something's amiss... perhaps it is the fact that the Wonderbolts are falling from fame, or perhaps it's something deeper that is causing them to act so strange.
Above the Clouds (New Part 3!)
What isn't Spitfire telling her?
And how is Fluttershy taking this?
Additional Tags: DashFire, FlutterDash, Rivalry, Best Shipop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Lynked, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, Other, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, Star-5, Story, Wonderbolts -
Michelle Creber (Aka Applebloom) has been working non-stop on her upcoming album, with the ambitious goal of covering a whole pile of the top hit tracks throughout the last 100 years. She needs a title though, and she wants the brony armada to help decide on one!
Head on over to the survey page and toss your two cents into the mix! Participants will receive 300 free apples in the mail 560 years from now, and an immediate +20 cool points, courtesy of Rainbow Daring Dash.
Do it. -
The final run for the 60 hour Celestia Radio event is now! For those that haven't joined in, you have until 4AM on Monday to catch a glimpse of it. so far they have raised 2500 for Tara Strong's Kiki's Cancer Fund, and hope to hit 3000 by the end.
Head on over to Ponify.me for the details. -
[Grimdark] [Comedy]
Author: psychicscubadiver
Description: Night and day. Fire and ice. Creation and destruction. Everything has an opposite, and Chaos is no exception. Princess Celestia tells Twilight the true history of Discord's rise, the Alicorns' fall, and the creation of the Elements of Harmony. She tells her student the story of Order and Chaos.
Order and Chaos (New Part 3!)
Additional Tags: Harmony is found in balance
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