A Group going by the name of Bit Bucket Brigade is hosting a summer funimation project dedicated to building a fan created episode for everyone to enjoy, and want the community as a whole to decide on what exactly it will entail!
The first round is focusing on screen writing, so get your keyboards fired up and ready to go! The full details can be found after the break, along with links to all resources regarding the project.
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It looks like those toys announced a few days ago on the MLP facebook page are coming in August. A website called Big Bad Toy Store has these and more listed up in their pre-order section.
Along with those are the second set of Blind Bag ponies, and a bunch of other new toys. It sounds like August is going to be pretty crazy on the merch! Hopefully they are a bit more available than those blind bag sets from Toys R' Us a while back. I'm definitely looking forward to picking up a Gilda.
Thanks to James for the heads up! -
As many of you have noticed from a recent report on The Daily Dot, WhiteDove, famous for (among other things) selling a plushie to Lauren Faust, is being pressured by Hasbro to remove all information and deviations pertaining to the sale of plushies on her DeviantART account.
WhiteDove herself has confirmed that she was not singled out by the company, but rather that an unknown individual reported her to them. There has been a lot of speculation on the part of the fanbase as to why Hasbro would do something like this when they are not involved in the plushie market themselves. But the situation is more complicated than it would appear at a glance.
United States trademark law is crystal clear on the issue of IP defense. Once you become informed of a person or company profiting off of your intellectual property as WhiteDove was with My Little Pony, you are required to mount a defense against the offender. Failure to do so can and will result in the voiding of your trademark and all the protections thereof. The ramifications for this echo far, far beyond the sale of pony plushes. Hasbro has long been squandering an opportunity to make a huge amount of money by marketing an official plush, but their business strategies are their own. But even if they choose to turn down our money, by actively turning a blind eye to the sale of fanworks, they risk losing their capacity to market anything to us at all.
Thus far, there have been no reports of other high-profile plush makers being targeted, indicating this is not part of a larger-scale operation. But that doesn't stop it from sucking. All sympathies to WhiteDove for being the victim of very unfortunate circumstances. -
Remember back in the day when Friendship is Magic was technically a kids show? Well, Welovefine does! They also realize some of you are actually parents, and the average pony shirt might be a bit too big for your children. What better way to remedy this than introducing a lineup of shirts specifically for their size? Right now they have nine of their most popular designs up, with more on the way.
Head on over to this page to check them out!
The legendary DERPY HOOVES, savior of all ponykind!
Ponies in epic roles are the best thing ever. I completely butchered that sentence.
Have some art!
And for those wondering where the Sibsy art is, that will be in tomorrow's edition. Keep em coming! You have until mid day to submit them!
Source 1
The Bronies React series has released theirsecondthird installment, where a bunch of people freak out about a specific topic, or the season finale in this case. It's pretty hilarious to say the least!
So how did you react to the season finale? Were there any big disappointments? Did all of your dreams come true? Toss it below in the comments!
And check the video out after the break, as always.
Instrumental Music: Celestia's Last Stand / Celestial Origins (Remix) / Max Volume Required / Cadence's Heart / Elements in the Ruins
by Sethisto
Remember that post earlier saying you guys liked electronic music? This post proves it. Have three of those and two others to calm you down after all that wub/electronic stuff!
1.) TeiThePony - Celestia's Last Stand (Electronic)
2.) Celestial Origins (Remix) (Trance)
3.) BassRabbit - Max Volume Required (Trance/Hardcore)
4.) Cadence's Heart (Orchestral)
5.) Resonantwaves - Elements in the Ruins (Ambient)
The upcoming documentary hosted by John de Lancie himself is looking to recruit some people from the fandom with specific backgrounds for various aspects of the film. The list is pretty extensive, so hopefully some of you fit the bill!
Check it out after the break, or hit up their kickstarter update page here!
In advance of the convention, we are looking for MLP fans that fit these descriptions. If one of these sounds like you, please email us your story, your name, phone number, city you live in and a picture to info@bronydoc.com
We are looking for:
• Someone who is going on an artistic journey to BronyCon. You are making art, creating music or even creating special food to take to the convention.
• Someone who lives in a world non-friendly to the Brony culture. You may live at home, or work in an environment where you would be judged for watching MLP but you're ready to reveal yourself as a Brony to your friends and family and ideally will be attending BronyCon.
• A man and woman who are both MP fans, live in different parts of the country, have meet online, bonded over MLP, have been dating on-line and now will be meeting for the first time in person at BronyCon.
• A father and son who are both fans and have bonded over MLP.
• A mother and son who are both fans and have bonded over MLP.
• A parent who has a son or daughter with a disability and has been helped by becoming a MLP fan.
• A 30-something working professional who is a Brony and will be going to BronyCon.
• A man in the in the Military who will be going to BronyCon.
• A college age woman who will be going to BronyCon.
As many of you have probably noticed from your forays over to Google in the past few hours, they have updated their logo with a playable synthesizer in celebration of Robert Moogs birthday. We have a pretty massive electronic musician fanbase, so we might as well join in on it !
After the break, you will find the key combos to play portions of Pinkie's Brew, the MLP Theme, and Winter Wrap Up, courtesy of Max. Clearly we need to synthesize ALL the songs, so get to it! Drop your combos in the comments below!
And thanks to CatWhitney AKA OhThatChristina on Deviant Art for the banner! -
Nightly Roundup #327
by Calpain
I know it's late, but cake sounds really good right about now. Think if I ask Twilight really nice she'll get me a slice?
Anyhow, Calpain here again doing the Roundups while PK is in maintenance/adventuring/eating shoes so let's dive into the news shall we?
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