There was a certain Fanfiction that started a sub community of it's own a while back. Fallout Equestria took our favorite little ponies and threw them into the most grimdark environment imaginable. This is a radio play of audio logs leading up to the introduction of the fic, following the same style as the ones you find scattered throughout the game. Even if you never bothered with the adventures of Lil Pip, this is still a really neat one for any fans of Fallout in general.
Check it out here, or after the break!
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Author: DeadParrot222
Description: Scootaloo has always been a filly with big dreams, but can all those dreams really come true?
Tiny Wings
Additional Tags: Scootalove, Coming Of Ageop 10:00 PM
Labels: Author: DeadParrot222, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Scootaloo, Star-6, Story -
Get Dunk'd
Well, someone has taken the best of the old and combined it with the new.
Go play it here. I'm sorry about all of the hours you will inevitably lose. -
Author: SoundofRainfall
Description: Mere weeks before the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia calls a
That Night, Atop the Tower
private meeting with Cadance in the middle of the night. As uncomfortable
truths are revealed, the bride-to-be soon begins to realize just how serious
her love for Shining Armor is...
Additional Tags: Love, Choices, Royal Wedding, Heartbreakop 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: SoundofRainfall, Cadance, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Sad, Shining Armor, Shipping, Star-3, Story -
That woman you see on the right in the photograph above you is Tara Strong. She is Twilightlicious, and she is going to be at the Silent Movie Theater in Los Angeles on May 12. With her will be Andrea Libman, Ashleigh Ball, and Cathy Weseluck, and if any of this sounds familiar, it's because this is a fantastically huge deal. Oh, and the other woman in this picture, with the lovely pink highlights? That's Meghan McCarthy. Y'know, the person who wrote things like Party of One, Lesson Zero, and A Canterlot Wedding. Yeah, her. She's going to be there too. Surprise!
In addition to autographs and the chance to watch some of your favorite episodes of Friendship is Magic on a much bigger screen than usual (an experience in and of itself, believe me!), There will be live readings taking place, and songs will be sung. To emphasize, twenty dollars will buy you a chance to sing songs with Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and Spike. How there are any tickets left at all is a complete mystery to me.
If you live in or around LA, go to this event. If you live in any of the surrounding major cities like San Diego, go to this event. If you live anywhere in which it is even remotely feasible to make it down, go to this event. It is a chance, and an exceedingly rare chance at that, to meet all of this voice talent. And not just meet but interact with them, in a totally pony event. No conventions pulling their attention every which way, no concessions to be made for other productions, just you and them and My Little Pony Project 2012. If you don't go and you could have, you will kick yourself. Don't wait, don't risk it and try to buy tickets at the door. Get them now. Go right here and buy them. You will be glad that you did.
Official Press Release follows below:
May 12, 2012 12 Noon & 2 pm
MY LITTLE PONY Project 2012 – Film Screenings at The Silent Movie Theater
611 North Fairfax Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036
Join MY LITTLE PONY and friends for an enchanting afternoon of screenings at The Silent Movie Theater with MY LITTLE PONY Special Cast and Crew Guests, courtesy of ShoutFactory. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased in advance at www.welovefine.com.
May 12, 2012 5pm-6pm
MY LITTLE PONY Project 2012 – Friendship Is Magic Signing and Meet & Greet at Toy Art Gallery
7571 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046
Special guests will sign MY LITTLE PONY glossies. This is a free event. Reception to follow. -
Equestrian Minesweeper looks awesome. Someone needs to turn this into an actual sport.
Have some art!
Source 1
Honestly I'm joining the swarm on this one! We already saw what happened when Chrys vs'd Celestia, and I don't see any Cadence and Shining armor here to save the day!
We haven't emptied the wallpaper folder out in a while, so yours may be in the next one. Due to the nature of embeds, having too many will lock up some computers.
Author: Adcoon
Description: Lyra never had a nightmare in her life, so why did she ever decide to compose a piece embodying the spirit of the night terror in honor of Princess Luna? More importantly, how will she find a nightmare to help her?
The Nightmare Sonata
Additional Tags: Even Nightmares Need A Friendop 3:00 PM
Labels: Author: Adcoon, Bonbon, Complete, Fanfiction, Lyra, Octavia, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Shipping, Star-4, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Vocal Music: The Battle For Canterlot / The Mare with the Rainbow Mane / The Herd (Join It)
by Sethisto
Twilight looks badass in that first one's cover art. It's original vocal time! check them out below.
1.) The Battle For Canterlot (Original Song)
2.) The Mare with the Rainbow Mane [Caine the DoomBringer]
3.) The Herd (Join It) - Hergest Ridge
Remember last night we reported the existence of some official looking MLP toys that had popped up on eBay and that were speculated to be part of the My Little Pony Miniature Collection? Well, apparently they are indeed the real deal! The MLP Facebook page just released the above announcement along with a gallery containing pictures of the figures themselves.
They look pretty good and it appears that we can expect to start seeing them hit stores this fall! Thanks to everyone that sent this in!
MLP Facebook Page
Picture Gallery -
Looks like ponies has once again been nominated by a major awards group, this time the Daytime Emmy Awards! In particular, Daniel Ingram has been nominated not once, but twice, for Outstanding Original Song in the Children's and Animation category. The songs nominated include Every Pony from Sweet and Elite and the Find a Pet song from May the Best Pet Win!
While the show wasn't nominated for any other awards, seeing pony at least make an appearance at these award ceremonies is a wonderful thing and is a testament to the talent and skill of the team behind MLP:FiM. Keep up the great work you guys and congratulations Mr. Ingram on your nominations! You've certainly earned it!
Check after the break for a screen cap of the announcement, official source information, and some videos of the competition.
Nightly Roundup #313
by Calpain
We here at Equestrian Innovations like to make sure that your Roundups are optimized for maximum enjoyment. Through work conducted in our underground research laboratories we can now safely say that this Roundup tonight has been infused with at least 17.28% more science! Don't worry, the tingling you may be feeling is perfectly normal and is certainly not the result of a deadly radiation meant to stimulate you into liking the Roundup.
Time for some news while I gather data on this scientific endeavor!
Whatshisgame points out that these may be a part of the My Little Pony Miniature Collection found on this press release near the bottom. The seller (Located in China) also has a whole pile of toys from other franchises that are unreleased. He also has a few of the upcoming blindbag toys for auction.
If they are fake, they are pretty amazing customs! I'd buy all of them.
Shining Armor
Princess Cadance
Granny Smith
Gilda the Griffon
And feel free to join the MLP Arena discussion on them!
Her wings are so... big
It's like Love Actually but with pony toys and not at all a romantic comedy. Somewhere in the depths of ponyspace, my long lost twin sister is being forced to buy wing extensions and sell herself on the black market (disclaimer: taobobo may not actually the black market). But she sends word that there are other things for sale besides herself, like a Princess Celestia gift bag from Mexico and (in Sweden) an audio book (in Swedish). Thanks to whatshisgame, ztoonlinkz, and filleg, respectively, for each of these hot news items.
See it all below the break. As a special bonus, we'll throw in a video review of the audio book in a language you probably don't speak. Aren't we generous? Because here at EqD, we are very, very bored. Now where did I leave that rope...
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