Fourteen weeks of work and years of skill honing went into creating this awesome replica of Rainbow Dash's cloud bed from Read it and Weep. ColdCalzone over on Deviant Art has been releasing updates on this for a while now, and this is the final product. It has to be one of the coolest things the fandom has created so far.
Now someone create Rainbow Dash!
Check out his gallery for images of each level of progress on it, and this page for a FAQ on it's creation. Apparently it's going up on ebay too!Share This!85 Comments
Saberspark on Youtube has compiled a bunch of the references and parodies found in season two into one, easy, borderline ridiculous video. It catches a bunch of them I didn't even think of, though some seem a bit far fetched.
Check it out after the break! What others did you guys catch that aren't found in the video? Toss them in the comments!
[Sad] [Slice of Life]
Author: RazgrizS57
Description: It's no mere coincidence that the possessors of the Elements of Harmony all wound up in Ponyville. With careful planning, convincing, and a bit of luck Princess Celestia led six mares along the right path that would forever make them the best of friends.
But first she had to find them.
Finding Your Elements
Additional Tags: Adorable, History, Elements, Memories, Flashbacksop 7:00 PM
Labels: Author: RazgrizS57, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Sad, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
We have some rap, some Scootaloo piano, and finish off with an almost Linkin Park style Daring Do track. Check them out below!
Update: Looking back at that first one, its really awesome - same with the video. You should definitely watch that. (probably should have had it's own post!)
1.) Twenty Ten - Filly Cannon
2.) The Cutie Mark Crusader Conclusion (Original Song)
3.) Midwives Of Discord - Dunewalker
Staff News: M.A. Larson Joins Twitter / Jayson Buys a Rainbow Dash / Tara Strong is Awesome
by Sethisto
There are tons of neat news pieces coming out of the depths of the internet lately in regards to various Friendship is Magic staff members. These guys are like the celebrities of our little fandom here, and I definitely don't want to turn EQD into their form of paparazzi, but this stuff is too cool not to report on! Have a list:
- Jayson Thiessen Purchases a Rainbow Dash Plushie
- Tara Strong Sends a Message to a Sick Boy via Twilight Sparkle
- M.A. Larson Joins Twitter
It has come to my attention that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is under-represented here on EQD. Sadly, there isn't enough new stuff coming out to give her a solo drawfriend, but we can roll with a header!
Have some art.
Source 1
We don't usually post trailers, but at 30 seconds its longer than most of the actual animation stuff we toss up! Twilight Sparkle is invading Aperture Science in an upcoming animation from Yudhaikeledai on Deviant Art (Creator of all of the other awesome portal pony animations). This is going to be his longest yet! I can't wait to see it.
Check the trailer out after the break!
Author: P0nies
Description: What can be remembered by a soul that has been lost in the darkness of time through the power of love?
Additional Tags: Endless, love, time, sacrifice, memoriesop 3:00 PM
Labels: Author: P0nies, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, OC Ponies, Sad, Star-5, Story -
The Leo Awards, a prestigious award organization for TV and movies in Canada, has announced their list of nominees for this year's ceremony and guess who made the list? Under animation MLP has been nominated for Best Program, Best Direction, Best Overall Sound and Best Musical Score as you can see in the pic above! The award ceremony itself is on May 25th, so we'll keep you all informed on any awards the show manages to garner.
Hopefully as we start entering into award season MLP can pick up some more nominations (and hopefully wins). Congratulations to everyone who put in such amazing work to create this show! You all deserve it!
Check out the Leo Awards page here. -
Music: PrimEvil -Queen Chrysalis // This Day Aria ~Queen Chrysalis Doomsday Mix~ // General Mumble - Her Evil Dances //
by Cereal Velocity
Remixes, remixes, remixes. What's old is new. Also, Luna's butt.
This hour we have some bagpipes, some Chrysalis, and a remix of a General Mumble!
1) PrimEvil -Queen Chrysalis
2) This Day Aria ~Queen Chrysalis Doomsday Mix~
3) General Mumble - Her Evil Dances
PMV: RadioVideo Crusaders // My Little Pony - Love is in Bloom // High School Never Ends //
by Cereal Velocity
PMVS! Get em while they're hot!
Also, I blame Seth for this sudden love for Chrysalis I have. It's infectious.
1) RadioVideo Crusaders [PMV]
2) [HD PMV] My Little Pony - Love is in Bloom [Extended + New Intro + OST Vocals]
3) MLP: FiM - High School Never Ends (PMV)
[Slice of Life] [Normal] [Sad]
Author: Tprinces
Description: Fed up with her life in a misfit family, Scootaloo finally decides to run away from home in order to live with her idol, Rainbow Dash, and finds out once and for all where she truly belongs.
Scoot Along Loo
Additional Tags: Family oriented, coming of ageop 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: Tprinces, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Sad, Scootaloo, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story -
I don't know. All I know is every day I get another package of the night's news. I know I get a little faster. I get higher and higher before each blackout.
I know it won't be long now.
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