Comic: Tales from Ponyville
by Calpain
Comic time once again everyone, this time with a new one from Madmax! I haven't really watched much of the old style sci-fi mystery and suspense shows and films, but seeing pony parodies of them from time to time has gotten me interested in checking them out. Guess I have something to do during the summer hiatus!
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YTPMV Time! That first one is seriously amaaazing. I've been told I drag vowels a buuunch. It's fuuuuun. But seriously, if you haven't tried YTPMV's before, that's a good one to start with!
Check them out below!
1.) The Bwargh of Fillydelphia
2.) YTPMV: Fasten Your Steroids
3.) Mega Mare X2 - intro stage
Tons of new shirts are up on Welovefine! Everything from movie parodies to just generally really neat shirts. You can find them all after the break, and above! And as always, this link will get you the most recent new shirts for easy browsing.
A few nights ago we announced a few of their Skyrim shirts being sent the way of the dodo. It looks like there may have been an actual reason for this. Both had the words "Fus Ro Dah!" on them, and it looks like these are in the process of being copywritten. Hope you guys picked them up while you could!
Comic time folks! Got a variety of them for you today that landed in our inbox. Above we've got Pinkie Pie coming up with another one of her unusual theories. She does have one vivid imagination doesn't she? While down below we have Pinkie and some pickles, and Twilight once again not having the best of luck with technology.
Click for full!
Author: CDRW
Description: One thousand years after Celestia banished her sister and crowned herself Empress, six mares are caught up in a swirl of intrigue and disaster. Each of them must decide who and what they stand for, because Luna is returning, and she is not Nightmare Moon.
A Still More Glorious Dawn Awaits (New Part 10!)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, long, mystery, action, character study -
As some of you may have probably picked up from the various tweets and miscellaneous comments floating around the internet in the past few days, we were invited to attend the Royal Wedding event in Culver City, California on Saturday. It's pretty amazing how much press this finale is getting! I think everyone is a surprised at how successful Friendship is Magic has become.
Anyway, check the writeup out after the break!
[Normal] [Sad] [Adventure] "Never before have I wanted to put my foot to Trixie's backside. This is Trixie at her Trixie-est. I felt for that old Mare that only wanted to offer her a home..." - Pre-reader #45
Author: Mr. T. Rolly
Description: This is the story of an unsuccessful show mare heading for the City of Entertainment, Las Pegasus, hoping to renew her tarnished name. On her path in life, she will let her past torments and her pride dictate her actions, slowly bringing her to the edge of Equestria where unknown dangers lurk. She has yet to realize how long and tiring her tale will become and will never see the opportunities to get what she really wants.
Silver Skies (New Part 6!)
Additional Tags: Tragedy, Trixie, Longop 5:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Mr. T. Rolly, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, Sad, Star-5, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
Author: Midnight Shadow
Description: A noble earth-pony family, fallen somewhat on hard times, is killed in a mining accident. They leave behind a single male heir, who is in sore need of a guardian, and of protection. Celestia takes the young pony under her wing and delivers him not to ponies - not earth, unicorn or pegasus - but to a dragon, an ambassador, an old friend of hers.
The Ambassador's Son
Playing a game which may just be deadly to the uninformed, the dragon decides that the one path open to him to ensure the safety of his charge and to carry out his sworn duty, is to adopt.
Additional Tags: dragons, betrayal, family, love, acceptance
Story: King of Diamonds (Sequel)
Author: Midnight Shadow
Description: Lord Sapphire lays dead and Tacksworn is in ruins, but Chiphoof Irontail has come home to his adoptive father, Sharptooth the dragon. Amidst the destruction and chaos, the community and the circles of friendship within must rise again to face an uncertain future. The young scion of the Diamond Expanse Clan must now face his greatest threat as the forces of war build to a crescendo. With his friends by his side, together they will uncover forbidden mysteries and face off against ancient powers that have lain dormant for centuries.
King of Diamonds (New Part 12-17!)
op 3:31 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Midnight Shadow, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-5, Story -
Like three hundred of you sent this image in.
This is my last drawfriend. Later today you'll get your Seth back. I'm sure you've missed him.
Source 1
Scootaloo is confused because trailers don't exist in Equestria.
Bonus alternate quip: friendship explosion!
We have two trailers this hour: one for Mad Men, and one for Madagascar 3.
1) Mad Ponies [Intro]
2) Equestria 3: Canterlot's Most Wanted
Instrumental Music: Twilights Ascension // A Symphonic Metal Tribute To My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic //
by Cereal Velocity
A nightmare to remember!
I'll never be the same.
What began as laughter-
so soon would turn to pain.
The sky was clear and frigid-
the air was thick and still.
Now, I'm not one to soon forget-
and I bet I never will.
Two instrumentals this hour: one for Twilight Sparkle, and some symphonic metal.
1) AgileDash - Twilights Ascension [Love And Generosity]
2) A Symphonic Metal Tribute To My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Nightly Roundup #291
by Calpain
We interrupt our recent bout of Roundups by PK with some science. PK is currently busy helping us with some tests at Equestrian Innovations (don't worry, he signed all the forms so we're good) so I'll be filling in tonight! He'll, hopefully, be back to you all safe and sound soon.
Have some news everyone!
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