We have a remix of Smile Smile Smile, a semi-remix of "What is this Place>", and a new vocal track this time around! Can you HANDLE the pony?!
It's getting really hard to write things for these posts!
1.) Smile, Smile, Smile (Rock Vocal Cover) feat. metroponytan
2.) Orschmann - What is this space? (House)
3.) [FUNK rock] All Confidential (ft. Tarby)
Vocal/Remix Music: Smile, Smile, Smile (Rock Vocal Cover) / What is this space? / All Confidential
by SethistoThursday, April 12, 2012 op 11:00 PM
Labels: Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-FanfictionShare This!16 Comments
It looks like all of you Gmod lovers out there have another new character to add to your roster of things to do awesome/horrible things to! Gilda's model looks to be completed, though the rigging is still in progress to get it up to full operational status.
Check out 3D spinny Gilda below while we wait! It's not often people break the pony mold in model building these days!
Also check out the Tumblr for a few closeups and the future status of it.
Author: OnTheMoon
Description: Twilight Sparkle accidentally awakens someone with a powerful spell. The entity calls to Rarity, bringing her and the others into a rising current that strives to complete something begun long ago.
A Rising Current
Additional Tags: Ghosts, Old Ponies, History, Party!op 9:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: OnTheMoon, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, Rarity, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Instrumental Music: Investigation Theme / The Pinkie Pie Style / The Flyer Cycle / Ode of Freedom
by Sethisto
The first one is actually the new theme for My Little Investigations, which you can find here! We also have a new pony song from Archie V, apparently his new producer buddies are letting him do a side account dedicated to FiM. He definitely came back with a bang!
1.) My Little Investigations - Investigation Theme
2.) Archie - The Pinkie Pie Style (Club Mix)
3.) The Flyer Cycle - Fear
4.) TeiThePony - Ode of Freedom
Author: (Insert Pen Name)
Description: Cider season is cut short when Ponyville is selected to take part in a "noble experiment". An experiment infamously known as prohibition! With the financial welfare of Sweet Apple Acres in jeopardy, and scores of thirsty ponies in need of relief, it doesn't take long for one opportunistic little filly to take matters into her own hooves...
Applebloom vs. the Eighteenth Amendment, Part I
Applebloom vs. the Eighteenth Amendment, Part II (New!)
Additional Tags: cutie, mark, crusaders, bootleggers, yay!op 7:29 PM
Labels: Applejack, Author: (Insert Pen Name), comedy, Complete, Cutie Mark Crusaders, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Spike, Star-4, Story -
Tara Strong seems to be popping up everywhere lately!
First off, VO Buzz Weekly has a special segment dedicated to her coming up on Sunday. She did a quick shoutout for everyone in the announcement, along with some pony stuff since you all love ponies so much! Check out the embed of that after the break, and camp out here for the actual upcoming show.
And in other news, a new documentary going by the name of "I know that voice" is planned for this Fall As is the norm, Tara Strong will be one of the special guests on it. That can also be found after the break!
And finally, it looks like the Twilightlicious shirt is still going strong. With four days left, it's rockin out at a whopping 810 bucks. 100% of the proceeds go directly to charity, so if you are trying to lose weight, empty those pockets and head on over to the ebay page!
Custom Compilation #59
by Calpain
I know we had a royal guard edition not too long ago, but this guy just looks so slick I had to put him up there! I wish I had an ounce of the creative talent these custom creators have.
It's that time once again! Check out the customs after the break.
Source 1
I've been getting quite a few emails about the Taobao Derpy from a while back. It has popped up on Ebay a few times. After not having much luck asking directly, I decided to fire something off to their custom service line about it. After their initial response saying the information was not readily available, they sent a followup confirming that it is not actually a Hasbro product. While the toy does have the traditional My Little Pony imprint, it does appear to be a knockoff.
The exact response:
Hi Shaun,
On a lighter note though, that thing is pretty awesome. There is always a chance that this specific toy in itself isn't considered a "Hasbro product", while real ones are in production. Only time will tell! I wouldn't mind an official Derpy.
Thank you for waiting for my response.
The My Little Pony look-a-like in the link you provided is not a Hasbro product.
Thank you.
You can find the full email transcript in image and text form after the break!
Over on "That's The Single Stupidest Thing I've Ever Heard" (best Tumlr name ever?), the full media screener for the upcoming Royal Wedding episode has been posted up, with a box-opening style collection of images showing it off. This thing is straight up classy.
Inside you will fine the invitation, as well as the actual DVD's for both parts of the season finale. They also snuck the synopsis for each episode on there, as well as pictures of the mane 6 in their bridal uniforms.
Check out more images after the break, or hit up the tumblr for them!
[Normal] [Shipping] [Slice of Life]
Author: Waroth
Description: It's Vinyl's birthday and Lyra has been busy preparing a quiet party for her marefriend. But after a hard day in the cutthroat music industry, Vinyl comes home reeking of booze and bad attitude. Will Vinyl fall back into her old ways of living or fight for her current lifestyle? Will she choose fame and fortune or loyalty and love? What really matters Vinyl?
What Really Matters?
Additional Tags: Short, Alcohol, Music, Decision, Sadop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Waroth, Complete, Fanfiction, Lyra, Normal, Shipping, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story, Vinyl Scratch -
I'm surprised we haven't been flooded in detective fics yet.
It's way early, but I thought Tera beta started today. Guess not! Have some art instead.
Source 1
[Comedy] [Slice of Life]
Author: Silverquill
Description: Fluttershy is given a rather odd request from somepony she thought she'd never see again: Iron Will. The minotaur seeks her out, asking her to teach him how to be as calm as she is. But when she agrees to be his tutor, will Iron Will take the lessons a little too close to heart?
Additional Tags: Need more Iron Will ficsop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Silverquill, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Iron Will, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story -
Ponies have invaded yet another new medium, this time taking over the world of popsicle stick crafting! It actually looks like he is planning on covering the entire thing in plaster of Paris for a giant Twilight Sparkle sculpture, but that initial is still pretty cool.
Check out the Deviant Art page to follow his progress!
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