Summoners! The tide of pony beckons you once again to take something awesome and fill it full of rainbows until it comes out adorable on the other side. Last year, an adjudicator on the League of Legends forums started a competition to take the various champions from the game and turn them into ponies. This year he's doing it again, with a prize of $25 in Riot Points to be handed out to the lucky and doubtlessly talented winner (NA only, sorry). If you have any idea what that means, and even if you don't, you should check out this thread and start looking for champions to equinify. I'll give you a hint: the answer is Lulu.
The more pony art in this world, the better, so storm over and bury this poor man in a wave of pony art the likes of which he can't possibly be prepared for. Our dear friends at Riot Games have yet to release a true pony champion: now is the time to make them see that even on the Fields of Justice, friendship is still magic.Share This!35 Comments
This was in the drawfriend earlier, and I think it would make a great discussion starter!
Hypothetical Question:
You have been hired on as the official toy designer for the "brony" demographic at Hasbro. What kind of new product would you create? Do you want molded show accurate Derpy toys? Or maybe high quality Luna plushies?
The choice is yours! Hasbro has given you an almost unlimited research & development budget, but you need to be able to sell these, so think of something you and your friends would both buy! -
Instrumental Music: Reality - Woody // Making a Difference // DasDeer - Welcome to Ponyville //
by Cereal Velocity
How could he know this new dawn's light
would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea, but pulled off course
by the light of golden treasure!
Instrumental music this hour: we start with a piano song for Pinkamena, a song based on the events of Hurricane Fluttershy, and one based on Ponyville itself!
1) Reality - Woody
2) Making a Difference
3) DasDeer - Welcome to Ponyville
Comic: P Cake
by Calpain -
Has Pinkie Pie ever had a wallpaper compilation header? Well, she needs more regardless.
Time to add another pile of stuff to your normal desktop rotation! Check them all out below!
[Comedy] [Slice-of-Life]
Author: NeutralMilk
Description: After Applejack tells Apple Bloom and Scootaloo not to see the hottest movie in Equestria, the two fillies take it upon themselves to sneak off and see it anyway. With a clever lie, their night is practically assured to go off without a hitch. The only thing they hadn't accounted for was the movie theater itself...
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo Go to a Movie
Additional Tags: Movies are not what they seem.op 6:00 PM
Labels: Applebloom, Author: NeutralMilk, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Scootaloo, Slice of Life, Star-4, Story -
Got a mix of comics here for you all today. While the Derpy controversy has died down I still think the comic above has the right message! Down below we've got some funnier fare with Rarity offering a suggestion to Rainbow Dash, and a prank going not as exactly as planned.
Warning: The second comic contains some vulgar language so be advised.
Click for full as always!
Turn on- I see red!
Adrenaline crash and crack my head!
Nitro junky- paint me dead!
And I see red!
A regular, mixed music post this hour: first we have a remix of a Liquid Cobalt song, a remix of a H8_Seed song, and an instrumental based on Mystery on the Friendship Express!
1) TeiThePony befriends Liquid Cobalt - One Last Glitch (ft. Prince Whateverer)
2) H8_Seed - Daring Mare (Eternal Insomniac Remix)
3) [Electro] Elliptisoar - Recipe For Mystery
This needs to be a screensaver. I don't use screensavers, but I would if this was a screensaver. So make it a screensaver.
Have some art while I make a screensaver.
Source 1
That screenshot reminds me of that casino level from the Sonic the Hedgehog game I spent way too many hours on as a kid. Never did beat it.
Rise of Vicis has released a two minute trailer showing off some of the progress they have made on their upcoming platforming game. So far it's looking pretty neat! There is quite a bit of variety later on in the video.
Check it out after the break! You can also find their website here.
Instrumental Music: Nightmare's Regime // Zecora's Swing // Fluutershöö - Sleepy Head //
by Cereal Velocity
I don't know how to live through this hell!
Woken up- I'm still locked in this shell!
Frozen soul- frozen down to the core!
Break the ice, I can't take anymore!
A lack of vocals spreads out before your eyes! We have a song for Nightmare Moon, a song for Zecora, and a song for Fluttershy.
1) Nightmare's Regime
2) Zecora's Swing
3) Fluutershöö - Sleepy Head (SimGretina Remix)
I heard you guys liked episode followups, and Cereal is lazy, so I'm doing it this time!
MMMystery on the Friendship Express went with the comedy style FiM episode, which are always my personal favorites. Pinkie Pie definitely grew on me after A Friend Indeed, so I was really looking forward to seeing another one with her as the focus. Imagine my surprise when Twilight Sparkle joined her! The Best pony co starring with second best pony?! Amazing!
Anyway, check the followup out after the break!
I have no clue who this pony is, but it's neat. In fact, if a pony champion was added to League of Legends, I would want it to look like that.
Have some roundup!
Also new banner from Toxicmario and me!
This was in the roundup, but there are enough of you sending it that I should probably give it it's own discussion.
Riot has added a pony reference into the vocals of their new champion, Hecarim One of his emotes tosses a "Suffering is Magic" line out. It's about time too! Riot is filled with pop culture references!
Lets do something fun with this though. You are now an official Riot Champion Designer. Make a pony champion! Toss your abilities/summary in the comments below.
Check the video out below!
The Second installment of Doctor Whooves Adventures has been released after the pre-showing livestream event! As is the norm, you can find it on YouTube below, or through the image above.
If you need to catch up, check out the first episode here!
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