PMV's and Trailers: Pinkie Pie Breaks the Fourth Wall for the Last Time / pony_tiem.mp4 / 9 Ponies
by Sethisto
We have Pinkie Pie completely SHATTERING the 4th wall, followed by 8 minutes of random, and finishing off with some 9 ponies. It's PMV time.
1.) Pinkie Pie Breaks the Fourth Wall for the Last Time
2.) pony_tiem.mp4
3.) 9 Ponies (trailer)
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Author: Timefly
Description: Under the quiet of night, there's nowhere for Luna to hide from the things which haunt her.
Midnight (Alternate)
Additional Tags: forgiveness, guilt, nightmare moon, sad, midnightop 10:00 PM
Labels: Author: Timefly, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Not-Fanfiction, Sad, Star-5, Story -
The world we live in can be a pretty huge place sometimes. It can also be a very tiny one. Sometimes when you're growing up you'll have a babysitter who's totally awesome in every way and draws you lots of ponies because you asked her to. And then she moves away and you grow up and wonder what became of her.
And she just so happens to be Lauren Faust. Below the page break you'll find a video from a girl named Chrissy, who came across some of the art that a young Ms. Faust had made for her and decided to share her story. I encourage you to check it out and receive your daily dose of heartwarming...
A lot of you love Derpy Hooves, but most of you don't know the origins of the word "derp". It was actually kind of surprising to see so many people with different ideas on the term during derpygate.
Know Your Meme has done a quick three minute video explaining how the word actually came out, and where it has gone since Derpy hit the spotlight.
Check it out after the break!
Equestria Online Team Shakeup
by Calpain
Some of you may have already heard through the grapevine about the troubles the team of Equestria Online has been facing. We recently received in our inbox information pertaining to the future of the project as well as information from both sides as to what caused the team's split.
Check after the break for more details that may shine light on the situation!
Music Remix: Super Steamy Cider Squeezy 9000 / Becoming Popular Rock! / Love Poison 3000
by Sethisto
Remixes all over today! We have some a steampunk version of Super Speedy Cider Squeezy (Very fitting actually considering the architecture of the machine!), some Becoming Popular rock version, and a bit of psychedelic Heart and Hooves day to finish it off. Check them all out below.
1.) Super Steamy Cider Squeezy 9000
2.) Becoming Popular Rock!
3.) Dj Pon-3 Befriends Psychedelic Brony - Love Poison 3000
I wonder if there are any actual negative side effects to coming in contact with Rainbow Dash's trails.
Have some art!
Source 1
For all of you out there that obsess over side character names, it looks like the red dragon had an actual canon, at least within the studio. Nayuki on the Allspark Forums (A layout artist from the FiM Team) states that he was called Garble in the actual script.
The only one of the teenage dragons who got a name in the script to my knowledge was the red one. Garble. I kinda feel bad about posting this though... the fans love coming up with their own names for characters after all. But yeah, Crackle and Garble were the named dragons from the episode. - Source Nayuki
So there you have it! Better go edit those fanfics in progress!
The other dragons still remain unnamed, so go nuts with them.
Another new clip is available in the Friendship Express game. As with last time, you can either earn it the old fashioned way by actually finishing the puzzles yourself, or cheat and watch it here!
Have some spoilers after the break!
Note: For those with sound issues, check after the break for a fixed one.
Well hello there, fillies and gentlecolts! I have a very interesting question for you today. Spring is nearly upon us, and as we head to Winter Wrap Up time, we're left to ponder the steady march toward summer. Summer, as you may remember, is a time between seasons of Friendship is Magic, and for some of us this can be a very trying time indeed. But what if I told you we could make our own episode? What if I told you it would look beautiful, and it would be about whatever we wanted? What would you say to me? What would you do? Would you support it? Would you come up with episode ideas, would you work together? Would you supply vocal talent, get a sound track together, and generally create a crowdsource studio?
Well, superbrony N66, who runs the Ask the Crusaders tumblr, is offering to take our efforts and turn them into show-accurate animation in June. And you know what? He has the chops to do it. If you want to see what he's capable of, then check below the break for a sample of some super gorgeous work. If this is something you want to see happen for realsies, let us know in the comments. If you supply the interest, Equestria Daily will supply the organizational structure to make it happen. So let us know.
It's that time of the week yet again! the Equestria Inquierer has released yet another video/newspaper combo for all you onion fans out there.
Copy Paste:
"Presenting the third All-Freelance issue! 100% of this week's issue is reader-submitted material. Thanks for reading! Since the Cutie Mark Crusaders are running the EQI offices, Joe is in Peru researching his new book. Watch the video or read the issue to learn more, and hear about our charity fundraiser. Also learn how Scootaloo once again destroyed the EQI offices."
Find the PDF Version here, and the video after the break!
We had the vocal files a while back, and a anamatics as well, but someone went all the way and fully animated the Doctor Whooves and Assistant monologue!
Seriously, this is awesome. Check it out either at the Newgrounds page, or Deviant Art! -
As I mentioned earlier, we had a bunch of instrumental stuff come in today, so have the rest, or the non-techno stuff.
1.) Budding Friendships - Farm (Summer) (Video Game Music!)
2.) Luna's Requiem (Piano)
3.) Discord's Theme (Organ/EVIL AND DISCORDY)
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