Instrumental time! How pony is it? Who knows! They are all good though.
1.) The Equestral Plane
2.) Soarin Wonders
3.) Luna's Lament
Pinkie Pie has the BEST PMV's. Don't try to question it, it's the truth! It says so in Twilight's books, and Twilight's books were all written by Pinkie's clone created by another clone that is a mad scientist version of Pinkie with an IQ of 27902x, the x being whatever Pinkie Pie wants because shes awesome.
Anyway have a PMV after the break, because it's awesome and pie filled.
If you don't watch it, the other clone of Pinkie Pie will play pranks on you while you sleep tonight. You don't want to have to wash your sheets and clean the shaving cream off your face do you? She goes for combos remember.
Instrumental Music: Sonata Octavia / Octavia's Vision / In memory of Broken Heartstrings
by SethistoSo... Octavia. She has a lot of music apparently. It's all pretty orchestral this time around, so go grab some dark coffee and a good book. Relaxation is the name of the game.
1.) Sonata Octavia
2.) Brony MACH - Octavia's Vision
3.) In memory of Broken Heartstrings
All of you rock fans out there are probably really going to enjoy this one. An album full of rock versions of the pony songs has been released on Bandcamp. All togeather, there are 10 songs, with 8 instrumental versions to top it off.
Check out the full track list here! -
Remember when Cereal said Ikea pony was the cutest pony ever? Remember how he completely forgot Fluttershy? Clearly we need to put him on blog probation, because a travesty of this caliber just isn't forgivable.
Ask Dr. Adorable follows the every day exploits of a mad-scientist style Fluttershy (Think Doctor Horrible) as she makes world domination and destruction the cutest thing ever. Seriously, you will have a heart attack if you expose yourself to it for too long.
So what are you waiting for! Head on over to her blog and bask in the diabetes inducing madness. -
It's that time of the week again! The Last Roundup is happening tomorrow morning, and we have a few mare-a-thons goin down.
Above you can find the normal Bronystate, with their copy paste:
Greetings fellow Bronies!
And the others:
Bronystate invites you to join us this Friday and Saturday for some good old fashioned movie watching. Check out our flier above for more information on showtimes and don't forget about the pony episode this Saturday morning! If you would like a chance at our lottery, feel free to send us an email at and we'll add you to our newsletter subscription. Hope to see you there!
Brony TV: (Friendship is Witchcraft+Marathon)
Copy Paste:
bronyTV is back. we will start our Mare-athon stream at 5:00 EST ( ), and as always, it will be all of both seasons, and friendship is witchcraft between the two, leading up to the premier of the newest episode. we will also be playing a movie after the new episode.
> Main room:
> Overflow one:
> Overflow two:
> Overflow three:
> Overflow four:
> Overflow five:
> Overflow six: -
Someone named Atamaii on Youtube recently attended a Hong Kong Licensing show, and hit up the pink isle for ponies. A lot of the stuff is we have already seen, but there are a few new ones. Some of the highlights include:
New Pony Graham Cookies
More Shining Armor and Princess Cadence (Not in toy form)
I guess this is Hasbro's "official" release of the two new ponies? I haven't seen them drop them anywhere other than leaks yet.
Sadly there aren't any new toys. I guess they are focusing on apparel here or something.
Anyway, check the video out after the break!
Music: Pinkie's Lie (Automatic Jack Remix) / Hop Skip and Drop / Songkeeper - HushNowQuietNow
by SethistoWe have Pinkie's Lie, and Hop Skip Jump both dubstep'd, and a remix of Hush Now Quiet Now Flute Style. You can probably guess what the theme is this time around!
1.) WoodenToaster-Pinkie's Lie (Automatic Jack Remix)
2.) Daniel Ingram Vs Sherclop Pones - Hop Skip and Drop (Sgt-Whip Remix and Mashup)
3.) Songkeeper - HushNowQuietNow
Another one of those crazy German pony magazines has been released. They actually included the Comic Con poster this time around! I'm glad it's getting some use outside of our group.
Someone actually sent me an interesting... translated page. It's odd to say the least.
Check out the full gallery here!
[Normal] [Sad]
Author: Starry Tides
Description: It's amazing just how much things can change in such a short amount of time. For Trixie, her world is turned upside down in a moment of anger, and she finds herself alone in a cold and unforgiving world with nothing but her name. As she struggles to find her way and pursue her dream of being a renowned actress, she must don a mask of arrogance and confidence, not even noticing as the mask she despises fuses to her very being.
All the World's a Stage Part 1
All the World's a Stage Part 2 (New!)
Additional Tags: Change, frustration, loneliness, desperation, self-realisationop 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: Starry Tides, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Normal, Sad, Star-5, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
PMV: Twilight Descends Into Madness // "Rarity" // What Would Twilight Sparkle Do?
by Cereal Velocity
Poor Scootaloo. They didn't even bother to explain how Pound Cake was able to fly so well, like they did for Carrot. Oh well. We love you, chicken.
1.) Twilight Descends Into Madness
2.) "Rarity"
3.) What Would Twilight Sparkle Do?
Over at Everfree Radio, they have an 80's themed event in the works. If Cheerilees blast to the past gets you excited, head on over to their site for more information on it!
There are also a few more HD BroNYCon panels. Hit them up below:
Artist Panel
Fighting is Magic Panel
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