Tonight we have the twelfth Community Spotlight, run, as always, by Gendid. This week it's Wisdom Thumbs, pony artist and author of “Swordpony!”. You can find his works on his DeviantArt page and you can find “Swordpony” right here on Equestria Daily!
Without further ado, enjoy an interview with Wisdom Thumbs!
Click it!Share This!Comments
Grab a sword and jump in!
Well hello there, everypony. It has been a long time. In case you haven't heard, Equestria's quadrennial war games with the Griffon Empire are upon us. It's a time for harsh training, a time to pony up, a time to make your equine nation proud.
It's also a time for drawing some cool looking ponies! Dust off your pencils and tablets, because we are about to art. You may remember the last time this event was held, but in case you came in after the end, the Newbie Artist Training Grounds are an exercise in creative expression and improvement through repetition. You, yes you, can learn to draw like all the big name artists, and all you have to do is practice. There's hundreds of bronies from this summer who will testify to that. So for the next five days, let's put on war paint and have some fun. Find the rules of engagement and get some questions answered after the page break.
Custom Compilation #39
by CalpainJedi Rarity edition, because there are just not enough Jedi ponies out there!
Have some more customs after the break.
Source 1
And then Granny Smith was a real character.
Welcome to the episode followup! This week we got a huge slap in the face made entirely of new canon for Ponyville and the Everfree forest. To some, that might have hurt! For the rest of us it was rather enjoyable. Come along for the ride, and we'll talk about all the neat stuff we saw.
I'm slowly digging all of this stuff up, confound these seven hour plane rides! Daniel Ingram is once again showing off how much of a badass he is with a Skype interview for the massive crowd at BroNYCon. This one is separated into a few parts, so I'll link them below instead of embed.
Daniel Ingram Interview
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 -
For all of you out there who missed the voice actor interview at BroNYCon, someone has uploaded the entire thing to Youtube! I'm sure all the random comments lately have had some of you confused, so hopefully this dispels that!
The image quality is a bit low, but all you need is the audio anyway! Check it out after the break!
Update: If you want to wait for HD, Bronyville will be tossing it up on their page this Wednesday with the new episode!
Also they have badass pins.
Comic: Leeches, All of Them (Madmax)
by Calpain -
[Shipping] [Sad] (Ignore the Star rating above, use the tag)
Author: Kommunist Kensei
Description: Rainbow Dash is the bravest, most fearless pony in all of Equestria. But when she is visited by nightmares for the first time in many years, can Dash swallow her pride and seek comfort from a small pink pony and some delicious hot beverages? And is this the ideal opportunity to reveal feelings she has kept repressed for so long?
Hot Chocolate (Update Part 3!)
Additional Tags: Memories, Loneliness, Crying, Comfort, Beveragesop 4:00 PM
Labels: Author: Kommunist Kensei, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Sad, Shipping, Star-5, Story -
[Comedy] [Adventure]
Author: SoundofRainfall
Description: After a life-changing experience, Carrot Top discovers her true calling, and will stop at nothing to fulfill her new purpose.
Born to Ride
Additional Tags: Carrot Top, Spiritual, Motorcycles, Break-ins, Magnumsop 2:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: SoundofRainfall, Berry Punch, Carrot Top, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Star-5, Story -
We have another product update from our super-awesome sponsors, WeLoveFine, the only officially licensed source for pony stuff for your various body parts!
The spotlight this time around is a set of men's shirts, women's shirts, and a poster for this Twilight Sparkle Nouveau, similar to the ones of Fluttershy a while back. They also encourage you to check out the site in general, as a bunch of other stuff has been added. Shop around! Buy some pony. Support these awesome guys!
... but try not to crash their server this time!
Men's Shirt
Women's Shirt
An intrepid pony found this adverstised in the Los Angeles Times this morning.
Any guesses? Looks official to me!
EDIT: Yep! It's official!
DOUBLE EDIT: High-res version!
[Sad] [Slice of Life]
Author: Pyre
Description: How does a princess deal with the loss of the most important pony in the world to her? What if all of Equestria's history since that time was the result of trying to bring that pony back?
For Her
Additional Tags: Tragedy, Loss, Responsibility, Love, Hopeop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Pyre, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Nightmare Moon, Sad, Slice of Life, Star-5, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
I may have been in a state of half awakedness from lack of sleep, but I'm pretty sure I heard the VA's say Kathleen Barr was HUGE inspiration. Clearly Rarity and Twilight are both low tier in comparison to the Greatest and most Powerful voice acting ever.
Not to mention the French and Powerful version, which is also awesome.
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