Time for that roundup thing! Hope you are in the mood for some Fluttershy tonight, cause I love me some Fluttershy.
Pony Toast Top 50 Music Countdown
Copy Pasta:
It's that time of year again. last year, this show got over 700 listeners to the top 50 countdown! And assuming the world doesn't end, we're ready to do it again! This year the countdown has landed at Fillydelphia Radio, and it looks to be just a fierce a competition as last year!
But before we can have a top 50 list, we need everyone to go vote for your favorite songs! There will be multiple categories this year, including up-and-coming artists and favorite original content songs. You can vote RIGHT HERE! Voting closes 12/21/2012, so HURRY!
The actual countdown will be New Years Eve, from 7pm-midnight GMT (2pm-7pm EST) on Fillydelphia Radio!
Ponies Mentioned on BBC Radio Show
At 1:44:16 into this episode, a bit of pony pops up for everyone! Apparently one of the people that contacted a show the day before on gender neutral toys was invited on.
Ponies invade TMZ
It's a small reference, but Fluttershy was totally on TMZ. Not too surprising considering the shirts they sometimes wear. Hit up :45 on this video.
Twitch Laser Show
Ahhh, its almost too flashy to turn away from! Lasers are neat!
Cantercast Daily 003
Today on Cantercast Daily, we talk about voting for the top 25 pony songs of 2012, Las Pegasus Unicon donating money to a special needs school, and their fan fiction contest. We also discuss the ways to watch pony if your iTunes video is out of wack and more!
Come join us every day at canterlot.net for exciting discuss and join us every day at 11am est for Cantercast Daily; and 9pm EST Sundays for cantercast weekly.
Last Exit to Ponyville #5
Hey Everypony! We're almost halfway through season 3 but we still have lots to talk about. We asked the community how they feel the season is going so far and what they liked and didn't like. Cereal Velocity from Equestria Daily steps in to give us a community update and urges us to vote for ponies!
Laura shares with us some stories of retail hell while Mike ponders on the future of the franchise and tv show. Meanwhile Trevor is incredulous that there aren't some forms of merchandise readily available for us to throw money at them, find out this and much more on today's episode of Last Exit to Ponyville!
Thank you to everyone who called in and wrote us some fantastic emails! We will be back in January 2013 with more shows about you and the show we all love.
Suggestions are welcome for topics @ [email protected]
Have a safe and happy holidays fillies and gentlecolts!
Head on over here to check it out!
See Birdman from January 3-7 at MAGFest! Would love to meet up with some fellow Bronies and Pegasisters!
Visit for more info at http://magfest.org/
"The Cough" Reading
It's a creepy fic reading! Find it here!
Cloudsdale Cafe Episode 2
Welcome once again to another episode of the Cloudsdale Cafe Spotlight! With me your host, Cinnamon Top. And this week I am interviewing Corbin, he runs a very small tumblr called: The One True Alicorn.
Be sure to check him out!
For more interviews and other fun stuff Subscribe to our channel.
And follow us Tumblr!
And if you want to contact us, toss an email to our gmail!

Successful Meetups
Belgian Meetup
Last saturday we did a meetup in Antwerp.
We had a quiz, we had an auction, watched the episode and had a live Q&A over skype with Bronyfied!
Overall, we had a lot of fun and will certainly do this again soon.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Dutch Meetup
Fillies and gentlecolts,
We have a date and place for the next Dutch Brony meet (#8)! It will take place on saturday the 15th of december! This time it will be in Haarlem.
Those who attended meet #4 will feel familiar, because it's the same place we had back then. Only this time we rented more space to shelve at least 150 people in there.
Like always, entrance and drinks/snacks are free of charge. We will have events organized by the orga and there will be an auction.
For more info, see http://www.bronies.nl/
--------------------------------------------------------------Leeds Brony Hearth's Warming Eve Mega Meet-up - (Yorkshire Bronies) - 15/12/2012
Greetings, us at the Yorkshire Bronies team are putting together a large Hearth's Warming Eve
meet-up in Leeds. We have put together a well thought out plan for the day of the meet-up.
Let's get down to it then!
Here are the Details:
Discuss the meet-up here:
Any Questions please contact our E-mail or Skype:
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: YorkshireBronies
A Yorkshire Bronies chatroom is available through Skype.
I hope to see you there!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Soap
Derpy Plushie
Dash/Applejack Scarf