It looks like yet another signing party/event is going on for the My Little Pony comic, this time over in Tennessee! With Andy Price (The MLP Comic artist) attending, it's looking like something you might want to hit up if you have a comic and are in the area. Head on down past the break for all the information on how you can join!
Calling all Bronies and Pegasisters!
you live in the Tennessee Valley area? Do you love the 'My Little Pony:
Friendship is Magic' comic book brought to you by IDW? If you answered
yes, then Haven Comics has a treat for you!
on down for a huge Ponypocalyspe Party on Saturday, December 15th from
12-6PM and join artist Andy Price as Haven Comics presents a fun-filled
day of fun activities and a comic book signing! Fans of all ages are
welcome - there are plenty of things to do:
Purchase/Bring your comic and get the illustrator of the new My Little
Pony comic book, Andy Price, to sign it as he is our guest of honor!
* Costume contest at 3PM! This is an all-ages costume contest for all our visiting colts and fillies!
* The first 15 people to show up in costume will receive a flower from Fluttershy's garden.
Cutie Mark Crusaders' Coloring Books! Yay! Watch some My Little Pony
while coloring with your friends. Take your masterpiece home or have it
displayed on our wall for all to see. Maybe you'll earn your cutie mark
for drawing in the lines!
* "What's My Pony Name?" Discover what your "pony name" might be!
* Sugarcube Cookie Corner, where everyone can decorate their own delicious treat.
* And a special appearance by Rainbow Dash herself!
You can RVSP to the event on Facebook -