I'm feeling rather tired tonight so have something random. I can only imagine what sort of clothing Rarity could create if she had the powers of an alicorn on her side!
Time to round up some news! Check it out after the break.
MLP RPG Update
The MLP RPG has received a major update since we last reported on it weeks ago and the author has a demonstration to share with you all that you can view down below!
Come Join The MLP-ATG-Alumni!
Hey, everypony! Do you think that Seth's idea of a weekly NATG is a good one? Well, we did too! That's why, 76 weeks ago, some veterans of the original NATG went and founded the MLP-ATG-Alumni! And ever since, every single week, we have been providing drawing prompts and offering help to artists looking for something to draw or ways to improve. So, feel like giving it a go with a proven, Phoe-approved group? Come on and join us! Our group's deviantART page can be found here: http://mlp-atg-alumni.
Filly Gamez Wants You to Vote!
The Filly Gamez guys are asking for some help picking music for Act 2 of 'Welcome to Ponyville'. If you're a fan of the game, check out the information below for more details.
Those of you that played the demo to "Welcome to Ponyville" know that over at Filly Gamez, we're all about decisions! In the spirit of this we're letting you have a chance to decide on some of the music for Act 2! Just head over to our forum, check out the Nightmare Night radio play, and let us know which piece of music you want to hear turned into a full song and placed in the game!
Special Christmas Livestream
Looking for something to do on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? How about a pony filled livestreaming event! Rainbow Brony is ready to spread some holiday cheer so if you're interested in some ponies to share Christmas with you make sure to check out the video below.
Runescape Update References Pony
Even more ponies in video games, this time in the online game Runescape after a recent update! According to the person who sent it in these are the specific changes that were made that were pony related:
-A whole lot of the possible names for player-owned ships (e.g. nightmare moon, element of harmony, twilight sparkle, and some others)
-An entire archipelago named after the mane6 with subtle references to their respective pony (like the deliberate misspelling of winds as wings for the island "ren bo"
-A Spitfire ram as a customisable object (not necessarily a reference, but knowing the developer it is)
ScrewAttack's Hard News Talks MLP:Online
The awesome guys over at ScrewAttack recently discussed the shutdown of MLP:Online in their latest edition of their segment 'Hard News'. For the full scoop, check them out at the link below.
ScrewAttack's Hard News
Pony Reference in Retro Unicorn Attack?
Robot Unicorn is a classic in the realm of online flash games and in a recent release of a retro version of the classic game a possible pony reference has revealed itself. Apparently in the instructions that can be found on the title screen, Rainbow Attack has been changed to Rainbow Dash in the retro version. Take a look below for the evidence.
Considering ponies have been referenced by Adult Swim before it isn't a big leap to make the assumption that this really is a pony reference. What do you guys think?
Original Game
Retro Version
Cantercast Daily 002
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Cantercast Daily 002 Show
Today's Cantercast Daily, Lou goes solo! No SamuraiByte in sight. Today we talked about Brony*Con ticket sales for the holidays, more shirts at Welovefine, and the Studly Stallion Stache off!
Join us every morning at 11AM usually as we talk about the most current news possible in the Brony Community. Also join us every Sunday night for Cantercast Weekly at 9pm. Join us at canterlot.net
Hope to see you there, and keep trotting on!
Brony Clubhouse Network's First Special
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The Brony Clubhouse Network is the collective effort of Bronies from Southern California to give back to the Brony community. We do our best to cover both major and minor pony-related events, and provide an honest perspective on the fandom, the show and the My Little Pony brand. Content will be professional yet whimsical, thought-provoking yet fun, and will continually showcase the unique talents of our staff.
Our first special has been released. Check it out!
BronyBeats: Music is Magic Livestream
Interested in music? Love listening in on talk shows? Well, we've got a new livestream for you guys to take a look at this weekend! Join BronyBeats every Sunday at 8pm at the link below!
Livestream Channel
Pony 411 -- Episode 17: Electric Scootaloo
Ohhhh, shoot! Pony 411 is back with its 17th episode, Electric Scootaloo. Take a listen and hear Nemesis, Four String and Fusion Fox talk about the new episode, "Sleepless in Ponyville," and the IDW comic that was just released. Check out the YouTube link/embed below or listen on iTunes.
Along the way, your hosts touch briefly on some news around the fandom and apologize profusely for having episodes of less substance lately. Things will be back to normal soon, probably around the time when "Wonderbolt Academy" airs and Four String emerges from crying tears of joy for like 24 hours straight. In the meantime, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook, and we'll love you unconditionally.
Successful Meetups
Stuttgart, Germany Meetup
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In celebration of a very special year coming to an end, 50 Bronies met at Stuttgart central station, our beloved meetup hive. New friends were made, The GalaCon took place, many major and minor meetups took place, the BroniesE.V. was founded and many episodes of my Little Pony: Friendship is magic were enjoyed together – reason enough to celebrate. The next tradition is the visit of our local drugstore – the staff there is getting used to us as well and prepared 8 boxes of wave 5 blindbags for the herd. The stunned faces of stuffers and Christmas shoppers were priceless. Yet another meetup tradition is the usual bowling session with too many pony references and tons of fun. The obligatory photo was made in the parking lot due to the limited space for 50 bronies. Two wonderful plushies (Twilight and Fluttershy (sadly not Trixie –even though I asked for her o O)) were auctioned as well as the meetup poster signed by all participants. The evening ended in a local party cellar where we enjoyed the new episode together and discussed the brilliant parts of Scoots, Luna, Rainbow, Rarity, Sweetiebot and all our beloved Pony Friends. All of us had a great time together once again. I promise that this wasn’t the last meetup in Galacon City –Stuttgart, Germany. Maybe we’ll see you in April for the second GalaCon.
More photos can be found in the galery: http://meetup.bestpony.de/index.php/Stuttgarter-Abschlusstreffen-am-8-12-12
Special thanks to Bronies.de for the platform to organize the meetups and Bronies E.V. for financial support.--------------------------------------------------------------
Bronies of Alabama Christmas Meetup
This past weekend the Bronies of Alabama held a Christmas meetup in Birmingham, AL. We hung out at the mall, went bowling, exchanged gifts, played with nerf guns at a local park, and ate cake. The meetup was a blast and one of our best turnouts.
If anyone in the state wants to join in on future meetups, join our group.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
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Leeds Brony Hearth's Warming Eve Mega Meet-up - (Yorkshire Bronies) - 15/12/2012
Greetings, us at the Yorkshire Bronies team are putting together a large Hearth's Warming Eve
meet-up in Leeds. We have put together a well thought out plan for the day of the meet-up.
Let's get down to it then!
Here are the Details:
Discuss the meet-up here:
Any Questions please contact our E-mail or Skype:
E-mail: Yorkshirebronies@hotmail.co.uk
Skype: YorkshireBronies
A Yorkshire Bronies chatroom is available through Skype.
I hope to see you there!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Bead Pony