I was going to header this with some Scootaloo, but this image was too awesome not to use. Rainbow Dash is best pony.
Have some nightly roundup stuff!
My Little Pony DVD pops up on G4
This is a crazy brief mention, but the MLP DVD popped up in the DVDuesday segment of Attack of the show. Find it at the end of this video!
Sleepless in Pontville Zecora Rhymes
Zecora is best pony. Rhyming is amazing. Find it all here!
Pony Mind Bleach 1 Year Anniversary
Copy Pasta:
"I am happy to announce that today is the first birthday of PonyMindBleach.com! In celebration of it's first birthday, I am taking PMB out of beta with a brand new user interface and a lot of new features. PMB now loads all the images asynchronously to make the site both faster, and to use less bandwidth, but still has all the same features you are used to. Added as well are some social media share options for the pages, as well as a history feature so that you don't accidentally click past awesome images before getting to share them with your friends. For content submitters, there is now a DeviantArt scraper that allows you to pull directly from DA links instead of having to manually upload all the images yourself. The new site requires a modern browser and javascript enabled to use because many of the new features require the new technologies. I'd like to thank you all for your support, with over 1.2 million pageviews in the last year and over 45 thousand unique visitors, this year has been great and I only have you guys to thank for it. Check it out, share it with your friends, and (if it's your thing) check out the about page to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get updates about future changes and updates. Thanks for making it a great year everyone! ~Lots of love, Tylor 'LordV' F."
Tylor 'LordV' Froese
Ponies Invade Revenge of the Titans
Over at the Steam Store for Revenge of the Titans, one of the developer uploaded screenshots has a scoreboard filled with ponies in it. Sadly, Trixie comes in last place, but Rainbow Dash probably cheated anyway.
Free Givaway on Wooden Ponies
Xofox on Deviant Art is giving away a bunch of these wooden ponies. If you want a chance at one, head on over here for information on it!
Lightning Round #25
This is the 25th episode of my My Little Pony podcast The Lightning Round. I'm gonna tell you the biggest news of the last week and highlight some of the best media. This week we have our review of Season 3 Episode 5: Magic Duel with our new host AR. Special thanks to Joel Linsk for the wonderful opening theme and Azure Doodle for the new title card.
The Daily Neigh
In this episode of The Daily Neigh, Dezzy tells us how he really feels about Luna and what happened in today’s episode. Prepare for lots of swearing and rage in this special episode.
Brony Bookclub Episode 16
This week we had on H3ph3stus, author of Timelords and Terror, to talk about Doctor Whooves. While the recording had a bit of a rocky start due to a combination of awkward-not-used-to-this-
Blue Screen Bronies Pwnies for a Cause
T'is the season for giving and charity and what better way to celebrate these ideals than with a fundraiser! Bluescreen Bronies is happy to announce we are sponsoring a Gaming Marathon stream to raise funds for Kiki's treatment slated for Saturday the 22nd from Noon until Midnight EST (-5 GMT). Prizes will be given away, guests will be interviewed, and we even have music being performed all to support Kiki who only needs $8,000 more until her goal is met! If you can't make it or can't afford a donation then please pass the word around so we can make this goal a reality.
Contests for prizes will be held throughout the day and even though we can't tell you what they are yet you will enjoy them! You must have a Twitter account for these contests, details of the rules and restrictions will be released next week. If you wish to donate before hand or a prize to be given away during the stream please contact us via Skype at DracoPony or email: bluescreenbronies@gmail.com Hope to see you all there!
Successful Meetups
Hungary Meetup
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Edinburgh Bronies visit a Christmas fair
Hello everypony! I would just like to invite all of you to come and join all you Scottish bronies to come and ride on some amusements, buy some things from stalls and go ice skating!
We are all meeting on the 15th of December at noon by the Scott Monument! More information can be found at http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/edinburgh-christmas-market-and-ice-skating.6618/
French Season 3 Meeting Point
We, at Radio Brony, created a page for all french bronies to come and watch the season 3 together and discuss:
Indonesian Meetup
The Indonesian Bronies Society will be holding the last major meetup of 2012 in the Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, in the central heart of Jakarta, and we are issuing an open invitation to any Indonesian (or even foreign) bronies to attend the meetup. Doesn't matter if you're a closet brony, newly recruited to the fandom or just heard about us - we're here to have some pony fun! Plans include lunch gathering, traditional pony hunting and perhaps a movie. However, there would still be more activities to be determined near to the event date.
To know more about this event, you can visit the event's page on Facebook
and join our group on Facebook
Looking forward to see you fellow bronies! :D
Leeds Brony Hearth's Warming Eve Mega Meet-up - (Yorkshire Bronies) - 15/12/2012
Greetings, us at the Yorkshire Bronies team are putting together a large Hearth's Warming Eve
meet-up in Leeds. We have put together a well thought out plan for the day of the meet-up.
Let's get down to it then!
Here are the Details:
Discuss the meet-up here:
Any Questions please contact our E-mail or Skype:
E-mail: Yorkshirebronies@hotmail.co.uk
Skype: YorkshireBronies
A Yorkshire Bronies chatroom is available through Skype.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Filly Octavia Plush
Celestia Ornament