Some Luna for tonight's Roundup because I'm going to be seeing a lot of late nights in the next week. Time for news while I take a break from this presentation I'm crafting.
Let's Start With a Snack
Pony Fandom Detailed in University Paper
Yet another university has written a small article about the Brony population that has congregated at their campus. This time the University of Missouri reports in! Makes me wonder how long it'll be before my own university has an article about the fans here.
Article Link
Kansas City Star Includes Ponies
It's not just the university papers today referencing ponies. In the Kansas City Star, an article on gender stereotypes has appeared using our fanbase and our cute, little pastel ponies as a positive example! Check out the article below.
Article Link
Brony@home Updates
The Brony@home crew have a few updates for you guys that you might find cool! Check it below.
It's that time of year again! Plans for the next Brony@Home competition are well underway, and while not all the information (and prizes) has been finalised, registrations are open. Pop by the forums and make a post in the competition thread with your Folding@Home username. Registration on the forums is not required.
That brings me to the next important announcement: We now have our own forums:
Visit this link to post your interest in signing up for our competition:
More information will follow in the near future.
Winter Wrap Up Fandom Project Needs Help!
The MBS Show - Episode 40
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Our hosts Norman Sanzo and Daniel Anthony had the chance to talk to JaxBlade07 one of the most buffest bronies out there.
You can listen to the interview over on this link:
And also if you want to know more about Ska music, Norman Sanzo and Daniel Anthony also did an interview with Jesse Carlson or better known on YouTube as jcarlson04. Hear the story of how he got into the Ska music genres.
You can listen to the interview over on this link:
Last Exit to Ponyville Call-Ins
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"So far has season 3 lived up to your expectations? What works and what doesn't?"
Call ins can be sent into 817 717 7202 or emailed into Subject line:Ponyville
Babble With Bronies - Episode 31
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Howdy everypony!
We're watching S1E14 this week, "Suited for Success", plus there's a surprise in store you're going to want to hear.
Time: 4:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm CST (16:00 EST/ 15:00 CST) (UTC -5 / -6)
Date: December 8th, 2012
Facebook page:
We're watching S1E14 this week, "Suited for Success", plus there's a surprise in store you're going to want to hear.
Time: 4:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm CST (16:00 EST/ 15:00 CST) (UTC -5 / -6)
Date: December 8th, 2012
Place: http://babblewithbronies.
Facebook page:
Successful Meetups
Nebraska Bronies
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Nebraska Bronies celebrated its 1-year Anniversary! Happy Birthday to us! Awesome art print by
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Alicorn Amulet (For Kiki's Charity!)