• Livestream Saturdays

    That's right, it's that time again pony folk! With another Saturday comes another afternoon of streaming by pony artists from across the fandom. So drop on by and say hello as you watch these magicians work their magic and make pony appear from nothing! We've got a couple people doing requests, so check them out if you want a chance to get a drawing!

    As always, if you are interested, send me an email at [email protected] containing your livestream information, a link to a gallery of your work, your artist name, and a banner (optional). Livestream posts go up at 4pm EST / 1pm PST every Saturday, so make sure you're free at that time before sending in your information. All sorts of art are accepted as long as it is pony related, be it PMV editing, music, crafts, ect. Also, livestreamers who have been accepted before need to send their information in each week to be added in for the next week. This ensures that I know you'll be livestreaming that week and makes sorting streams easier on me.

    Now let's get started shall we? Check after the break for artists who are streaming today!

    Artists Streaming Today:

    Acesential (Taking Requests) - Livestream - Gallery

    Ahmedz (General Artwork/ Possible Requests) - Livestream - Gallery

    Aria Spark (General Artwork) - Livestream - Gallery

    DashAttack (General Artwork) - Livestream - Gallery

     Io Kusanagi (General Artwork) - Livestream - Gallery 

    Kryptchild (Taking Requests) - Livestream - Gallery

    Palette Swap (General Artwork) - Livestream - Gallery  

    Regenbogenflitzer (General Artwork) - Livestream - Gallery

    Tygerbug (General Artwork) - Livestream - Gallery