Darin do! And other stories. Find them below!
Story: This Platinum Crown (Update Part 22!)
Author: Capn Chryssalid
Description: After the time-looped events of The Best Night Ever, Rarity's relationship with Prince Blueblood seemed to be a fairy tale come true. Perhaps so, but it was a fairy tale soon cut short. Her dreams and future position quickly earn her the attention of powerful enemies. Only one mare can bear the Platinum Crown of the Duchy of Canterlot and be heiress to it's secrets and magics. The future of Equestria may well depend on that one mare being Rarity Unicorn.This Platinum Crown
Story: Treasure in the West (Update Sequel Part 5!)
Author: DiveBomb
Description: When an unexpected heat wave scorches Appleloosa, Braeburn finds himself unable to save his family's apple orchard. That is, until he meets a certain pony whom he thought to be fictitious. The mare tells him of a treasure that is said to be buried in the town of Dodge Junction, and asks for his assistance in finding it. Will the tales of Cunning the Colt's treasure prove to be true, or were they simply folktale?Treasure in the West
Story: The Last Laugh (Update PArt 2!)
Author: Waffle134
Description: After the defeat of Discord, the spirit of chaos, the birthrate of Equestria mysteriously comes to a standstill. With no new foals, the pony population quickly declines. Decades later, with the passing of the last pony, Celestia and Luna enact a plan to undo what has been done. Does their salvation lay in an all-too-familiar stone statue in the royal gardens, or is the pony race doomed?The Last Laugh
Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Story 2 Part 35!)

[Grimdark] [Adventure]
Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.Upheaval: Breaking Point
Story: School Daze (Update Sequel Part 4!)
[Shipping] [Sad] [Comedy]
Author: Paleo Prints
Description: After her students release the spirit of Discord on an official field trip, Cheerilee finds herself out of a job. With no opportunities in Ponyville, the schoolmare takes a job offer in the inner city area of Canterlot's old mining town. Can even she overcome the insanities of her colleagues and apathy of her students in time to pass her next annual review? And who is the mysterious backwards-talking filly following Cheerilee around? Luna's School for Disadvantaged Youngsters will never be the same!A Nightmare in Ponyville
Story: Apple Branches (Update Part 13!)

[M/M Shipping]
Author: Cogs
Description: Caramel likes Big Macintosh. Big Macintosh doesn't know. Rainbow Dash and Applejack are romantically involved. And just how much does Caramel admitting his crush change all their lives?Apple Branches: Caramel and Apples
Story: Daring Do and the Ivory Idol (Update Sequel)
Author: Geno Blast
Description: Daring Do narrowly escapes from an old foe, only to find herself going from the frying pan to the fire. An ancient evil, a population corrupted against their will, and an intimidating unicorn threaten not only a small island, but possibly the entire world! Will Daring Do and her filly companion make it off the island alive? Just what is this "Ivory Idol"? If adventure has a mane, it must be Daring Do!Daring Do and the Ivory Idol
Story: Ordo ab Chao (Update Part 14!)
[Sci-fi] [Dark]
Author: Integral Archer
Description: One hundred eighty years before the first Nightmare Moon incident, the United Republic of Equestria is ruled by two prevailing parties and simply switches hooves between them every few years, as the citizens get more impatient and indecisive.Ordo ab Chao
In the midst of the worst depression in Equestrian history, an egregious scandal befalls the United Party when the president of the country is found guilty at her trial following her impeachment—obliterating her and her party, and cementing any future victories of the Royal Party and their leader Princess Celestia.
Out of apathy, the United Party chooses Disce Cordis as their new leader—a strange draconequus with a piercing stare, an odd accent, and who can't even pronounce his opponent's name properly. He appears innocuous and ineffectual enough; but as his campaign goes on and he starts to gain more popularity, his strange speech and manner makes the citizens of Equestria suspect that, perhaps, the welfare of the Union isn't what is first and foremost in his mind.