With Trixie's episode coming up it only seemed appropriate that she get a header this week. Plus Seth asked and I really don't want to be locked in the laundry room with PK.
Sorry for no news yesterday guys, but there literally was so little news to report it would have been one sad looking Roundup. Tonight's is much beefier so that's a relief! Also, apologies if there are any mistakes as I've been up for 36 hours and things are a little loopy right now.
Check it all out after the break and thank you Sugarcube-Owl for the awesome picture!
Another Week, Another Review From TV.com
TV.com's review of One Bad Apple is out, the reviewer not as happy with this episode as with the others so far this season claiming in a snippet that the episode "relied on standard bullying PSA rhetoric, including informing an older person about the bullying (in this case, Applejack)....It was all just so pointed and overly reinforced throughout the episode that "One Bad Apple" didn't completely fit with the show's overall tone of gently weaving in a lesson."
I personally really enjoyed the episode, but I do see the reviewers point. What do you think?
TV.com Review
Reharmonized Ponies Episode 6
MLP Comic Pops Up On Kotaku Australia
It seems odd to see MLP next to the likes of Batman and such, but the new comic series continues to impress beyond all expectations! In a recent article from Kotaku, ponies has once again surfaced! Check out the full details at the link below.
Kotaku Article
Equestria Currency Contest
Some time back we mentioned a contest looking to design a cool looking currency for Equestria. Well, the submissions are now in and it's up to you guys to vote! To learn how to do so, follow the link below.
Currency Contest Document
Ponies Premiering on Bin Weevils
Another day, another media outlet picking up ponies. This time the British children's site Bin Weevils is joining in on the fun, with the premiere of episodes on their site starting Friday, November 30th. Always nice to see pony continue to reach a wider and wider audience!
Source Article
Derpy Tattoo!
Dash Academy Fan Movie Needs Help!
I've actually been a fan of the Dash Academy strip since it started way back so I'm pleasantly surprised to hear their is a fan movie being made of it! Quite awesome! But to make it a reality, they need some help. Check it down below.
The DASH ACADEMY fan movie, a prequel to the life of Rainbow Dash before her life before Ponyville, is now open for auditions: http://marshan3q.
More news on the project can be found here:
Season 3 Abridged Needs VAs!
Exactly as the title says, they need some VAs you guys! Full details are below.
Hi Everypony! I am going to be creating an abridged series based off of the My Little Pony Series 3 T.V show. I would love it if I could get some voice actors together to help me succeed. I already have the lovely Missbunniswan (http://www.youtube.com/user/
I am still looking for some VA's for some characters in the show. For
example, Fluttershy, Pinkiepie, spike, Shining Armour, etc.
Send all submissions, questions and random information to [email protected]
Canterlot Siege Game Now For Android
All you people with your fancy phones and such to play games on. Maybe one day I can share in on the fun! Canterlot Siege is not on Android for you fans out there! Follow the links below to find it.
APK File
Trailer for Android Version
Past Sins - The Audio Book
Past Sins is getting an audio book treatment thanks to Illya for you fans out there! Take a look at the details below.
For the past few months I have been working with Pen Stroke Pony and the musician Forcedemodo to produce an audiobook of Pen Stroke's Novel "Past Sins." As the novel is around 200,000 words the project is requiring a great deal of Labor to produce and edit. But I have reached the stage now where I wish to begin making it available to the Public. I have the first ten chapters posted at my soundcloud site: http://soundcloud.com/illya-
Lunar Transmissions - New Episode
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Leatherneck here, Ground Control thought it was pretty funny taking over my blog account. They're probably laughing it up now that it took me this long to figure it out. Well I have a couple of moon rocks waiting for them. Oh yeah and PrimeSonic is reminding me to tell you about our guests:
SilvaTech: VIP/Guest Relations for Silly Filly Con earlier this year and the upcoming Midwest Bronyfest
Haybuck: Head of Public Relations for the eagerly anticipated 2013 BronyCon.
You can check the broadcast via the JETSTREAM tab . If you have any feedback, requests, or suggestions about who you would like to see interviewed on the show, please contact us on Twitter at @LunarTrans , like us on Facebook, or email us at lunartransmissions@
Wednesday November 28th at 6:30pm EST
Voice of Equestria - Episode 21
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A bit shorter than usual this week due to the shorter-than-usual gap between last week's episode and this one. On the other hoof, we had to get Atticus back on since we forgot to ask him our big 3 guest questions last time he was here.
We've also got a special treat: The debut of a song from the Fallout: Equestria Radio Play! Come check it out!
Successful Meetups
European Brony Meetup
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This weekend the first EU-M (European Brony Meetup) Had taken place in Basel, Switzerland.
With over 50 guests from Switzerland, Germany and Austria, it was the largest pony event, Switzerland has ever had.
The event had two parts: First a small program, with a presentation for the game, PONYCRAFT: Tainted Skies, which is in progress, by The Comet. And watching the new episode of course.
The second part was a party until 4:00 AM.
Next to our mascot, which was designed by Leyanor .
We also had our own anthem, by InfectedPonyz, who also played as a DJ that night.
and were selling special energydrinks for our guests. http://i.imgur.com/CtLXk.jpg
All in all the meetup was a huge success and will take place every year from now on. Slowly growing each time, until we someday hopefully can call the EU-M a convention.
Here some more pictures:
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Real Life 'CMC' Broad
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I've just founded a forum which will be kinda like the Cutie Mark Crusaders of non-ponies.
People can sign up and try to find their special talent with different boards, so people can try out everything, with members helping others.
Boston Bronies Meetup
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Hey, are you a Gamer? Local to the Boston, New Hampshire, or Vermont Area? Well we have a treat for you.
The Boston-Bronies are hosting an overnight meetup at the Gamer's Sanctuary, located at 491 Amherst St. Nashua, NH on December 15th and 16th from 6 PM to 8 AM. The venue is a large console gaming lounge with all sorts of consoles and games, with 11 100+" projector screens. (And a few smaller ones too.) Come on down for an awesome night of fun, food, gaming, and pony!
You can find the venue's information, along with the games they have at their website: http://gamerssanctuary.vpweb. com/
Oh, and don't forget to check them out on facebook too. The Boston-Bronies made a great impression for round one last month, and the venue's owner really wants us back, and to see a ton more Bronies in the store. So let's share the love!
We'll also be running a Yankee Swap! For those who don't know, everyone participating brings a gift, no more than 20$ in value. The gifts are placed into a pool, and everyone draws numbers out of a hat. The first number selects first from the pile, etc. Each person after the first selects a present, and then can choose to swap with anyone who already picked. Once everyone has gone, the person who went first can then choose to swap with any open present. If you're interested in participating, or have any questions, email me at [email protected], and I'll add you to our list. We'll be running the Yankee Swap at Midnight.
Also, you like Tournaments? Of course you like tournaments. You're a gamer! We'll be running a few tournaments through the night for perfect pony prizes. Bring your game face!
Sleeping space is available inside the venue. However, sleeping bags, pillows, and the like are not. If you're planning on sleeping at all during this epic night, be sure to bring one of your own!
If you're interested in coming, check it out at the meetup page. http://www.meetup.com/ Bronies-Boston/events/ 92577542/
We can't wait to see you guys there!
Planetside 2 Clan
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The Equestrian Foreign Legion(Brony Mount and Blade Warband clan) is offically expanding its scope to a new game, PlanetSide 2. This is a call to all bronies who enjoy PlanetSide 2 and wish to play in a "Outfit"(clan). Things such as organized operations and attacks are being planned and our goal is it to make sure no brony won't have an ally at his side. We are positioned in the Jaegar server and fight on the side of the TR, currently mostly active on Amerish.

Link to Clan steam Page: http://steamcommunity.com/
Questions are best directed at "EQFL_Sapare", if not available you can alternatively contact "EQFL_Roy Wolf" or "Commissar Tavi". The EQFL steam group is set to private due to a case of many members being inactive and unresponsive if it is not, as such you will have to contact one of the above listed names to join the group. If you join it is expected that you attend at least one prescheduled event per month
Pony Comic Cover Party!
To celebrate one of the comic covers for the new MLP comic, a signing event is planned for this Saturday in Portland, Maine!
To promote the cover (and promote ponies in general) there's a signing at Casablanca Comics this coming Saturday at noon. There's some sort of facebook event for it, but the general details are just:
are celebrating the release of the new My Little Pony comic with our
own Melanie Tingdahl. Melanie will be sketching ponies from 12-3,
Bronies welcome, cosplay welcome." And it takes place at Casablanca
Comics @ 151 Middle Street, Portland, Maine 04101
Santa Clarita Meetup
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Why hello there
again, mares and gentlecolts! After the marvelous time we had last time the
Bronies of Santa Clarita are once again going to spend another evening at the
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf at the Westfield Valencia Town Center, which will be
on November 30, 2012 at 5 P.M. Here at this fine establishment you can order an
array of different sumptuous yet refreshing beverages and delectable baked
goods (and some healthy snakes), ranging from a simple cup of coffee or tea to
mixed beverages, herbal infusions, cocoa, etc. There is also a plethora of
nearby restaurants to dine at for a scrumptious meal. Once we are finished consuming
our delightful meals and grow tired of staying in the same location, we can
migrate elsewhere on mall premises and enjoy browsing what fine commodities
their stores have to offer.
Here is a link to the event page on Facebook:
And here is a link to the SoCal Bronies event page:
Grand Galloping Gala 2012 University of Calgary
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Cookie Cutters
Pony Santa Hats
Fluttershy Scarf
Rainbow Dash Scarf
Applejack Scarf
Pony Necklaces