Rarity certainly stole the show this weekend, ending with a fabulous new look to show off her awesomeness. Appropriate that the pony with an eye for gems looks the best when crystallized, eh?
News time you guys! Check it out after the break.
Luna Radio's Hurricane Sandy Fundraiser!
Ever generous, another group of Bronies have started up a fundraiser for Hurricane Sandy victims. Check out the details below on how you can contribute!
Greetings! We are representatives from the online radio station Luna Radio (lunaloves.us), a non-profit, web-based broadcast system dedicated to playing 24/7 pony radio and featuring nightly live DJs and featured interviews with musicians and other significant individuals within the MLP community.
We are currently hosting a 168 hour Live DJ-athon this week until Sunday in order to raise funds for the Red Cross to aid in disaster recovery of Hurricane Sandy. The event is called "Lunar Auxilium Nox, a Hurricane Sandy Relief Project" and 100% of the donations will be going directly to the Red Cross from November 12th - 18th. We respectfully ask to have this event featured on your website as we feel that it will boost our efforts to help those in need greatly. We also feel that a feature would aid all parties of this event greatly and would be in much appreciation for it
Card Game Update
The Cards with Friends Project has recently released a new update about the game. Take a look for details below.
Cards with Friends is currently entering a phase in which testing is incredibly crucial! The team is getting ready to make the first major tweaks and changes to the rules, so people interested in helping to take part in this process would be making a huge difference in the evolution of the game!
What do you do to help test? Simple!
1. Read the Rulebook for MLP: Cards with Friends, which can be found at http://mlpcardswithfriends.
2.Print out or write down each card for the two available decks on separate notecards/scrap paper.
***DA user Silverradicand has kindly provided us with a template which you can just print out and cut out to play with! (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/85872763/MLP%20Cards%20with%20Friends%20Decks.docx)
3. Sit down with some friends and play it out!! When you've finished, it would be most useful if you could leave impressions of the game on the Cards with Friends survey (http://mlpcardswithfriends.
Calling all artists!
The Cards with Friends staff are always seeking talented artists to make card illustrations. Artists interested in lending a hand should refer to the list of artwork needed (http://mlpcardswithfriends.deviantart.com/journal/List-1-Cards-that-need-their-artwork-done-335095194 ), as well as sending an inquiry to DA user Noonebahtim about joining the group.
Calling all artists!
The Cards with Friends staff are always seeking talented artists to make card illustrations. Artists interested in lending a hand should refer to the list of artwork needed (http://mlpcardswithfriends.
Currently, there are a few fantastic samples of what Cards with Friends is looking for in art:
(http://fav.me/d5kkhha) Applejack, by (http://raedrob.deviantart.com/ )
(http://fav.me/d5kkhag) Angel Bunny, by (http://ponywise.deviantart.com/ )
(http://fav.me/d5jly0k) The Stare, by (http://retaya.deviantart.com/)
--------------(http://fav.me/d5kkhha) Applejack, by (http://raedrob.deviantart.
(http://fav.me/d5kkhag) Angel Bunny, by (http://ponywise.deviantart.
(http://fav.me/d5jly0k) The Stare, by (http://retaya.deviantart.com/
Any questions comments or details needed should be sent to DA User NoOneBahtim or emailed at noonebahtim@live.com.
Details on joining the MLP: Cards with Friends Skype group should be sent to DA user Rowcla."
Czech OC Contest
A group of Czech Bronies are asking for some help designing an OC for themselves. To do so they are holding a contest where the best OC submitted will not only be used for their group, but the winner will receive a crotchet plush like one of the ones below. If you're interested, check out the full details down below.
What was the contest about? It was simple:
Design and
draw our Equestria United OC pony. Only rules were, that it was pure
digital works (better vector only, but not mandatory) and the cutiemark
should be EQUnited logo (which we kindly use as the page profile
Other than this, there are no rules. The OC can be alicorn,
unicorn, pegasi or earth pony, mane and hide colors do not matter too.
the prize? Well except that we are going to use the OC as our mascot
(the admins of the page will be the judges, as well as we will be
choosing the name), the winner will receive his design crotcheted as a
full 3d realwool pony :)
The mail for the submissions is equestriacz@derpymail.org
Ponies in Luxemborg Newspaper
Ponies have popped up in a short, but interesting article in a Luxembourg newspaper. Check out the full translation below.
The boys who dream of "My little Pony"
More Pizza Hut Ponies!
Between you guys sending in cakes and pizzas I must admit I find myself somewhat hungry after each of these Roundups.
Pizza Derpy Source
My Little Pony Premiere Reviewed at TV.com
The release of season three is making its rounds about the net as more news pours in about it. This time with a small review by TV.com in their latest Animation Round-up. Check it out at the link below to get the full scoop!
TV.com Article
Another Pinkie Pie Cake!
Wyoming United Bronies Interviewed
The good fellows of Wyoming United Bronies were recently interviewed by a local paper about themselves and the fanbase in general. Always good to see more ponies in the news! Take a look at the full interview at the link below.
Group Facebook Page
Contest to Win Picture Autographed by Cathy Weseluck
Everyone loves Spike and Mayor Mare, right? Well, now's your chance to win a picture of the two signed by Cathy Weseluck herself! If you're interested in owning a piece of autographed pony history yourself, follow the link below for more details!
Contest Link
Pony Project Needs Singers!
For the musically inclined, a new pony project is in need of some peeps who can belt out a song! Check the details below.
I am currently
looking for female singers who are able to sing in the along with the notes of
PonyEveningStar's song: One Day I Will Fly http://youtu.be/XJ5mqXgSmhY
It would be
preferable if those who apply are able easily and naturally sing in the
specified key.
If you are
interested and wish to see the written lyrics for the song, send an email to Silentmatten@gmail.com
Voice of Equestria - Episode 19
Copy Paste:
Hooray, new season of ponies! This also means we're back to our weekly schedule!
Silverlight, Scorch Mechanic, Dalken Starbyne, and special guest Atticus (voice of SteelHooves in both Scorch's Fallout: Equestria audiobook and the upcoming Fallout: Equestria radio play) discuss some awesome news, a really awesome season premiere, and some awesome fan-created stuff. So awesome! Come check it out!
Flankcaster - Episode 3
Copy Paste:
In this episode the Flankcaster team discus's Art Ponies and Pokemon with none other then Whatsapokemon.
That and we make horrible season 3 premier predictions.
This episode was the most fun to record to date, and it really shows.
Flankcaster is an Australian Bronie podcast which aims to highlight prominent Australian bronies in art, writting, music and games.
The Brony Initiative
Copy Paste:
Episode: http://youtu.be/BynQzqM6nDg
First of all, I do applogize for us being gone for two weeks...I've been sick and I didn't want to record when I sounded like total crap.
Anyway, down to business! Our long patience has finally been rewarded with the beginning of the long anticipated Season 3! Whoo! More ponies!!
Also, this week, we will go into quite a large number of news, including, techincally speaking, the birthday of our favorite wall-eyed mare! :D
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this episode!
-Midnight Surf
P.S. Sorry about the echo in places. My co-host tends to get a little...errr...loud :3
Show notes: https://docs.google.com/
Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Outro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Successful Meetups
South Australian Premiere Meetup
Copy Paste:
On Sunday 11 November (also Remembrance Day), the South Australian
Brony community got together at the Hallett Cove Beach Boatshed Cafe for
a lunch followed by cakes and the Season 3 screening. Two ponies had
birthdays that weekend, so we had enough cake to please even Pinkie Pie!
We screened the Season 3 Premier which was fantastic, and held an
auction afterwards. Some funds from the pony poster sale was donated to
Doctors Without Borders. Thanks for everypony who came to make it a
Norway Meetup
Copy Paste:
Successful meetup in a pizza restaurant in Oslo at Saturday
as we watched the season premiere. In the beginning we had some
problems with the loudspeakers (because apparently the
restaurant didn't have any loudspeakers o.O) but one of our awesome
members actually ran off to the store to buy some new ones! So when the
show started we could enjoy the live stream in our own VIP room.
Afterwards we discussed a bit about how awesome it was. And later at the
evening we "viking-raided" a toy store and emptied it for blind-bags
and other MLP products.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Cincinnati Brony Group
Facebook Page
Chapel Hill Comics Pony Party
Event Link
Merch/Ebay Stuff
MLP Fleece Hoods
Rainbow Dash Altered Magic Card
Derpy Blind Bag