Hanging out with friends and making new ones is a great way to spend a weekend, something I know quite a few of you did at EQLA. Welcome back you guys! I hope you all had a lot of fun and made some pleasant memories.
Nightly news coming your way after the break!
Dramatic Fanfiction Reading - My Little Ponly
Got another one of those dramatic readings for you guys tonight! Check it out above.
Another Tattoo!
My Little Pony Meets Physics
I can't believe how long it has been since the very first pony physics presentation! Seems like an eternity ago when we were presented with convincing evidence that Applejack is made of dark matter. Anyhow, have some more ponies and physics up above!
Pony a Day Project
A Brony over on Youtube is dedicating this week leading up to season 3 to providing a PMV each day based on one of the main six. Tonight we have the leader of the group as he starts off with the ever adorkable Twilight.
Kiki Fund Celestia Radio Roundup
The Celestia Radio fundraising marathon continues over on Celestia Radio! If you didn't catch our post about it yesterday here is the skinny:
Celestia Radio is hosting a 200 hour *live* DJ marathon for Kiki Avivy, a young girl with cancer. This isn't just music either, this includes live interviews and shows as well! Check out #CelestiaRadio and http://ponify.me/kikis-cancer-
Las Pegasus Unicon Contest
A really awesome contest with some really awesome prizes is being held for Unicon! Check out the full details below.
MLPchan.net is giving away a special "A Package" to this fantastic pony-fan convention which includes: 1 Full Weekend Entry (full 3 day Pass), 1 Skip to the head of the line Pass for 2 panels of choice & 1 Set of SWAG consisting of a Limited Edition Unicon Button, Hat & T-shirt.
Unicon is a pony convention taking place in Las Vegas at the end of February at the Riviera Hotel and Casino, doing it up in classic Vegas style. Special guests that are already confirmed include Tara Strong, John de Lancie, Daniel Ingram and more. If you'd like to experience what's likely to be an amazing convention, then this is a chance for you to do.
The contest can be found here: http://mlpchan.net/oat/res/210323.html
Reharmonized Ponies - Episode 5
German Brony Radioshow
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The German Bronies will get a special Radioshow now!
The article on www.nsw-anime.de:
Many fellows twitch only at the name of it but only a few know what's it about. My little Pony isn't just a toy or a TV-Show about little ponies - it's a lot more! If you want to know, don't be scared of just the name.
Because our moderator D'Kelli will show you the world of My little Pony and will prove that it's the friendship that counts. Every second week D'Kelli talks about ponies and of course there will be fitting music. Launch of our new show will be on 12nd of november - 6 p.m Central European Time (CET) (UTC +1).
Heads up and listen when we say: My little Pony: Streaming is Magic - here on NSW-AnImE!
Brohoof Podcast - Episode 36
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Brohoof Podcast Episode 36
The crew returns for "Season 2" of the podcast and catches up on all the missed news.
Podcast The Brony Bookclub Episode 14-Alterna
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This week we recorded an ENORMOUS episode on Alternative Media with Urban Meadows the creator of Buck: Legacy which is a pony trading card game. We had a great time, and there was some tweaking with the format. Next week the theme is Princess Luna, so email us at thebronybookclub@yahoo.com with your BEST ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE! Listen to the episode here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2PdjIZXtbE)!
BronyTime - Episode 8
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Hey Everypony!
This week we have unique episode for you. We interview Dizzy Kitty and her husband Moo. If you never heard of them, there’s a reason for that. These two are new to the community and are interested in learning about bronies and MLP:FiM. Who better to break them into the community then us with panelists VVolf, Silent Shot, Flare, and MBS hosts Norman and St. Pinkie.
BronyTime.comEpisode Link
Luna Radio Interview Series: Yelling At Cats
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Today, I wanted to let you know about a very unique interview that took place this weekend over on Luna Radio: we had a three-hour discussion with musician and famous (some would say "infamous") pony rapper Yelling At Cats. In what was a deliberate departure from the standard style of interviews you often find on pony sites (with questions like "Who is best pony?" and "Are you excited about season 3?"), we chose to focus instead on the origins, lifestyle and goals of the artist. What resulted was a discussion that shed a great deal of light on Cats' style as a musician, his production process, and his collaborative work.
The interview video is now available online at:
A huge deal of controversy has surrounded Yelling At Cats, and for many in the pony community, this may be the only way that they recognize his name. Based simply on the controversy, one would be tempted to assume that he is solely an aggressive character who embodies the "thug life" culture that is prevalent in his genre. In reality, however, his story is much more nuanced: his music portrays a narrative and a persona that in many ways differs from his own life. Instead of seeing himself as the "voice of a generation", he very frankly accepts his own need for continued development in his craft and speaks highly of those who work around him.
Of course, no interview with Yelling At Cats would be a comprehensive one without addressing the subject on many fans' minds: the long-standing dispute that arose between DeviantArt member Yamino and Yelling At Cats after a lyric in the song "What Went Wrong" referenced the artist by name. Cats does not shy away from this subject, and in fact is very upfront about his opinion on the matter, in a way that should hopefully shed some light on the other side of the story.
Successful Meetups
Barcelona Meetup
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The 3rd of November we had a Brony Meetup at the outside of "Salón del Manga" [Manga Convention] in Barcelona. The meetup started at 16.00pm and we were 27 bronies. We talked about ponies, we dealed MLP cards for everypony and we raffled a Cherilee+CMC pack. It's great to see that we are pushing forward the Brony awesomeness in Spain, because here is a closed and little-known issue yet.
Then we went inside the Salón del Manga and we enjoyed the afternoon walking and looking for cosplayers.
We're excited to see how the things are going here, and we're waiting for the next big meetup.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Pony PvP Server
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★ ULTIMATE MY LITTLE PONY 1.4.2 ★ Factions ★ Creative ★ Survival Games ★ Raiding & Griefing Allowed ★ Pony Themed Maps ★ Updated Daily ★
This is possibly the best My Little Pony server that has ever been built. Why do I make such a statement? Because it truly is the best server made specifically for bronies. We have a very systematic server where you can build whatever you want without anyone constantly bossing you around! No whitelisting! No hackers! No griefers! You can ever rent your very own private zones! This server will allow anyone and everyone to build without the approval of anyone else!
Ultimate My Little Pony - Enjin [OFFICIAL WEBSITE] - http://theundernetwork.enjin.com/
Ultimate My Little Pony -
Israeli MLP Fans Meetup
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Well, in order to celebrate season 3 we have decided to arrange a meet up. The meet up is planned to happen in Black Bar'n'Burger on Nov 15. We have decided to do it a week after the air date because we want to watch it in a VIP room in HD. It is planned to be somewhere around the evening. Now, nothing is yet set in stone so for more detail and questions look for 'Israeli MLP Fans' on Facebook. יולי 11 עד מתי?
Brony@Home Roundup
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You've heard of the Folding@Home team Brony@Home several times now, but recently we have decided to roll out a site update that would encourage some friendly competition between team members. Head on over to our site, pop in to the sub-teams page, and add yourself to one of the teams. Instructions are provided on the page, but you must first be folding for the Brony@Home team (212997). Our current teams are:
Bronies Australia forum
Neoseeker forum
UK of Equestria forum
MLP Music Archive
Equestria Daily
Not a member of one of these teams? If you have a community you frequent, such as a TF2 server, another forum, or...well, anything really, visit our contact page, send us an email, and we will add your community to the list of teams! Please make sure you have permission from the owner/leader/manager of your intended community first.
Keep up with the latest news on Brony@Home and Folding@Home on our homepage, or via our twitter at https://twitter.com/
UKofE Season 3 Premiere Party
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UK of Equestria, the United Kingdom's premier online brony community is holding a Season 3 Premiere Party at The Horse pub in London. We'll be showing the season opener on a big screen, along with a pub quiz and kareoke. The event runs from 11am to 5.30pm, with a seperate after party at a second pub for over 18's. You can find the full event guide and directions on the UKofE site.
All are welcome, but do please sign up to the UK of Equestria forum and post in the event discussion thread (LINK) to let us know you are coming! We've got a lot signed up already and may have to cap attendance at some point. Cheers!
San Luis Potosi, Mexico Meetup
Date: November 9th
Adress: Plaza de la tecnologia, area de juegos - Carranza, Zona centro
Time: 4:00 PM ~ 7:00 PM
No cost
Gift: One giant pin to choice for everypony who assist
Info: Just to meet each of us in person, talk a lot about all topics and have a nice time. Maybe play some Nintendo DS-3DS
Melbourne, Australia bronies
To Celebrate Melbourne cup we are going to the beach at Chelsea on Tuesday 6th November.
There will be competition for best hat and fastest racer.
Meet at Federation square at 10:30 leaving for the beach at 11pm on a Frankston train.
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Spike Sculpture
Chrysalis Painting