Have you ever just gone outside at night, someplace quiet and alone, and just pondered the things the mind usually lets drift beyond our grasp during the course of our everyday chaos? It's nice to center ourselves at times, force time to work for us instead of against us if only but for a moment. Ironically, we seem to grow the most at times when it seems like we're doing nothing at all.
Take some time for yourself this weekend, you never know what you may find.
Time for some news folks, I hope you are all well!
Sissy's Magical Ponycorn Adventure at TED
This little bit of news has an interesting history behind it or at least in regards to myself. You see, over a year ago one of the first things I ever submitted to EqD was this very game, made by a little girl and her father. As the game was inspired by ponies and I thought it was endearing to see someone from the target audience for the show exhibit such interest I believed it to be a perfect fit for the site. Unfortunately, it fell to the wayside and the cute little game disappeared from my memory, thinking that to be the end of it. How surprised I was to see it resurface in the inbox this evening!
The game I came across so long ago has garnered a lot of attention since then which has culminated in this TED talk by Cassie and her father. It makes me smile to see such a cute thing come so far and seeing people donate to Cassie's college fund raises my spirits higher. It's things like this: where a father works on something fun with their child, where strangers are willing to help promote and donate to such a project, and where we finally see that project on stage in front of scores of people that embody what being good to one another is all about!
Good job Cassie and her caring father, you've both earned this!
Check out the game for yourself below and consider possibly donating a buck or two to her college fund if you can.
The Equestria Daily Show: Episode 3
Yes, Cereal does in fact do most of his posting while on the ceiling. You see, the extra blood rushing to his brain gives him inspiration or something like that.
Hearth’s Warming Care Package Update!
An important update has been issued by the runners of the care package event for Kiki. Check out all the info below!
We just wanted to remind everyone about our deadlines as well as let you know about a charity event we have coming up.
Thanks for all the gifts you’ve sent so far for us to give to Kiki! She’s going to love them!
We’ve added a couple big names to the judges list, so welcome and thanks to SleeplessBrony, ROBCakeran53, AbsoluteAnonymous, and Pegasus Rescue Brigade!
Remember! Entries to the fanfiction contest are due by November 10th! If you can’t make the deadline for the contest, we’re more than happy to accept late entries for the anthropology. Check out http://writeoff.rodgerdodger.me for all the details or e-mail us at [email protected] for questions, or to submit art or other gifts for the package.
Members of the Midwest Brony Division (the heads of Midwestria Con) have put together a charity meetup for the project as well! Food, contests, and charity events have been scheduled and it will take place Sunday, December 16 in Villa Park, IL (30 minutes west of Chicago). Full details on the facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/events/443652025681624
Thanks again! We’ll see you again December 1st with the winners of the contest! Don’t forget to vote for your favorites and let our celebrity fic judges know what you think!
Love and Tolerate,
PonIver and the Hearth’s Warming Care Package Project
MLP++ Inspired Pony Query Language
The phenom that Cereal kicked off has taken another turn as a fellow computer savvy Brony has taken a crack at creating a Pony Query Language, a play on SQL! I know nothing about computer tinkering so I'll let him explain in his own words what he has done below:
"I was inspired by MLP++ but I don't know enough C to contribute to that, I do however work a lot with SQL and thought it would be fun to create a ponified version of that.
The result is PQL, Pony Query Language.
It's basically ponified SQL and not much too it, but I've written a complete 60 pages long documentation and created a wiki for it
The documentation covers generic SQL and code specific to MyLittlePQL (MySQL), PQL Server (SQL Server), FlimFlam Success (MicroSoft Access), MadamePinky (Oracle), Ponybase (Sybase) and PB2 (DB2)
Maybe not something for everypony but programmers and people who work with SQL and databases might get a kick from it.
And who knows, maybe some bronies who want to learn SQL might find this a bit more fun to read than the original SQL documentation.
Even though PQL statements won't work without an interpreter the concept behind it is the same."
Cards with Friends - A Pony Card Game
More pony games are always a welcome sight to see! The more stuff to do at meetups and conventions the better, eh? This project is currently looking for some help so check out the details below if you're interested in contributing.
Hello Everypony!
I have sought to create a tabletop gaming experience for the MLP fan community that is both unique and fun!
Currently I have a working Rulebook that is subject to change as testing proceeds. This is an incredibly daunting ongoing project- and as founder, I cannot do it on my own! In order to bring this game to a playable state, I need a few things from my fellow deviants.
1: Testers- Once we start getting this ball rolling, I need people to help me work out the kinks of the game's mechanics.
2: Artists- That's right. These cards need art that is both exciting and diverse and, even at my most productive- I cannot rightly do up to 100 cards worth of art. It would be boring and I would rather have this be an opportunity for all my pony friends to get their work out there!
If, at this moment, you are interested in giving me a little-or a lot- of help, please let me know. Artists: I will be putting up a file of the artwork we would need made for the first two Character decks: Applejack and Fluttershy.
CLICK HERE for more info as well as what images are needed in the game. Please contact me through the DeviantArt page!
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thank you!!
Project Ponyville Mystery Update
Speaking of card games, the Ponyville Mystery Project has released cards for their first investigators and they look pretty spiffy! You can check out the cards at the links below as well as the project page.
Trixie Card
Doctor Whooves Card
Time Turner Card
Ponyville Mystery Project Page (Konsumo and Koek's Pages)
Speed Sculpts!
I have no idea how you guys can get so fast at creating pony! I would have no idea where to even start to be honest, heh.
My Nightly Offering of Cake
MLP Soundboard for Windows 8
Someone has gone through the trouble of adapting a pony soundboard to run on Windows 8! For those of you interested you can find it at the link below or in the Windows Store within a day or so.
My Little Pony Soundboard
App Website
A Song for Everypony Project
A cool little project has sprung up in an effort to find songs based around as many ponies as possible, with the project currently listing songs for at least 120 different ponies so far! The ultimate goal of the project is to see if it can find a song for EVERY pony out there. Check out the details below!
A few weeks ago, I was happily listening to yet another My Little Pony inspired song when I noticed that this song was for an absurdly obscure background pony (not even on the unofficial list of all ponies, namely Applecore). I mused that there were likely songs for just about every character in My Little Pony due to the enormous musical response of the fans.
So, I've made a list! In it, I hope to find and list at
least one song about, featuring, inspired by, or heavily sampling the
voice of each character from the show. I need help too. There are
somewhere around 700 to 800 characters, from what I can tell, and I've
only been able to find legitimate songs for about 120 of them. The
quality of the listings could be improved with the help of the
community, too. The document is a Google Doc that is publicly viewable
and anypony can comment. More info is found inside.
And the short URL:
Ponyville Roundup - Episode 1 (*New*)
Episode Link
UKofE Podcast - Episode 22
Copy Paste:
So this week we looked back over the MCM weekend, talked star wars 7, figures, and premier hype
we also went through the two part question of the week
we will see anyone who is going to the NOV10th pub meet at the horse, for some live tomfoolery
--------------------------------------------------------------we also went through the two part question of the week
we will see anyone who is going to the NOV10th pub meet at the horse, for some live tomfoolery
Pony 411 -- Episode 11: -Spinal Tap Reference-
Welcome to the 11th episode of Pony 411 (@Pony411)! This week, we cover some news
including Michelle Creber and family raising money for a Christmas album
(with MandoPony!), some cooking merchandise popping up in Europe, the
names of several season three episodes (skip over 8:00-9:45 to avoid spoilers), and more!
We then go into a spoiler-laden discussion of the recent eight-minute teaser that popped up recently. Can it still be a teaser if it's a third of an episode? Whatever, we talk about our impressions, including what it might mean for the rest of the episode and the animation. Again, skip over 10:54-44:26 if you want to stay spoiler free.
Four String (@FourStringMLP) then talks to Laurent Malaquais (@laurent510), the director of the much anticipated Bronycon Documentary. He talks of his experience making the documentary, some of the potential concerns and criticisms of the project, the potential impact the fandom will have on the world and which pony he would dress as for Halloween. You should give it a listen. Seriously.
Finally, we do our usual fan content, but with a slight twist. Nemesis (@NemesisPrime1) decides to talk (more like rant) about mistakes that fanfiction writers tend to make. Four String then wraps up our show with four excellent songs. Not his own songs, though. You don't want to hear those. Trust me.
Please, you know, pony responsibly.
WE NOW HAVE A FACEBOOK PAGE. Like us and we'll like you back in the sexiest way possible. https://www.facebook.com/Pony411
--------------------------------------------------------------Babble with Bronies - Episode 27
Copy Paste:
Howdy y'all!
This week, we're watching S1E11, "Winter Wrap Up". We'll also be discussing our predictions and hopes for S3.
Time: 4:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm CST (16:00 EST/ 15:00 CST) (UTC -4 / -5 with DST in effect)
Date: November 3rd, 2012
Place: http://babblewithbronies.tripod.com/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/babblewithbronies
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BwBofficial
This week, we're watching S1E11, "Winter Wrap Up". We'll also be discussing our predictions and hopes for S3.
Time: 4:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm CST (16:00 EST/ 15:00 CST) (UTC -4 / -5 with DST in effect)
Date: November 3rd, 2012
Place: http://babblewithbronies.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Cloudsdale Cafe: Interview with Sprocket Doggingsworth
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Hello everypony, we from the Cloudsdale Cafe would love to invite you to another of our exiting podcast! This week we are having Sprocket Doggingsworth On of the administrators of the Seeds of Kindness project and he will be giving us exclusive detials on how close they are to achieving there goal of help a children orphanage in Uganda. After the interview we will be having our special Fan Q&A so you the viewer can join on this most interesting of conversation. We will also be having our regular MLP news and shenanigans.
You dont wanna miss this!
Its all gonna happen live this Saturday at 10:00pm EST! and its gonna brodcasted here: http://www.livestream.com/cloudsdalecafe
Also to now more about Seeds of Kindness and how can you do your part to help visit there site at: http://broniesforgood.org/
Be sure to follow our tumblr: http://cloudsdale-cafe.tumblr.com/
And for more episodes visit our youtube page: http://www.youtube.com/user/CloudsdaleCafe?feature=guide
Also visit: Spook-It Doggingsworth youtube page http://www.youtube.com/user/sdoggingsworth?feature=watch
Successful Meetups
University of Arizona Meetup
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The University of Arizona My Little Pony Club had a successful game night featuring Halo, Marvel vs Capcom, and MLP Themed Pathfinder. We all had a great time and hope that more people will come to the next one!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
New England MLP Christmas Party
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Date: Dec 1st 2012
Address: Dave & Buster's at 250 Granite St Braintree MA
Time: 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM (1:00 if you wish to come early to setup)
Price: $35 per person (please confirm on link)
Prizes: Two shirts from WeLoveFine and several other MLP raffle surprises! Everyone will receive a MLP goodie bag at the door.
Party will consist of episode streaming on a large projection screen from season 3 including "Magic Duel" which is scheduled to air that Saturday. Everyone will receive a $10 game card to use at Dave & Buster's that includes UNLIMITED gaming on non-ticket redemption arcade machines! Burgers, chicken, salad, and unlimited soda, coffee, and water will be served! If you have any questions or wish to book your RSVP via Paypal my email address is [email protected].
We hope to see you there!
We hope to see you there!
Reno Brony Group
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Hey there RENO bronies!!! I know your out there and I hope this catches your attention! With the new season approaching we are planing a meet up to watch it. Please join this facebook group or drop me an email at [email protected] for more details!!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Tiny Pony Charms
Perler Ponies