Have some roundup while she does captainy things.
Interlude Productions next project announcement
Team interlude is looking for people for their next animation! Find all info here.
Wedding Cake!
Las Pegacast Episode 5
Flankcaster Episode 2
Flankcaster is an Australian Brony podcast which aims to highlight prominent members in the Australian Brony community, be that it art, music, writing or gaming. Episodes are released weekly with unique guests and interviewees as well as special discussion segments as well.
This episode we interview the trifecta talent that is Strumfreak.
Find out what does through the mind of a grimdark writer in what will most likely be our most controversial episode.
Escape to the Moon podcast
We're back! And just in time for some podcast before Season 3 starts up. YAY! This Episode, The Escape to the Moon ponies talk about strange rumors we've heard about season 3 and some things we hope for. Naki goes into a small rant about his love with Discord and near the end our east coast cast talk about Hurricane Sandy and how it has effected each other.
Blind Readings Episode 3
Fan-fiction panel at Fimfiction
Hey guys, so I thought you might have a space on your round-ups for this one, here's hoping:
Over at Fimfiction.net we have just announced today our Second Online Panel with the authors: Cold in Gardez - Short Skirts and Explosions - Vimbert the Unimpressive and Chromosome. This will take place on the 20th of November at 11AM EST time. The panel will be moderated by Wanderer D and Alexstrazsa. More details can be found at: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/84710
If you wish to ask some specific questions to the panelists, please do so in the blog comments. If not, you might get a chance on the chat, but it does get a bit competitive there!
Canterlot Voice Episode 15
Another podcast day comes, and just before Season 3, too. We're all ready for it, but the question is, are you? Join Brained, Conor, and I as we tread through Canterlot before the epic season begins!
Successful Meetups
Lucca Comics 2012: epic brony italian meetup!
No copy paste here, all information can be found on their site!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Utah Bronies Looking for members/ Season 3 meet!
Are you a brony? Well duh, you are on EQD. Are you in Utah? I hope so. If you are, look us up on facebook!
We are just a bunch of bronies from Utah (that state where people drive like crazy? Ever heard of it?) and are always looking for new members. There is going to be a Season 3 viewing meet this week at the University of Utah (complete with video games, MtG, and other stuff) which will be followed by many of us heading out to an improv group known as Laughing Stock. We always have fun, as can be seen from our last meet, which was moustache themed. All are welcome, now get in here and enjoy out little bit of chaos!
Sekolah Sri Nobel or Nobel International School Group
Are you from Sekolah Sri Nobel or Nobel International School in Kelana Jaya, Malaysia? Join My Little Nobel and help spread the magic of friendship to everypony!
Abq Meetup
If you're a brony in the Albuquerque area, I'm sure you're excited for the season 3 premier. Why not join others who share your enthusiasm by attending the Abqbrony season premier party on Saturday, November 10th. Meet us at UNM's Dominici Center auditorium at 12:00. There will be pony music, the season premier, and more until 6:00. Bring some snacks or drinks to share and have a great time!
Bronies-NYC's FiM Season 3 "launch party" a part screening / part relief effort!
Check it out here!
Charleston Brony Meet-up Group Premier Party
This Saturday, November 10th, the Charleston Brony Group will be
holding a meet up/viewing in honor of the debut of SEASON THREE. Be
there for food, fun, and friendship. The premier will be broadcasted
by Midnight Communications with live video commentary. For more
information visit here
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Scratch Fashion Style
Twilight Plushie
Scootaloo Costume Wings
Pinkie Pie Spy Blindbag
Pinkamena Shoes
Luna Cutiemark Bra