It just keeps growing! Hope you LA people are in for a party. All Information on William Anderson's confirmed attendance can be found below the break.
Equestria LA is proud to announce William Anderson as a Guest of Honor for November 2012! The mastermind behind the beautiful score of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; his music underscores the heart and emotion of the show. He’s also worked on many projects, such as Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang; Earthworm Jim; X-men Evolution; and multiple “Weird Al” Yankovic albums.
Mr. Anderson will only be attending Equestria LA on Sunday November 4, 2012.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 has sold out! We do have tickets for Sunday, November 4, 2012. If you need to purchase a ticket, please visit our site at
If you missed out on Saturday badges and still want to attend, we are accepting staff applications at . There are great perks for being on staff. Work for four hours and con admission for both days is included with your staff badge; work for eight hours and you’ll get con admission (both days) and get into Equestria LA 2013 for free!
See you in November!