Story updates! yay~
Story: The Powers of Harmony (Update Part 17)
Author: CyborgSamurai
Description: Half the power of the Elements of Harmony is transferred to the Bearers during the battle against Nightmare Moon. Celestia discovers this, but withholds the information. The Mane Six continue their lives, unawares. Two months later, Celestia sends thirteen members of the Royal Guard to monitor the Bearers as they manifest and develop their new abilities. However, the members of the Guard are not what they seem, for they carry a secret of their own.The Powers of Harmony
Story: An Apple Alone (Update Part 6!)
Author: Blue Thrush
Description: Apple Bloom is left to handle the majority of the work on Sweet Apple Acres since Applejack and Big Macintosh have to leave to help out on another family farm for a couple of weeks. Granny Smith is helping out wherever she can, but the majority of the labor rests in Apple Bloom's hooves. While she's not the inexperienced filly she was years ago, does the young mare have what it takes to run the Apple family farm in Ponyville while her two older siblings are away, or will the monstrous load of work be too much for her?An Apple Alone
Story: The Tears of Gaia (Update Part 3!)
Author: Redback Spino
Description: The Tears of Gaia. An artifact of unmeasurable magical power from the Ancient Days, when the Others ruled the land. If found, they would be the discovery of the century!The Tears of Gaia
At least, those are Twilight Sparkle's thoughts. But something is stirring in lands to the south. Soon she will find that she and her friends are not the only ones who are after the legendary Tears. And so what starts as a simple
research trip is soon to escalate into the greatest journey of the young ponies' lives, filled with new friends and foes, incredible danger and great adventure!
Story: Days of Wasp and Spider (Update Part 9!)
Author: Luna-tic Scientist
Description: In the distant past they were magically and genetically engineered toDays of Wasp and Spider
be the perfect servitor race. They are powerful, adaptable,
intelligent and completely under the control of their creators. A
laboratory accident frees one such pony from her mental chains, but
how can one mare save herself and the rest of her people if she
doesn't even know she's a slave?
This is not the Equestria you know and these are not your little ponies.
Not yet anyway.