Serious Dash is too good not to use for this serious story update post.
Story: Changes (Update Part 14!)
Author: Fresh Blood
Description: After rising to stardom following Rarity's first, poorly received fashion show, Vinyl Scratch struggles to adapt to the higher class of life celebrity status bestows. Her personality and own moral values do not mix with the fake, corporate ideals of her agent, and her sponsors are only interested in her as long as she conforms to their expectations. Her life is barely her own and soon she will have to decide what's more important; her existing relationships, her fame and fortune, or perhaps something unexpected in the form of a refreshingly grounded Canterlot Elite who just invited her to breakfast during the Canterlot Music Convention.Changes
A Vinyl Scratch x Octavia story where the two Ponies involved don't instantly form a romantic relationship the moment they meet, and instead allows it to grow over time with good old character development.
Story: The Sky Is Falling (Update Part 5!)
[Shipping][Slice of Life]
Author: Bronius Maximus
Description: My name's Rainbow Dash. I'm Equestria's fastest pegasus, I'm the Element of Loyalty, I've saved the whole kingdom more than once, I've laughed in the face of danger, and I'm a coward. That's right, I said it. I'm a coward. I've always been sure I could do anything. Win any race, beat any opponent, complete any job. But this is something I can't outrun, outsmart, or outlast. What's causing me; the most awesome pegasus ever, so much trouble? You wouldn't believe me if I told you.The Sky Is Falling
Story: The Sisters Doo (Update Part 13!)
Author: Ponky
Description: Daring Do seeks a favor from her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things quickly get out of hoof. Bleak pasts are revisited, dark secrets unearthed, innocent children foalnapped, and Rainbow Dash might just die of happiness along the way.The Sisters Doo
Story: Windfall (Update Story 2 Part 34!)
Author: Warren Hutch
Description: This story involves a time skip of about 5-7 years after Season One. Twilight and her friends have remained close despite life taking them in different directions, and they come running when it comes time for Fluttershy and Big Macintosh to have their first foal.Windfall
Story: Upheaval: Breaking Point (Update Story 2 Part 33!)

[Grimdark] [Adventure]
Author: Visiden Visidane
Description: A coincidence and a magical accident leads Twilight Sparkle to a grim world hidden by Equestria's peaceful existence.Upheaval: Breaking Point (All Links)
Story: Equestria from Dust
[Slice of Life]
Author: Soundslikeponies
Description: Celestia awakens to see an empty world, white sandstone stretching the horizon. She wanders the world as she builds it from her imagination, filling it with life, but as time passes, the world that she created begins to seem like little more than a lucid dream, conjured from the dust.Equestria from Dust
Story: In Her Majesty's Royal Service (Update Story 2 Chapter 4!)
[Normal][Comedy] Apparently this story made the pre-readers feel self conscious, since this author busts out amazing art too. In other words they liked it, a lot.
Author: Sagebrush
Description: Who are those courageous and stoic ponies that put their lives on the line in service of the princesses? Follow the tale of Storm Stunner, a new recruit to Equestria's Royal Guard.In Her Majesty's Royal Service
Story: Let's Find You a Date! (Update Complete!)
[Comedy] [Shipping]
Author: Soundslikeponies
Description: When Rarity finds out how little Twilight gets out of the Library, things get a little out of hand as she decides to take it upon herself to teach Twilight the ropes of dating. As Rarity drags her around, Twilight begins to have a good idea of who she wants to ask out.Let's Find You a Date!
Story: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (Update 6)
[Normal-Slice of Life]
Author: NavyPony
Description: It's been a thousand years. Princess Luna is returned, and the castle staff must scramble to see that she has servants to attend to her needs, and just as importantly, that they look the part. A hooffull of servants are chosen based on their appearance and duties, and are assigned to serve the Moon Goddess as personal retainers until more suitable replacements can be found. When coloring, Cutie Mark, and chance coincide, one of the castle's junior stewards is thrust into a role any loyal servant ought to jump at: Lunar Hoofservant. Unfortunately for Nightlight, Princess Luna is far more demanding than her older sister, and being her servant means contending with an unforgiving goddess who demands nothing short of perfection.The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Saddled with responsibility far beyond his post and expected to fail, this young pony has no choice but to quit his post or to become the servant that Luna needs.
Story: A Delicate Balance (Update Part 7!)
Author: Japanese Teeth
Description: Twilight is shocked to notice that her feelings for one of her friends aren't quite the same as her feelings for the rest of them. Does she simply prefer some of her friends over others, or is it a sign of something deeper?A Delicate Balance
Story: Mendacity (New Part 9!)
[Adventure] [Shipping]
Author: Dromicosuchus
Description: Bon Bon's voice is funny, and that's about all that anypony who meets her notices, as her marefriend Lyra soon steals the spotlight with her explosive personality, strange obsessions, and curious beliefs. And why not? Bon Bon is, after all, a perfectly ordinary, boring pony in every way but two: her voice, and the carefully kept secret that she isn't really a pony.Mendacity