Hey there again guys! Calpain reporting from Michigan as he visits family so let's have a family themed header for tonight. Just look at the Sparkle family, so loving and awesome!
Get your news while it's hot! Don't want it to get cold do you?
This Week in Geek - New Ponyville Question
The This Week in Geek guys have a new question for all you folks out there to answer for their pony related segment on their show! This time around they would like to know 'What pony experiences the most growth by overcoming their fears and flaws?' from the show.
To let your opinion be known call in at 817 717 7202 as always or email feedback@thisweekingeek.net Subject line: Ponyville
They will be collecting answers till Monday 6pm EST so try and get your answer in as soon as you can. The next show will be online on October 31th and will discuss the merits and flaws of the main six. Make sure to check it out as Cereal makes another appearance on the Last Exit to Ponyville segment!
This Week in Geek Website
Story Test Workshop Episode 3 - Applejack
The story analyzers are at it again with another review, this time of Applejack. Check it out above!
GinaDrawsPony Contest Reminder
GinaDrawsPony over on Facebook would like to send out a last minute call for anyone interested in a contest she is holding at the moment! The contest entails designing a bee themed costume and submitting it. She will choose from the contestants the best of the lot and reward the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winners with artwork.
For full details check out the link below. There are only 4 days left so you'd better hurry!
Facebook Page
Twilight's Surprise Party
I know it is cosplay and that not everyone likes that sort of thing, but I thought it was pretty cute! Check it out above if you are curious.
The Brony Network Hold Another Marathon
MLP Season 3 is just 2 weeks away and We're doing another marathon this weekend at http://www.livestream.com/
Same times as last: 7am PST Saturday we're starting Season 1, and 7am PST Sunday we're doing Season 2.
We 'Don't Like' Ponies
Just watch, you'll understand.
Student Gives a Speech About Tara Strong
Continuing the tradition of doing presentations on pony in front of a group of non-bronies, a Brony has recently done that once again this time focusing on Tara Strong. Check out his whole presentation below.
Youtube Link
Cake Aquired - Mission Complete!
Cloudsdale Cafe Interview: Dashicorn
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Hello everypony. This is Cinnamon Top bringing you another awesome episode of The Cloudsdale Cafe and this week we will be having for our show the mod of Dashicorn, a fairly new and fun pony ask blog on tumblr. After the interview be sure to stick around for our fan Q&A segment, where you the viewer can ask your question to our guest! Its all happening LIVE this Saturday 9:30 pm Eastern / 6:30 pm Pacific. How come join us on our livestream!
Livestream: http://www.livestream.com/cloudsdalecafe
Follow us on Tumblr: http://cloudsdale-cafe.tumblr.com/
Follow Dashicorn's Tumblr: http://askdashicorn.tumblr.com/
Check out our Youtube Page: http://www.youtube.com/user/CloudsdaleCafe?feature=guide
Remember, It starting this Saturday at 9:30 pm Eastern / 6:30 pm Pacific.
Babble with Bronies - Episode 26
Greetings everyone!
This week, we're watching S1E10, "Swarm of the Century"!
Time: 4:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm CST (16:00 EST/ 15:00 CST) (UTC - 4 / UTC -5 This is with Daylight Savings Time in effect)
Date: Oct. 27th
Place: http://babblewithbronies.tripod.com/
Hope to see you there!
This week, we're watching S1E10, "Swarm of the Century"!
Time: 4:00 pm EST/ 3:00 pm CST (16:00 EST/ 15:00 CST) (UTC - 4 / UTC -5 This is with Daylight Savings Time in effect)
Date: Oct. 27th
Place: http://babblewithbronies.
Hope to see you there!
The Living Library Player Society
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Hello everypony, on the 27th of October at 16:00 EST (that's 13:00 PST and 22:00 CET) we and my crew will be doing a nightmare night live stream lasting at least 9 hours!
It will consist of great works of scary fiction being read to you on the scariest of nights, so why don't you join us at http://www.livestream.com/Thelivinglibraryplayersociety and if that tickles your fancy join our other links.
Like our Tumblr http://thelivinglibraryplayersociety.tumblr.com/
Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TLLPSA
Missed it? Don't feel bad! All of our videos are uploaded to our youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/LivingLibraryPlayers
Pony 411 - Episode 10: #2SPOOKY
We here at the Pony 411 podcast are proud to present our 10th episode and would like to thank everyone who's taken some time out of their lives to listen to us ramble about things that probably shouldn't be rambled about. You are, as the kids say, the bomb.com.
Welcome to our 10th episode! First, Artfan does something... weird with his voice, and then we go over the quick hits. This week's include a study on the brony subculture, details on the season 1 DVD, some new merchandise to throw money at and details of a season 3 episode!
Afterward, we decide to talk about pony cons, and whether or not they may be getting out of hand. We speak at length about the alarming number popping up, how bunched up they are and whether the fans and show staff may start feeling burnout from them all. Please feel free to throw your own opinions at us on Twitter or via email.
Finally, we talk about a fanfic and some music, courtesy of Nemesis and Four String.
Since Halloween is coming, it made sense to use Nightmare Night by WoodenToaster and Mic the Microphone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PCEp8z7FNg.
You can also download the episode from Libsyn: .
Check us out on iTunes, too!
Finally: Twitter! We have it! Go forth: @pony411, @fourstringmlp, @nemesisprime1, @artfan88
Have anything to add to the show, such as a news tip or a discussion point? Email us at pony411podcast@gmail.com.
NLR Interviews Bronystate
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Hello, everyone! Join Darkman and Calcos (filling in for Synes7hesia) as they sit down with 4 members of Bronystate: Scoot-Scootaloo, Ghosties, Allegr0, and Gigabit! It starts with a quick news rundown and Season 3 discussion, then we hop right into the interview with these four fine people. Also, as a fair warning, there are possible Season 3 spoilers inside. We hope you all enjoy!
Cereal and Phoe will also be interviewed by NLR Saturday at 5:30 PM EST in case you are interested.
Successful Meetups
Kingston Bronies
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Our local brony group had plans to go to the showing of MLP:FiM Live in our local mall, but the show changed their dates and the original group (mass numbers) weren't able to make it, so we came up with this impromptu group in a half hour before show time and still had a blast. We rocked out for the entire show and sung along to features songs like Winter Wrap up and Giggle at the Ghosties.
As well as got free posters and bookmarks and then afterwards got to hang out with the cast of the show for a bit and learnt all about it, it was great fun!
As well as got free posters and bookmarks and then afterwards got to hang out with the cast of the show for a bit and learnt all about it, it was great fun!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Shadocon Photo Shoot
Event: Shadocon, Nightmare Night photo shoot
When: November 17th at 2:30pm
Meet up with us from the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Cosplay Group to have a shoot in your best Nightmare Night attire and pony costumes in general. Join us on Facebook. Meet us at Shado. Have a great time with Mac the Ripper, Cheerilee, Victorian Chrysalis and the lovely Papanotzzi photographers. Can't wait to see everyone there.
Bristol Bronies (UK) Meetup
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The Bristol Bronies had yet another in their series of weekly meetups tonight. Although our numbers were thinned due to London MCM, a small but determined herd braved the elements to visit Forbidden Planet to score some blind bags and then headed to Subway for refreshments before heading home.
If you're in the Bristol area and fancy coming along then please do! More information can be found on our website: www.bristolbronies.co.uk We're also on Twitter - @BristolBronies
Pre-EQLA Meetup
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I am pleased to tell you that the Inland Empire Bronies will be holding a pre-EQLA meet up dinner on Friday November 2nd at 7:00pm. We shall be dining at the IHOP located at 1840 South Harbor Boulevard Anaheim, CA 92802. All are welcome to attend this meet up. You don't need to be going to EQLA. If you want to meet some cool people please feel free to come and say hello. Information can be found here http://www.facebook.com/
Thank you and I hope to see you there.
Columbian Meetup
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MLP Colombia is a facebook group that gathers bronies and
pegasisters in Colombia. We are planning to meetup in Corferias, Bogotá,
October 27. In a event called SOFA (Salón del Ocio y la Fantasía). I am
not certain if other colombian fans are aware of this and would like
Equestria Daily to spread the new. I know it's a little late but please
post this in the Nightly Roundup for everybody to see. The more people
the better!. Also, we will be giving away "something", ponies perhaps.
MLP Colombia http://www.facebook.com/groups/457675804264582/
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pinkie Pie Cube
Pony Necklaces
Bracelets and Pendants
Custom Sale
Napping Fluttershy Pillow
Halloween Perler Pony
Perler Filly Twilight