Well, it's the start of another trip around the great celestial sphere for me as I mark another year down on the calendar. A big thanks to you all that have already wished me a Happy Birthday, it has really helped me get out of a horribly depressing slump (which you know is bad when you actually consider quitting pony) that has plagued me all week.
News coming at you! I was sort of hoping for some cake tonight, but there is none in our inbox. Oh well, check out what we do have after the break.
Ponibooru Film Night
The Ponibooru gang is up to their shenanigans once again! Check them out Friday night if you have some time, they are an awesome group.
Ponibooru Film Night
As Hallowe'en approaches, we take a slight deviation with our post apocalyptic films. This week we're presenting Resident Evil Afterlife! The fourth film in the franchise, we follow Alice during her time exposed to the T-virus, which has given her superhuman powers.
This week's hosts are:-
Feral Socks
Harlequin Jester
As always we'll be at http://www.livestream.com/
Love is in Bloom - Polish Edition
The Polish version of Love is in Bloom is out on Youtube and it actually sounds pretty nifty! I love listening to the different versions of the songs, it's nice to see how a culture puts their own twist on the music and lyrics. Check it out in the link below.
Love is in Bloom Link
Brony Network Marathon
Now that we know the release date for season 3, why don't you relive season 1 and 2 as we wait just a little while longer?
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"We're doing another marathon this weekend at http://www.livestream.com/
Same times as last: 7am PST Saturday we're starting Season 1, and 7am PST Sunday we're doing Season 2."
Can't make it to the times listed above? Well, another Brony is offering a chance at watching season 2 starting 11:00 AM Friday here.
Reviews are Magic - Luna Eclipsed
It's always interesting to hear a person's take on something, ponies especially. CR! from Familiar Faces has taken upon himself to give a review of Luna Eclipsed which you can check out above.
Now For a Groaner...
Did I make you guys groan? Seriously, this is pretty impressive for the first fully animated cartoon you've done, Foxwing. Great work!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
South Australia Meetup
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Hey guys, it's monthly meet-up time again!~ The botanical gardens will be the venue once again for this meet (there'll be some variation soon with the 2 Days 2 Seasons meet in December organised by Multi Fish). Feel free to bring some food to snack on in the morning - always useful to have! We'll meet at the gates of the botanical gardens around 11am and head in soon after (waiting for a bit to let people arrive a little late). If people have pony creations to auction off we'll have an auction, hopefully presided over by the dependable Multi if he can make it, and then head into the city to get some lunch, check for new pony merch (including the awesome new Miss Pixie store which had $2 blind bag defects last month!) and do whatever else people want to do. So make sure you can come, because it'll be a great time for all!
When: Sunday, October 28th
Where: Adelaide Botanical Gardens (meet at 11am at North Terrace gate)
Bronies of Northern Ireland Meetup
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broNIes of Northern Ireland quiz meet
The 4th meet up of Northern Ireland bronies will take place on Saturday 3rd November at 13.00. We will be intially meeting up at the front gates of the Lanyon building of Queen's University (which looks like the following http://derpy.me/EOdfp ). From here we will move to the bandstand in Botanic Gardens, were we will be having a My Little Pony quiz. There will be prizes for the winner so make sure you rewatch the episodes :) Afterwards we will be heading down to Belfast city centre, where we will by some pony merchandise and other stuff. At the end of the day it is planned that the older bronies will go out for a drink together and generally get to know each other better.
Hopefully will see you all there and lets see whether we can improve on the 25 bronies who attended the previous meet.
Belgian Brony Meet
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Once again the Belgian brony meet crew organizes a meet, this time on the 10th of November 2012
(1st ep of S3)!
The room will be rented twice as long and it will be more awesome than ever.
http://bronies.nl/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?34569 for more information
Opnieuw organiseert de belgische brony meet crew een meet, deze keer op de 10 november 2012 (1st ep of S3)!
Opnieuw organiseert de belgische brony meet crew een meet, deze keer op de 10 november 2012 (1st ep of S3)!
De zaal zal dubbel zo lang gehuurd worden en het zal awesomer zijn dan ooit!
http://bronies.nl/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?34569 voor meer informatie
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Various Pony Merch!
Chrysalis Plush