Some Applejack tonight as she is my sister's favorite and today is her birthday. Happy birthday sis! Hope you eat lots of cake!
News time pony folk. Check it all after the break!
Don't Forget the Magic - Sim Gretina PMV
Always nice to start something off with a little music! I've always loved Sim Gretina and I still have his version of BBBFF stuck in my head.
Arkansas Tech University Prints Ponies
Ponies in print sure has a nice ring to it. Makes me glad to see them continue to pop up in the media! At this point I'd be surprised if we don't see pony appearing in some form of news media during the week.
Halloween Fiction Contest
I keep forgetting that Halloween is quickly approaching! Thank goodness I have all these reminders from you guys telling me that I should really buy some candy soon. Anyhow, a fiction contest has popped up for those of you wishing to test your writing mettle! Check below for details.
In the spirit of Nightmare Night, Twilight of Equestria forums are having a friendly contest to add lots of spookiness to the world in which we play.
That world is Refuge: a place in which Equestria is the stuff of legend. One day soon, however, the ponies of Refuge may learn the truth about its existence.This is a site where weirdness abounds around a spectrum of villains, anti-villains, anti-heroes, and regular ponies just trying to live their lives. If you ever felt like writing stories in a site where creativity is highly valued, this is the RP site for you.
Or, y'know, just show up and write something really scary for the free art and bragging rights. It's all good.
The details of the contest are here: http://z13.invisionfree. com/twilightofequestria/index. php?showtopic=588
My Little Investigations OC Contest Results
Awhile back the My Little Investigations team held a contest to reward some lucky entrants a chance to appear in the game itself! 501 entries were received and the results are finally in. If you wish to do some investigating yourself, you can find the link to the winner below.
OC Contest Results
I Don't Even Know...
A Pony Fan's Personal Trip to DHX
Simply put, a pony fan's trials and tribulations and how much the work of DHX means to him. Read the full story in the Google Doc link below before watching.
My Little Game Jam Begins!
After much preparation, the My Little Game Jam team has begun their first game jam session! The theme selected from over 900 votes was 'Chaos' and 51 competitors must design a game from scratch as quickly as possible within a 48 hour time limit. Many entrants are streaming their progress which can be found here. For a list of prizes and a video keynote, please check here!
Bronies to be Featured Sunday on WCRD
Ponies on radio waves guys! They are simply everywhere!
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On Sunday of this weekend, between 7-8 PM, Ball State University's radio channel, WCRD, and the Sketch Comedy group "Something Else" will feature an hour-long segment covering a few topics, one of which will be informing the public about Bronies. I, Dalton Duncan, will be the resident "pony expert" on the panel, and the group will question me. The springboard, and possible main focus, will be Canterlot Gardens, as well as charity work and the like. We will also be freely taking call-ins.
The show can be found streaming by clicking the "LISTEN LIVE" tab at the top right corner of:
Calls can be made to: (765) 285-WCRD
Please note: Due to FCC regulations, we cannot talk about the subject of "Cloppers" on air. Any call-ins about this phenomena will be ignored.
We hope that you will be able to share this broadcast with the community at large.
Pony Merch At Fry's Electronics
Looks like some pony merch was spotted at a Fry's in Austin, Texas! Guess there is the possibility of yet another outlet starting to stock pony merchandise for the holiday season. More pony for everyone is good news, eh?
The Brony Initiative - Episode 10
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Welcome back to the newest episode of The Brony Initiative podcast!
This week, while Mahamojo us busy moving out of his apartment, I get to listen in on some of the secrets of brony plushie making and get to hear the rather amusing history of a rather adorable OC's name. And to top it all off, there is the news coverage of a relatively slow week and numerous gaming-related tangents, all for y'all's entertainment!
This week, while Mahamojo us busy moving out of his apartment, I get to listen in on some of the secrets of brony plushie making and get to hear the rather amusing history of a rather adorable OC's name. And to top it all off, there is the news coverage of a relatively slow week and numerous gaming-related tangents, all for y'all's entertainment!
Also, this podcast will be available in other places (e.g. iTunes, etc.) as soon as I get access to the server again :D
I hope y'all enjoy!
-Midnight Surf
I hope y'all enjoy!
-Midnight Surf
Ukofe Podcast - Episode 20
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so this week we were joined by Bitter Tea plushie marker, we asked her question from the community
please remember to answer our Question of the week
Pony 411 - Episode 7
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Pony 411 - Episode 7: Canterlot Gardens
time once again for the Pony 411 podcast! In this week's episode, we
talk of the official comic having a launch party, a new brony gamer
group, Jerry Springer and... there was something else... oh yeah, that
whole season three finally getting a release window thing.
Afterward we turn it over to Four String as he talks about his experience at Canterlot Gardens. He shares quite a few fun stories, including meeting Andrew W.K.
Finally, we delve into the usual fan content, including artwork, music, and fanfiction. Yes, fanfiction finally comes back this week.
The intro and outro this week are from Flim Flam March by DJBadjuju:
P.S. Apologies for Four String's microphone, it decided to start dying in the middle of recording. But all is well, he'll have a new one soon.
Connect with us on Twitter: @Pony411, @FourStringMLP, @NemesisPrime1, @LordFunkyFist, @Artfan88.

Successful Meetups
Argentina Brony Wedding!
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This past
September 28th we celebrated the first brony wedding in Argentina. It was a
beautiful, very emotive ceremony with plenty of brony attendance. The party went
on from 22:00 to 7:00 hs starring drinks, brony music, regular music, cakes,
cosplayers playing Discord, Fancypants, Rainbow Thrash (Metal Rainbow Dash) and
Pinkie Pie. There were also party games and carnival dancing and Gangnam style
dancing and so much more.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
The Asian Bronies
Facebook Page
Pony Cruise!
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It is time to get on a boat with other bronies, and I don't mean (just) in the shipping kind of way; the time for the largest Scandinavian Pony Cruise to date is here!
On the 9th of November, a group of Finnish bronies will be cruising from Helsinki to Stockholm onboard the Viking Line Mariella. And to top that up, there will be an international meetup in Stockholm with local bronies the next day. There's still time to join the group and receive the booking discounts on cruise tickets, so go to and sign up today!
More information can be found in the thread on and on the Svenska Bronies forum. Pony on!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Vinyl Scratch Custom
Pony Necklaces