In the world of music, there is one simple truth, kept hidden from the general populace: nothing is true. Everything is ponies. This one little kernel of knowledge, this "creed" if you will, has sparked a shadow war for centuries over control of things I forgot to pay attention to in history class. The important thing is that stealth kills with a violin bow are awesome, and you do not mess with an equine in a hood. You just don't.
But if you did, you'd probably post a lot of music to a very popular website so that people could see it and go, "Oh hey, that's some pretty cool music. I'm glad that I took the time to click on this hyperlink!" Because as all ponies know, whether you are assassin or templar or just one of the innocent masses caught in between, everyone totally still says 'hyperlink' in this day and age.
Now go. Enjoy your tunes without any consequences whatsoev--hurk!!
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