As a pet owner, I can certainly support the premise of our first tumblr featured tonight. Starring the vet pony from Secret of Excess, Ask the Vet takes a look into the life of Ponyville's pet care professional. Filled with great show style artwork, and filled with questions about all sorts of animals it's worth a peek if you're an animal lover yourself!
Ask the Vet - First Page - Current Page
Check out our other spotlight after the break!
In the same vein as the Apple Bloom tumblrs that came before, This Apple Bloom poses questions to an enthusiastic Apple Bloom who is more than willing to answer her curious audience. With adorable artwork and occasional storyline posts between individual questions, it's a fun and cute tumblr for those looking to satisfy their daily dose of adorable.
This Apple Bloom - First Page - Current Page
As you may have noticed I'm trying out a two tumblr per spotlight system to see how that works. Some of you wanted more tumblrs so I'm giving you some more to chew on. As always though, send your tumblr suggestions to me at or my Twitter: @CalpainEqD