• Story Updates September 10th (Afternoon)

    Updates? Updates.  We got a bunch.  Go read them!

    Story: Moonbound (Update Part 6!)

    [Adventure] [Sad] [Shipping]

    Author: Warmblood
    Description: Memories of a time long gone by hold the key to Luna’s salvation. To save her sister, Celestia sends Twilight on a quest through Luna’s mind, searching for the source of an ancient spell that is slowly killing her. What she finds may change her forever.

    Story: Envy and Arrogance (Update Sequel Part 25!)

    [Adventure] [Tragedy] Fanart after the break!

    Editor: Nine
    Illustrator: Denial
    Description: With the help of forces beyond their control, six friends discover their true importance in Equestria’s timeline. With this new knowledge in hoof, they must try to figure out whom or what has crosshairs on their foreheads. The Elements of Harmony aren’t the only weapons of mass destruction in Equestria.
    Envy and Arrogance 

    Story: First Week of Winter (Update Part 9!)

    [Crossover] [Grimdark]

    Author: Relaxing Dragon
    Description: Twilight and company are sent by Princess Celestia to check up on an old student of hers who hasn’t been heard from in a while. Heading out to a remote part of Equestria, the girls arrive to find an ancient and unknown horror, one that’s just about ready to be unleashed…
    First Week of Winter

    Story: A Teacher With No Class (Update Sequel 2 Part 19!)


    Author: Kavonde
    Description: A special guest speaker arrives in Ponyville to teach Cheerilee's class about the inner workings of Equestria's government. And, well... it's Prince Blueblood.
    A Teacher With No Class

    Story: Ponitics


    Author: Midli
    Description: The future lives of Twilight Sparkle, her friends, and her fellow office workers of the "Ministry of Friendship". A department tasked with promoting tolerance and love across equestria. A socio-political themed story about finding oneself in the world, finding romance, friendship, kinship and general life alliances no matter where you are in life.


    Story: Order-naries (Update Story 4, Part 29!)

    [Adventure][Normal] It's long! Hope you are ready to read for a while!

    Author: C. Theron Vulpin
    Description: A normal day in Ponyville is shattered by the arrival of four strangers on a mission to stop an ancient evil from making Equestria the latest in a series of ruined worlds. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are caught up in the search for seven magic gemstones that hold the key to Equestria's survival, or its destruction.

    Story: Strange Bedfellows (Update Part 14!)


    Author: Staeg Masque
    Description: When Twilight invites Rarity and Applejack to a sleepover, the results are not quite what they expected. After a misfired spell, the two rivals find that they must work together and learn from each other if they ever want to make it home in one piece.
    Strange Bedfellows


    Story: An Earth Pony's Guide to Magic (Update Part 7!)


    Author: Sereg
    Description: As a descendant of the greatest conjurer of the pre-classical era, Star Swirl wishes to live up to her namesake’s reputation and their shared cutie mark. But how can she emulate a powerful unicorn when she is an earth pony? Taking the advice of her psychologist, she heads off to Ponyville to try and find out.
    An Earth Pony's Guide to Magic