Well, Sweetie Belle is what you wanted so Sweetie Belle is what you get! She even brought toast! Isn't she nice!
News time guys! Check after the break.
Update: Thanks to Rarity mentioning cake, it reminded me of an event been wondering about for awhile. Would you guys be interested in a baking event of some sort? Tell me what you think in the comments!
Terra Monsters Features Pony Parody
Not sure if this has been featured before as this looks familiar, but Terra Monsters has a monster that looks a lot like Rainbow Dash. Check it out below.
Pony Platforming RPG Game!
Yet another pony game has popped up. Check below for details.
This is an alpha version of a game I am very dedicated to creating. It will include all the mane 6 as playable characters along with some secret ones. Currently I have AppleJack completed and operational for demonstration purposes. The reason I sent this to you is because I would greatly appreciate some feedback along with maybe some publicity from you posting this on your site. The link for the youtube video is here:
If you wish to have the raw footage then please contact me at this email address, and I will respond as soon as I can. Thank you, and have a nice day. :)
Random Video Where Lyra Wears Pants
Midwestria Featured in Newspaper
Midwestria has been featured in a local newspaper from Aurora! The Aurora Beacon News reported the convention in their paper which you can see below.
Brony Network Weekend Marathon'
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This weekend, The Brony Network will be running a marathon of both Season 1 and Season 2 of Friendship is Magic. Saturday starting at 7am PST we'll be streaming Season 1, and Sunday at 7am Season 2. Come join us and other fellow Bronies to talk about the show while it airs, and make some new friends along the way too. We hope to see many of you there!
Past Sins Print Last Call!
Past Sins Print Project - Last Call
The Last Day for signups for the Past Sins Print Project is Saturday,
September 15th. Starting on September 16th, all incoming requests will
go onto a wait list in case someone drops out. Drop out spots will be
filled on a first come, first filled basis. To sign up, please to go
page. Remember, this is your last chance to sign up for a copy of Past Sins!
The Daily Neigh Podcast
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Welcome to The Daily Neigh, a new podcast that is breaking all the rules…well not really because we don’t have any rules to break. We go unscripted and unedited, it’s pretty disorganized but that’s what makes it fun. Here’s the catch though, the topics for each episode are going to be suggested by you, the listener! You guys send in your topics, and we’ll pick ones that we feel will make enjoyable conversations, or debates, and record it and post it for you all to hear. Opinions will be made and made fun of, we may even stir up the pot a little bit, who knows. Featuring SpeccySY (askfluttershyandpinkie pie), Somepony (asksparklesanddashie), Microgrid, and friends. So come join us, have a good laugh, and don't forget to tell us what you want us to talk about next!
Successful Meetups
Tassie Bronies Meetup
Germany Meetup
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Krefeld 2.0! On September 8th, 2012 we had a Meetup with 31 people to redo the awesome chalk art from back in June!
This time a 24-hour-event, time spent on baking brownies, public art, barbecue and sleepover.
We have videos and tons of pics. Links all found in the bigger writeup.
Video Link
Writeup Link
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Green Bay Meetup
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What: Green Bay Bronies do Bay Beach Amusement Park
When: September 22 - 1:00pm
Where: Bay Beach
Event Link: http://www.facebook.com/events/339840342774731/
Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/Event Link: http://www.facebook.com/
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Aloe and Lotus Plushies
Twilight Sparkle Fiber Art
Applejack Picture
Discord Picture
Fluttershy Picture
Rainbow Dash Painting
Applejack Plushie
Perler Pony Blindbags