So I heard you guys like Pipsqueak, eh? He is pretty awesome I've got to admit. It's probably that whole eye-patch thing he has going on and also the fact he's a pirate (sorry ninjas).
Another day means another round of pony news. Time for the Roundup folks!
Pony Trading Card Game Releases New Set!
The pony trading card game created by dmon2 has recently added a 7th set of cards. If you're interested in trading card games then head on over to dmon2's page below.
Trading Card Game Gallery
Ponies Invade Walmart Electronics Section
That is a heck of a lot of Twilight Sparkle! In a Walmart down in Florida ponies were being played on at least half of the TVs hooked up in the electronics section. Pretty danged cool! Thanks for the pic Zaylos!
Changeling Mod for Civ V - Building the Great Changeling Empire!
Previously we had the Solar Empire and Lunar Republic integrated into Civ V and now it's looks like it's time for the Changelings to join the fray. If you've been looking forward to having Changelings dish out the pain to George Washington or slapping around Genghis Khan then this mod is for you!
Changeling Mod Page
More Tattoos!
Tattoos are becoming as common as cake it seems. What is it you guys do? Is the plan to go out, get a tattoo, and then bake/eat cake to celebrate?
The Brony Chronicles Documentary - Updates and Promo
The BronyCon Documentary isn't the only documentary in town recording the happens of the fandom. The folks working on The Brony Chronicles have some information they'd like to share with you as well as a promo for their work. Check it all out below.
The Brony Chronicles is a completely fan-made documentary headed by Saberspark and Paleo that will be presented on Everfree Radio once complete. We've traveled to Bronycon, Everfree Northwest, and soon we'll be going to Canterlot Gardens for our last round of filming interviews with notable people in the community.
This past weekend, I was able to go to Brony Fan Fair in Austin, TX and I'm very grateful that they had me as a guest and allowed me to host a Q&A panel about the documentary. I also showed a short promo video for the project and reaction was better than I expected. It seems like people are very excited about it! People were cheering at seeing the interviewees and everything, it was awesome!
This is the promo video for the project that was shown at Brony Fan Fair: watch?v=3BBhaU19tKg
This is the recorded Q&A panel I hosted for the documentary: http://www. Bs
We hope to have your continued support in this project and again, I'd like to thank all of the donors and the people cheering us on. We're hoping to make this documentary one of the biggest and best collaborative projects the fandom has ever put out.
Cutie Mark Cake!
Awesome Pony Mural!
Made with painter's tape. Simply amazing!
The Brony Hour - Episode 15 (EQI and Bronies for Good)
Episode Link
Stay Brony My Friends - Episode 22 (BlackGryph0n)
Episode Link
Elements of Absurdity - Episode 7
Episode Link
Successful Meetups
Argentina Meetup
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Another awesome brony meetup at Parque Rivadavia! And it was a special one, as we honored the marriage of two of our local members, royal Canterlot style!
We even have a video summary this time around!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
My Little Pony PVP - Minecraft
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Name: My Little Pony PVP
Server Address:
Website: http://
Official Video: watch?v=xBdlHMFrYGk
MLP PVP is a pony versus pony server where you can fight everypony and anypony by yourself or team up against others to a fight to the death! This is possibly one of the ULTIMATE MLP PVP server ever created. It is fully protected against hacking ,x-ray and spamming. All of our customers are fully satisfied with the service that our server provides.You can create your own faction,play survival games,use unique special weapons,choose classes,such as earth,unicorn,pegasus and more,perform server side auctions,ride mobs,earn money to purchase weapons,blocks and other neat stuff on the server. You can purchase VIP or blocks with REAL money. Griefing is allowed and anything goes! We work on the server daily to provide you the very best MLP servers every created!

CNY Lasertag - Syracuse, NY
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The CNY brony group is going to be doing a laser tag meet up at fun warehouse.
link to the facebook event page-->
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Themed Soaps
Derpy Pillow
Baby Pony Ornaments