News time guys! Have an edition made by a Calpain with 9 hours of sleep over 3 days. Woo!
MLP FiM: The Lost Kingdom
The Lost Kingdom fan game has released a trailer for you all to see! Check it out below.
Video and Blog
Game Info
Battle Gameplay (Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Spike and Hawkeem):
Battle Gameplay (Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Derpy and Rarity):
Overworld Gameplay:
A Companies Franchise Gets Mixed With Pony
The creators of the Deponia franchise have decided to pony it up by referencing themselves as 'Deponya'. Check out the official Facebook page below.
Ponies Appear on Backyard Monsters Game
Facebook Link
Doodle or Die Opens MLP Section
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The flash based drawing website Doodleordie has created specific groups and has made the first My little Pony group for users to draw and describe all things pony related.
Proof of post:
The group itself:
and examples of what doodleordie is:
The Canterlot Voice - Episode 9
Hello, everypony!
Yet another podcast this week with Nemmy and I embracing the many things has to offer. Which is quite a lot, actually.
Episode Link
So You Think You're a Brony? Season 2, Episode 6
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The SYTYAB Team is back on schedule! Still missing a member... but back on schedule! Sadly Dakota was banished to his home dimension when his name was spoken backwards, He'll be back though, Till then it all belongs to BronyMike and ZeZe!
Episode Link
Elements of Absurdity - Episode 6
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Good Evening, Everypony! Through the hectic activity of Back To School and what not, the cast at Elements of Absurdity still strive to keep you entertained and up to date! In today's random adventure, DJ FrewtLewps, DJ Octaviapus, and DJ SpriteShine kick back and have a more laid back show. While in the process of reading "My Little Dashie" for the first time, DJ SpritesShine makes time to show you what he found in his news feed on FaceBook. As our special guest, Liquid Cobalt agrees to an interview, letting us in his mind to find out what we want to know. Octaviapus tries to download ALL OF THE INTERNETS, with an approximate 0% Success. What other crazy and mentally unstable things have this trio in store for you? Find out for yourself.
Our Migration from SoundCloud is finally complete and we have uploaded the first two episodes of EoA. We are still looking for artists to participate in our Neil Armstrong Tribute contest. Grand Prize winner receives a signed drawing by DJ SpriteShine himself.
And finally, due to school, Elements of Absurdity will be uploaded once a week instead of twice. Look forward to it :) Hope you all had a wonderful summer and good luck scholars!
And finally, due to school, Elements of Absurdity will be uploaded once a week instead of twice. Look forward to it :) Hope you all had a wonderful summer and good luck scholars!
Successful Meetups
Queensland Bronies Wrap Up Winter
The Queensland Bronies decided to wrap up winter (it's Australia, we're upside down here) in style, with a meetup the likes of which we've never had! Awesome amounts of fun were had, with games and events for everyone. We met in the park and had a day filled with scavenger hunts, trivia competitions, cosplay contests, cupcakes, races and more. There were prizes like plushies, customs and rare toys, plus a group lunch and many good times for everyone! Suffice to say, the day was amazing fun!
If you're a brony from Queensland, Australia, come and join our ever-growing community here:
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Bronies of Charleston
Dutch Meetup
Fillies and gentlecolts,
The next Dutch Brony meet (#7) will take place saturday the 8th of September at HAL 16 (Utrecht) once again. Start time is 12:00, as usual. Entrance and drinks/snacks are again free of charge and of course we will have several events and contests.
Please see for more information.
--------------------------------------------------------------Pony Fantasy Football League
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We delayed a fantasy football league a week but I wanted to reach out to you to see if anyone at EQD was interested in joining. We will be giving away pony-related prizes to the top winners. Please advise if you require additional info on the league.
Password: mylittlepony
Draft time: Friday Sept 14th at 7:00 PM