You guys just love that writing thing. So much so that Noble Cause needed a bit of time to get it all compiled! It looks like quite a few people hit the 50k mark this year. That's straight up impressive guys! I get tired after just a paragraph.
And because of that, I'll let Noble take over from here. Head on down past the break for a list of entries and his closing speech!
Free time at last, free time at last, thank Luna nightly, free time at last! ... to write this roundup!Fillies, gentlecolts and participants, I want to sincerely, PROFUSELY apologize for how long this has taken. A month’s wait (nearly) is inexcusable, even for me. Work and real life were kicking me in the head with stress and other stuff. By the time I was recovered enough from the work week to even consider writing this up, it would be Sunday night and I would need to be going to bed for work in the morning.I am so very sorry for the wait. Next year, and the other events I’m planning, won’t be delayed like this.Speaking of other events, I pitched this at a few of the participants, and want to see what everypony thinks. We have NaPoWriMo in August, yes, but for those of you that really enjoy writing, I was also considering running Writing Week events (15 K in a week) in December, March and June, and perhaps random Writing Day events at points. What do you all think?In that same vein, as I write this, I’m creating a NaPo tumblr this weekend. It’ll have the rules and regulations for these events, announcements when the next event is coming up, and pep talks there that will mirror what goes up here on EqD. However, as some of you know, this is a one-pony show (this entire post took me four and a half hours), and since my paychecks all go to bills IRL, actual webspace isn’t doable, so tumblr it is. That being said, I’m also thinking of putting a donation button on said tumblr, if you’d be inclined to donate to help me along... the donations would go towards more prizes, BIGGER prizes (bundles of games to give to your friends, the humble bundles when they come around...) and me running even more writing events. I’d like your input on that, as well. I won’t implement the button unless there are folks that actually do want to donate.Now that that’s settled, onto the meat and potatoes of this long-coming post! Please note that since it’s been such a delay on my end that many of these works are either past the 50 K by now, have added to their word count, or have gone from incomplete to complete. I highly suggest looking into each and every writer here, just for the sheer fortitude of participating. Also, some of these documents may be locked so you’ll have to ask permission. Just a heads up.First, I’d like to announce the ostensible “winners” here, those that actually pulled off 50 K or more. This section is just to show off folks that really busted tail doing it. No special consideration for prizes, just me being impressed and proud.In no particular order:
Cloudhammer - The St. Louis Massacre - 51170 -
Anomaly - Keeper of Life - 50,184 - 0By5eTwRUaf8sZUpodk1kVEdzNEk/ edit
Arby Works - The Dragon's Notebook - 50,136 - Notebook Silvertie - The Conversion Bureau: A Kinder World - 52,626 - Bureau%3A-A-Kinder-World Raising Shadows - Cutie Mark Sentai Crusader - 93,131 - fyRk4EWTO3gVcONrqHS6I4kL5s9fw/ edit Tash - Memories of Dawn - 54,125 - 1O6WVmxhEkPCQBv4BckmvKlE38dHlo 0LnmjE5egDdihw/edit Omgitsapally - Twisted Fate - 67,191 - Aegis Shield - What Princesses Need - 57,942 - Need ABagOVicodin - The Remaining Five (29,202) ( ), I'm Not Proud Of My Special Talent (14,358) ( ), The Waiting Game (3,047) ( story/48181/The-Waiting-Game ), If I Can't Have My Dream, You Can't Either (3,547) ( ) [50,147 total]My-Dream%2C-You-Can%27t-Either Dr. Hammer - Book of Monsters I - 50,840 - No linkLimerick - The Gentlecolts Club - 53,372 - No linkjaysnotreal - Ace in the Hole - 50,654 - Yukito - Paradox - 52,348 - 5BNaPoWriMo%5D Luna-tic Scientist - The Last Days Of Discord - 50,211 - CNQXAhXDQVPE0PMhsXf2zyCjAC0t0r BA/edit Goblin Scribe - Harmony (29,216), Two Generations Past (38,172) ( ) [67,388 total]Past Joyce Carleton - Land of Dreams - 57,727 - -QNhKYQVJtO1Uvm3A6YC-cFlk/ edit?pli=1 headless_rainbow - Luna’s Lunacy - 62,902 - No - The Dark Mare Rises - 64,494 - Rises Invisible Cadance - Forgotten Kingdom - 50,209 - (very unedited, as a note from the author)1exJtUEfotHHseo7r9gyGcfIxTM6Qp o04XD_6btqqq3k/edit The Unnamed Pawn - An Empty World - 50,182 - No linkBlayze Kohime - Hearts (23,692), Hooves (26,421) [50,133 total], No links *Returning participant, 2 years in a row!*Prismatic Pretzel - Organically Grown - 50,100 - No link *Returning participant, 2 years in a row!*Sakunyan - Paper Spike and the Thousand Year Door - 50,109 - the-Thousand-Year-Door Ionuneos - The Reverstone - 50,654 - Durandal - Tales of an Equestrian Mare - 50,341 - Equestrian-Mare unoservix - no title yet - 52,439 - No linkTrixie's Hat - Trypophobia - 50,196 - 18cxUiZyIqeIsRu7Aw6hui11Zjxppx yxVzCXezHVy2CQ/edit Now for everypony else that participated:Knight Tyrfang - Now Hiring - 18,531 - Legendary Emerald - The Subordinate Six - 8,941 - No linkTimeBaby - If a Pony Catch a Pony - 28,972 - Pony heavyweaponspony - Ruins of Canterlot - 3,314 - Kaorin - Weaving Harmony - 5,203 - No linkHeartshine - Fallout Equestria: Echoes of Harmony - 16,148 - (and) oShVqJpggRUpws/edit document/d/ 1Ndc06X6YdBKxw8spYnu8xCR301onb _coGrggVdt8rmU/edit Frosty Breeze - What a Show - 2,155 - 18RadHlR7QBUh72_ IEKwR5Yux7WphCjiP_BnXq9grtMw Soviet - Enemies Within - 7,299 - No linkTheCrazedTurkey - Loose Ends - 19,710 - OmniscientTurtle - Time at the Librarium - 11,751 - 1pPYgCLhn4vxcdZkTgr1NEhl82dPNm 8ktGEnHORlsCz8/edit Coconutswallow - Muffin Conspiracy (8,703), Where Evil Knows Your Name (7,015), To Run an Orchard (1,881), How to Polish Your Armor (882), and Not That Easy Is It, Twilight? (397) [18,878 total] - No linksshadowfalcon76 - Warriors of the Crystal - 36,087 - Crystal Alexstrazsa - The Rise of Iron Mare - 9,868 - Mare Broniemasters - Chaos is in Bloom - 21,069 - No linkFluttersyke - A Long Way From Equestria - 33,064 - 1EE0goGs92LUFkFc8CUK8w8TfxYESy KPTtOAfwSPMyS8 Dawning Ark - Bountiful Rainbows - 33,560 - 1V9cP9FZAwdvB37xTyj- Be3ipyGaYdwEk-o-l-BCZMKk/edit Matt B - When We’re Sixty-Four - 3,960 - Taren - Disgraced - 20,525 - No linkLegible Audio - Tweaking the Elements - 1,381 - XL3rdgYSOyM9EMt0L- XiI0oIIg2IoMkfSDg SkyTail - Ponyville's Crossroad Crisis - 35,458 - No linkTailsFox88 - Change the Stars (Working title) (25,604), One Day More (4,694) ( ), Applebloom's Cutie Mark (Working title) (1,235) [31,533 total]WeAreBorg - The 6th Element - 10,070 - cosby7 - The What and Whatiful Who - 35,497 - No linkDavid Flores - …Nothing Can Go Wrong (or) When opertunity presents itself... - 2,788 - No linkGeorg - Memiri Starblaze Ch1 (5,400) ( ), Memiri Starblaze Ch2 (4,500) ( o/edit document/d/ ), Concept Art (9,200) ( ADhx3U2bzVsXQw/edit story/45648/Concept-Art ), In Celestia We Trust (2,800) ( ), Genealogy (or the Mating Habits of Nocturnes Pegasi) (17,000) ( document/d/1Ke0Ez9KE69SCam- ) [29,700 total]GusyJYOKZfcUHfu_pTm9xDL2Jjho/ edit FPLOON - IntenseDebate: The Equestrian Saga - 2,277 - No linkNohbrows - Clipped - 2,636 - 1s1C6lhtGisT2XYpDIdmiDimRDzT0w 9CtMqOYfXEDDSg/edit Fistful of Apples - (M6)^4 - 20,432 - Mr. Writerman - Otherworldly Collaboration - 28,219 - No linkSebiale - Untitled Fallout Equestria story - 341 - No linkThe Conflicted Writer - Celestia's Daughter - 17,938 - Daughter Wing Nut - Crash - 30,654 - No linkThe Sweezlenub - The Forging of Harmony - 17,256 - Harmony Forum Explorer - Discord’s Heir - 10,694 - Séamus P - Depth Perception - 10,422 - Altonyc - Meteorology - 12,667 - Johanson - The Hands of Travesty - 8,008 - No linkPath_of_Cloud - The Balance - 19,787 - Anonyponi - Leviathan - 1,659 - No linkCrazy Laughter - Predatory - 33,286 - BrookwoodBronco - Pony For Christmas II (The Ballad of Celestia) - 10,581 words - Christmas-II-%28The-Ballad-of- Celestia%29 Elijah Goldberg - One Small Favor (6,142), There and Back Again (2,208) [8,620 total] - No linksBronyEagleScout - Help Is On The Way - 15,561 - Quillery - Cheerilee's Day Off - 12,723 - Off Pinkietalia - The Lost Storm - 8,251 - Zeroxion564 - Give and Take - 17,619 - Spark Valor - Lonely Is The One Who Endures: The Life of Spark Valor - 9,090 - Who-Endures%3A-The-Life-of- Spark-Valor Achaian - Equestrian Concepts - 7,071 - Concepts Undermine - Siblings - 13,893 - Goober Trooper - Alleys - 17,741 - Nick Kovari - Midnight in Manehattan - 3,202 - Manehattan Comrade - Out of Touch - 4,467 - Artsofallkinds - Camp Brony - 7,164 - Rudneve - Harmony's Rule - 16,247 - MisterJayBrown - A Life Worth Living - 3,460 - 1z48WFCWrr9STin3wSQZrhz8gAuHCy wuBdkyuEK13aMA/edit Horsegirl123- Nightmares Alive- 40,143- 10RuxTBhCTOMZslL7DUmkMVqOdlHwF OM9G702nZMMRtM/edit Plistry - THE ADVENTURES OF PLISTRY AND ZAP: Escape from the Everfree Forest - 18,209 - 1trLxCD6ebpHiG_f5kYbGTdBX_ XN8Tb_logdXgk5Mg9w ElementOfKindness - Risen - 2,753 - rosebug - Subpar Substitutes - 21,272 - No linkScarf Ace - Alpha Omega Quadruple - 35,377 - (Note from Noble: This one’s actually a NIFTY flippable e-book thing. Downloadable, too, if you like)quadruple Eratosthenes - Diary of a Royal Guard - 5,982 - Runbow Dash - A Friend Like Me - 8,992 - 324483082 Krysto - Equestrian Underground - 20,800 - Underground Jiray - I'm on a train to Canterlot (535), My little Terraformers (1,851), Friendship and Secrets - Chapter 4 (1,584), Life on the farm (131) [4,101 total] - No linksGWFan - Spiral: The Strangeness of Ponyville - 8,648 - Strangeness-of-Ponyville Herd 42 - The Fall of Eternity - 44,800 - No link (Note from Noble: A collaborative effort! These guys are wicked cool!)Impossible Numbers - Didgeridoo - 6,385 - PHEW! So, that’s the tally of EVERYBODY that sent something in.Oh, wondering about me? 76 words. Yeah. I realized it was dreck on the last day, and that’s when I started fresh, thinking I could write a couple thousand words. Then I went and got distracted. Anyway...So, for those wanting totals, that’s 94 participants, not counting myself. Nearly a HUNDRED folks that went in on this. Over double last year, which was somewhere around the low 40’s.The word count? heh heh... ehehehehe... um... well, with the 50 K folks up there, it comes in at 1,490,951 words. Everyone under 50 K? 905,320 With ALL of you? 2,396, 271. That’s right, you all wrote over 2.3 million words. Be PROUD of that, bronies! And this was just in a month, with the current totals. Some of you have written MORE on these fics, others have written multiple fics since... I can’t stop being amazed.Average wordcount, over everybody? 25,492. Thought you’d like to know.Oh yes, and before I forget! I promised prizes, did I not? The following authors have won STEAM CODES from the amazing Strife:Zeroxion564Fistful of ApplesMr. WritermanHeartshinePlease contact me at for a steam code for a game.I also have CASH PRIZES from the awesome Fresh Blood! Following authors, please contact me, and I’ll get you in contact with him for a £20 prize:Trixie’s HatNotARealPony.comCrazy LaughterJirayGoober TrooperComradePlease contact me at for your hookup for actual MONEY!For the record, I used for my number generation. I selected the steam codes winners, removed them from the lineup, then adjusted the tally and selected the cash prize winners. Congratulations to all of you and WELL DONE!From one writer to another, I hope to see you again next year... or hopefully sooner. I love you all!- Noble Cause, going to go rest her eyes now... and maybe do something less stressful. Like play Black Mesa.