• Story Updates August 17th (Morning)

    Story updates: Mobile edition.  Apparently my new cell phone has some pretty badass 4g for this.

    Story: Guardians of Magic (New Part 8!)

    [Romance] [Comedy] [Crossover] [Adventure] [Human]

    Author: Shire Folk
    Description: When dark creatures begin appearing in Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna summon the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot. Before the six ponies can arrive, though, four strange ponies are expelled from a portal that appears in the throne room, and they explain that Equestria is not the only place at risk from these creatures. Thus begins an adventure that will reveal a greater destiny for Ponyville's librarian than she could have ever dreamed of. Kingdom Hearts/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover. Pairings undisclosed.
    Guardians of Magic


    Story: The Sisters Doo (Update Part 9!)


    Author: Ponky
    Description: Daring Do seeks a favor from her sister in Ponyville. Due to buried grudges, things quickly get out of hoof. Bleak pasts are revisited, dark secrets unearthed, innocent children foalnapped, and Rainbow Dash might just die of happiness along the way.
    The Sisters Doo


    Story: My Little Alicorn (Update Story 2 Part 9!)

    [Normal] [Random] [Dark]

    Author: InsertAuthorHere
    Description: At long last, Luna has found the perfect prank to outdo Celestia: turn her into a filly and stage a fake takeover of Equestria! That is, it would have been perfect were it not for that pesky fine print..
    (All Links After the Break!)

    My Little Alicorn


    Story: The Gauntlet Blazes On (New Part 6!)


    Author: Cerulean Pen
    Description: "Her final wish was for you to be her. Rainbow wants you to survive her spirit, her loyalty to be more exact. She needs you. She needs you to be the Element of Loyalty, Scootaloo."
    The Gauntlet Blazes On


    Story: The Immortal Game (Update Part 23!)

    [Adventure][Grimdark] We sure do get a lot of grimdark lately. It's surprising too, most of the pre-readers dislike it!

    Author: AestheticB
    Description: Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there lived a powerful King and his dark Queen. Immortal and ignorant, their end came at the hooves of their daughters, Celestia and Luna, who sought to build a better future for ponykind.

    Now ponykind’s old gods have returned.

    Twilight Sparkle is trapped inside her own mind, slave to a cruel and impulsive consciousness built from everything she is not. Powerless and voiceless, she must find a way to stop the being that calls itself Nihilus from destroying everything she holds dear.

    Luna is tasked with assembling the remaining Elements of Harmony in hopes of freeing their leader. For if ponykind is to have any hope, it is in Twilight Sparkle. And if Twilight Sparkle is to have any hope, it is in her five friends.

    Facing her father in mortal combat, Celestia must do everything she can to ensure that ponykind has the tools to survive before she falls. With inevitable defeat bearing down upon her, she makes the first move in the oldest and deadliest game known to creation.
    Ponies make War


    Story: At Home On The Range (Update Alternate Ending Part 12!)

    [Normal] [Shipping]

    Bronius Maximus
    Description: Rainbow Dash finally did it! A sonic rainboom on command! Except she also managed to break every window in Applejack's farmhouse in the process. Now she has to pay for each one, and with her wages from managing the weather not nearly enough to cover the damage, she has to work on Applejack's farm for two whole weeks!

    Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. Still, maybe it wouldn't be all bad. At least she would get to hang out with her friend AJ right? Wrong.
    At Home On The Range