Silly Luna, the moon isn't really made of cheese! If you eat that thing you're going to get a wicked bad tummy ache.
News time guys! Not as short as last night so sit back and relax for a spell as we give you your nightly dose of pony news.
Plushie Contest - Win a Plush of Your OC! Immortalize Yourself Today!
Ever wanted a very own plush version of your OC to call your very own? Well, we've got an opportunity for you guys to get one! Read below for more details.
The facebook group My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (

Eurobeat Brony's "Discord" Available for Rock Band 3 on the PS3!
After a long wait, Rock Band fans playing the PS3 version are now able to jam out to the tune of Eurobeat's "Discord". Check out the source for this information here.
Toys R Us Pony Sale!
You heard right, Toys R Us is having a limited time sale where you can buy one pony toy and get another one for 40% off! If you've been looking to pad your pony collection now is a good time to do so. After all, you can never have enough pony!
Toys R Us Site
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog's Catches Pony Fever
I'm sure most of you have heard of the pony parodies of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog that are all over Youtube. Well, it seems like the Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog's Facebook page has caught on to the trend and has linked a pony parody of the Bad Horse Chorus for their fans to see! It's gotten what appears to be a positive response so far so go pay the page a visit and leave your own response.
Facebook Page
Bioware Social Network MLP Thread Hits 1000 Pages in a Year!
Over on the Bioware Social Network the MLP thread has hit 1000 pages in about a years time! This reminds me so much of my forum crawling days when I would see pony threads from across the net get to ridiculous lengths no matter where you went. Good job pony fans over there on BSN! Keep that community strong!
"Nearly 25,000 posts. About 825,000 views."
Ponibooru Film Night - Paprika
Those crazy chaps running the Ponibooru Film Night are at it again, this time showing and commenting on the movie Paprika!
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"It's Friday again, and you know what that means. More bizarre filmmaking for you to gawp at! And we have something truly nutty for you this week: The modern animated classic, Paprika.
We'll be waiting for you at
Your hosts for the evening are:-
Harlequin Jester
Elements of Absurdity - Episode 2
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In this episode we talk about PMV's and have another interview with a brony who is looking for one more person to do a ponification of Linkin Park.
Episode Link
Ukofe Podcast - Episode 17
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We are back after a long break, with a podcast centred around BUCK the uk brony convention
We had a live podcast up on stage was a lot of fun, hope all those who saw it enjoyed it too
The Canterlot Voice - Episode 8 - Frenchy Fanfictions and Charity Fan Art
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The Canterlot Voice is back with Noctriix as a new host, with a new podcast look, and a new Canterlot member to interview!
Join us as we talk about Weird Al's pony interests, the topic of how maturity might surpass age, and how the first episodes of MLP:FiM might not be the best to show others.
BroNEcast - Episode 19
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This week, we weren't sure what to discuss, so we decided to write a fan fic on the spot. Join us for a magical tale involving yard sales, comics, Peter Parker, bad impressions, Batmare, and bombs.
Yeah.. we're not sorry.
Podcast Link
Successful Meetups
Philippine Bronies Anniversary
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Photo gallery: Facebook
Easy to read bullet form (sort of)
- Announcement of things to come in PHPonycon 2013
- Cosplay Contest with Twilight Sparkle who sang BBBFF, Twiligh Sparkle from Lesson Zero, Applejack, Fluttershy and an OC (I think) Apple core
- Live musical performances by the Philippine Brony Chorus, including: Winter Wrap Up, The Flim Flam Brother's Song, Their own compositions and more
- Olive Cruz's entrance with the Plushies and the Zerg rush of the Bronies
- Special Guest Roid Rage apparently, with the Bronies screaming "YYYEAAAAHHHH" all over the places
- A Freedom Wall
- Food merchandise included: Cupcakes, Apple Fritters, Apple Pies, Mini Pies, Sugar Cookies and more Cupcakes.
- PHB Auction where a set of Keychains sold for Php 1300.00 ($30.87) and a Fluttershy Plushie sold for Php 2700.00 ($64.11)
- Special Guests: Copy Pasta and Alduin the dog.
- Lost moneys were returned. Honesty prevails!!!
but of course with the good things, comes the bad
- The Hotel didnt serve enough food, in my opinion. Had to go to McDonald's afterwards.
- The Aircon was HAWT or are we just that hyper?
- We broke a wine glass... again
AbqBrony Meetup
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Abqbrony board game night in At Kaboom Test Lab in Albuquerque was an triumph! 8 bronies showed up, representing both the Abqbrony crew, a Rio Rancho group (whose facebook page I can't find). Apples to Apples and Pictionary were played till the store closed. Then we raided both Walmart and Toys-R-Us, seeking out blind bags and other pony goodies.
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Chaos Is Magic Board Seeks More!
MLP PvP Minecraft Server
Guild Wars 2 - The Greater Brony Alliance
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Game: Guild Wars 2
Guild Name: The Greater Brony Alliance [MLP]
Server: Jade Quarry (US)
Website: http://twentypercooler.
The Greater Brony Alliance is a guild formed from the union of two brony guilds, one of which was the old unofficial EQD guild that I (Sarda The Sage) made during BWE1 back in April because Sethisto was busy with TERA at the time. The goal of this merger and the resulting guild was to create a large, active, and friendly community of bronies to act as the flagship brony guild for GW2. As of right now, our website has 97 registered members, 49 of whom have logged in so far today (roughly 70% seem to be active or at least checking the forums). With the flexible guild member cap in GW2, we have no plans to stop recruiting anytime soon, so we welcome any and all bronies to come play GW2 and explore Tyria with us. If you are interested, apply on the website (don't worry, everyone gets accepted) and come say hi on the forums. We hope to see you in Tyria soon!
AbqBrony Running of the Leaves
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Abqbronies, a brony group for Albuquerque and central New Mexico, is organizing a small Running of the Leaves race and celebration on September 22nd at 12:00. As seen on the map ( ) the distance is only 1 mile and the aim is to have fun. If you're not interested in racing, consider volunteering to help make this event a success. Anyone is welcome to participate but they must get in contact with me (either at matt(dot)bohnhoff(at)gmail(dot)com or through our group on the Rainbow Dash Network) to register for the event!
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Pony Themed Pillows
Derpy Plushie