Scheduled Roundup edition as I'm not feeling too well tonight and will be sleeping (hopefully) by the time you all read this.
Have some news!
Glorious Cake!
Finally we get some cake! You guys need to hop to it and bake some more for us to showcase.
Portugal Satire Website Reports on Ponies
Ponies continue to spread across the globe it seems! Recently they have popped up on a Portugal satire website called Inimio Publico, which is like the Onion of Portugal, in a short article. Check out the original article here and the translation provided to us below.
"Grown men who love 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' created a fanclub of António José Seguro" <- some politician, I don't know.
There exists in Portugal an evergrowing minority of grown men who love the cartoon series "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" (created to teach the value of friendship to 7-11 year old girls), calling themselves "bronies" (slang combining bro, abbreviation of "irmão" and pony).
From what the IP (Inimigo Público) has brought together, these men, who cannot resist these cuddly, pretty and harmless things in its innocence decided to create a community that worships António José Seguro, as they don't miss a public statement of the general-secretary of PS, in which he tries to teach the value of expansionist public politics to European leaders towards ages 7 to 77, statements compiled by these fans in a DVD titled "My Little Seguro: Economic Growth is Magic". These men that share the apparent irrational admiration towards António José Seguro call themselves "dudonhas", slang that mashes "dude" and "panhonhas" (from what I gathered it translates to fools, I don't know, this makes sense if you're Portuguese)
Radio Brony France
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My name's Astaen, I'm an host on the first and only French webradio inspired by the show My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic.
We're airing pony music 24/7, podcasts and radio shows.
The website isn't FULLY finished, but still include a forum, a chat, and of course, the player.
"Bonjour everypony !
Je me présente, Astaen, animateur de la toute première et unique webradio de France 100% brony.
Radio Brony France diffuse 24/7 de la musique inspirée de la série My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic et des émissions régulières ... avec du poney dedans !
Toute l'équipe et moi même sommes fière d'annoncer son ouverture, et nous vous réservons plein de surprises pour les jours à venir.
Le site dispose d'un forum et d'un chat si vous souhaitez discuter entre bronies passionés.
En espérant vous y retrouver, à bientôt !"
The Midnight Run - Update
According to The Midnight Run staff, ibeabronyrapper has had to cancel due to family issues. As a replacement, Xane, another upcoming brony DJ will be hosting next week's Free Music Friday.
Successful Meetups
Northern Ireland
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The Bronies of Northern Ireland had their first meeting today (10/08/2012). 18 Bronies and friends from all over the country met outside the odyssey arena (in the unusually sunny weather) for a few games of bowling and some good grub in a local restaurant. Keep an eye on
forum/ for future events!
Groups/Meetups/Guilds Looking for More
Bronies MKE Update
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This Sunday, come on out and join over 60 party ponies as we hang out, eat food, dance to music, watch videos, participate in contests, win prizes, and have an awesome time. Music and videos will be provided by REO Mobile Media, the fine folks who were at Bronycon Summer 2012.
Cosplaying welcome and encouraged, we will have a competition, but perhaps bring a second set of clothes in case of weather.
Sign up here:
Or sign up here: https://www.facebook.
DayZ Brony Meetup
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Hello, I am organizing a gaming meetup in the game Arma2 for the mod
DayZ a zombie survival game this Sunday, more then likely this will
become a weekly/nightly thing.
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Derpy Plush
Wonderbolts Jacket
My Little Wallet (Auction 1, Auction 2, Animation)
Trixie Perler Pony