What it says on the tin. Go and tell her how pretty her wings are (the answer is so pretty) this Saturday. Official press release below the break, where words are written by people not currently struggling to stay conscious.
Dear Princess Celestia,
This year we learned first-hoof about the true Magic of Friendship and the power of community. Hundreds of ponies are coming to Seaddle from all over the world and we've gotten so much help from so many of them that we never would have been able to do this without them. We also learned about the importance of believing in yourself and never giving up, no matter how difficult things may seem sometimes. When we first planned this event, we never expected so many ponies to come to our party! We are so excited that you've decided to join us at Everfree Northwest, and we are sure that everypony is looking forward to sharing with you what they've learned about Friendship.
Your faithful students,
The Everfree Northwest Staff
Yes, it's true, Nicole Oliver joins us for one day only this Saturday at Everfree Northwest! Please put your hooves on the floor and give a warm welcome to none other than the voice behind Princess Celestia herself.
Artwork once again thanks to the incredible catwhitney.deviantart.com
Don't forget to check out Ponystock, our exclusive lineup of Pony musicians who will rock Seattle all weekend in a kick-flank concert series!
PLEASE NOTE: If you have pre-purchased a badge(s) from us, you can now log into your account on our site and print your quick check-in barcode voucher. Please click here to log in!